Is there anything good about being a man?

Is there anything good about being a man?

You can really enjoy fingering your butthole

Um no..

you get to pee standing up

You can't be that much of a bitch

this and nothing else

I enjoy having a penis and not being an over emotional bitch that bleeds out the pussy every month

I actually came to write this. Ive seen tons of dirty toilets and when you realize that women are just as disgusting as men it’s just very, very sad what they put themselves through

It's true, you should try.

Prostatic stimulation. Women don't have this!

Not really.

>Better Salary, plus we can enjoy video games without being a weirdo

>Better Salary

Yeah and longer hours and more schooling. Fan fucking tastic.

>Video games

Who cares??

Not being a woman

You get to have your nutsack slap a woman when you fuck her.


K. Keep me posted.

Easilly the best part of being a man is that you are not a woman.

Suicide is always an option. That's one upside.

women can kill themselves too, they just dont because they fail more often than they succeed.

Most men just put a gun in their mouth and pull the trigger.

i know and its awesome, the freedom to end it if you want, women dont got the balls for it.

If some crazed man 40 years your senior get's control you and your friends get to die in large numbers for a reason nobody really understands.

That's not good at all.

Your ability to destroy and create is far greater than anything else on earth. Men are pretty much the best at everything. With the exception of brainlets and manlets.

peeing standing up
you are not in that much risk to be raped
you can avoid shaving and nobody's gonna judge you
nobody will call you a slut if you like fucking

on the other hand if you're a female
any court will believe you if you cry
if you get a divorce you'll end up keeping money, children and house
you can get in any club
if you fuck too much other girls will slut shame you
you'll hardly make carreer if you don't fuck someone