Daily Reminder that Abortions are OK and morally right

Daily Reminder that Abortions are OK and morally right.

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The real question is do we want to put women in charge of who lives and who dies? I've never met a women who wasn't lying about every aspect of their life but they all have good intentions. We're really throwing our futures into the grasps of naivety when we have these discussions, regardless I support pro life movements.

I meant pro choice, full derp brain today

are fetuses people?

ok retard

>women: who lives/dies
>never met a woman whos not lying about their life
>giving women who are naive the power over our future
where's the 'our future' part? We're talking about abortion

I just leave this here...

>her body her choice
Unless the baby is female in which case it’s not really her choice is it

>Kill the baby
You can’t kill something that isn’t alive yet.

Checkmate sjw

its body its choice she cant choose if it lives or dies her fault if she got knocked up

this doesn't exactly count, rabbits have a different kind of placenta

But rabbits lay eggs...

Good point! I'd like to subscribe to your news letter.

no we're talking about morality, I know time isn't something you think about a lot but these choices have an impact whether you like it or not.


>this thread

and I never said women's naivety. Stop putting words in peoples mouths or you'll never stop being a sad atheist, be a happy one.

>Choosing to kill an innocent baby because she a whore
Bitch do you know that women become depressed after they dump the lil alien?

It's a collection of cells, just like any other piece of biomass on the planet. It's not a person yet, no one but the mother should get that decision.

why does the father have no say in the matter? :^)


sure kid

Right wing people be like

fuck morals i hate niggers and migrants

morals are very important and its immoral to abort children

u fukin wot m8

>no we're talking about morality,
that's called taking responsibility.

It’s not his. He’d be too stupid to care for a infant. Men are just sperm donors.

equally responsible with the guy for the "knock up" process.

this retarded

Daily reminder you're wrong

sure kid

shit bait, cuck, try harder

Human children > nigger animals

What can't u understand?

use protection womens fault if she lets him inside unprotected or doesnt protect herself

You're just a collection of cells, too.


Thanks for the obvious. The fact that I am me doesn't give me meaning. Doesn't give the fetus meaning either.

and what you're doing is called ignoring reality, You wanna know why men get fucked over in divorces? because women are expected to deal with the little shits that come out of them and everyone knows they are less capable of financing it because they aren't opportunistic twits.

Abortion is bad, it can fuck up a woman both mentally and physically. But it should be legal, because if it is illegal it will make a black market that will thrive on illegal abortions, also some of the kids that are not aborted will end up in orphanages and in the worst case scenario some kids will end up on the street.
tl dr;
Abortions is a necessary evil.

Not OP, but interesting point, I never thought about it like that.

I'm not religious at all. But my morality tells me it's wrong. Every single human that has ever existed was once a fetus. To me it is wrong to terminate a fetus whether you consider it conscious or not. It is stage one of the human life cycle. Abortion is ending life at its most vulnerable stage. A life the will never get to live and experience anything. You have no idea what that single life could have accomplished or failed at. You are robbing this life of existence itself.

If you truly want to avoid having an unwanted child then be responsible and use proper birth control methods or medication. This goes for both women and men. You could also give an unwanted child up for adoption. There are many couples out there unable to have children that would be willing to care for it.

Unless the pregnancy is endangering the mother's life, I'm against it.

Again, I'm not religious. This is my own morality.

so... no

exactly, leaving it unmanaged is an admittance that you're not even aware of an even worse moral issue.

>Impliying that the body that is creating inside hers doesn't get to be represented.

Yay, murder is morally correct! I love you, Sup Forums.

take it as what you want, you're just showing everyone how ignorant you are to what we'd be facing without it. Naivety has been brought up and frankly there's no excuse for it anymore, thanks internet.

What if your mother aborted you, user? Huh?!

dude if you can't handle recognizing a necessary evil you might as well take yourself out now because noone wants to be around when you snap. Grow up

Same to you buddy. Some of the things you think aren't true but you won't believe that because why admit that you enjoy killing humans?

Doesn’t the Bible actually have abortion instructions?

Or, more specifically, knowing that humans are being murdered as a "necessary evil". Whatever helps you sleep at night.

give me the page number and il check i have my bible beside me

and not guy's fault for not using protection?
what the fuck

she should make sure he is using it if not dont fuck you dont want a kid dont fuck

did you have a point to make or were you just going to leave unsubstantiated claims out there in the open? It's like your talking to a mirror but don't realize it. The best part is that I know you will react in one way or another because you actually believe you have moral superiority over people that you aren't capable of understanding.

It's both their fault.

>having morals

Hi pot, I'm kettle. If you need to justify your actions, they might not be just. Think about that.

>>page number


you know what i mean the numbers

Also, how intuitive, "I know you will react in one way or another" it's almost like we're having a conversation.

its almost as if it were bait
almost as if you wanted us to say
its morrally right for you to tell a girl what to do with her body
god imagine if leftists were as pushy as rightists
all of you would be forced into gay marrage

Not recognizing your actions is no excuse for others to ignore them.

exactly, but seems to believe it's only woman's fault when he fucking nuts inside her.
what the fuck.

Keked and checked

It's almost like you know just what to say to reflect things. Say it with me, "murdering unborn children is good".

she lets him in and doesnt use protection her fault

while we're taking statements and putting opinions in people's mouths why dont you join me, "Willful ignorance makes the world a better place"

Good thing women aren't allowed to make decisions.

why all those retards arguing like they make a difference. You got no chill mates

Kek, oh how ironic. What is abortion? Is it not the termination of a pregnancy? And what comes from human pregnancies? Certenly human children if there are no natural complications. What does that mean you're doing by performing an abortion?


>the body is creating
>the body has developed to the point where it has the ability to create as opposed to the ability to develop itself or grow.

your opinion doesnt matter
you got no rights to tell another person what to do
here repeat after me

>her body
Which body are we talking about here? the woman's body, or the baby's body?

Just because you are too ignorant to use contraception doesn't permit feticide.

Sort of. It instructs you to have a priest give her magic water that will only cause miscarriage if she's been unfaithful.

If women can choose to abort, men should be able to choose not to pay child support then. I'm probably life though, but I'm pretty sure it's already agreed upon in Sup Forums that women play life on easy mode. I was once told by my nursing instructor, when she talked to just the 3 guys with me included about relationships, specifically what to avoid, and that if we got a girl pregnant and had to pay child support "forget it", but she meant our career and future since we were young. You could just run away and hope they don't track you down for your child support, but for a girl, all she has to do is abort it. Abortion really does take a away responsibility which I think makes for such shallow, airhead, heartless sociopathic type girls and guys. It just taking away responsibility for your actions just corrupts the human spirit, but yeah, I know this is Sup Forums I'm talking to

Moron see here
You get to murder someone. how's that? Individual with an actual murderous opinion.

At this point the overpopulation is so massive, first aborts and permanent contraception should be rewarded, say 500 bux each.

That’s why women mentality prepare themselves for it. And Physically? How?


Pro life*

kill all non white doesnt matter about age


It's so simple, it means you are ensuring a safe and sterile environment instead of a rented room in a crack den for shit like you to make a quick buck.

So august ames could have made the choice to kill a baby and would have been ok with what she was doing with her body. But she chose not to fuck a queer, and that was not ok.

Yeah, seems like that choice thing makes perfect sense





As clear as it is that you don't care about civility, What do you plan on doing if your daughter gets knocked up by a black guy?

The question come to :Is a baby in the womb a human or not. if it isn't then when is it a human?
Because lets start from the premise that killing humans is murder (Fuck off edgy newfags).
So if we can all decide of a reasonable moment a human becomes a human, the debate will be over.

I'm not pro-choice, i'm ANTI-LIFE


>dodging the question
Answer: ceasing the life(it has a separate heartbeat after X amount of weeks) inside the womb.
Another way to state ceasing a life is murder.

>racist complaining about civility
Teh ironing is like pottery

i do agree but the male should have a say in it. as of now they dont. so if they do not then the male should be able to walk away with no financial burden.

Nothing, she should know what happens if you have sex.

Yeah, soon cannibalism and murder will be morally right. OP is a huge faggot.

Dodging? that's the answer to the question you asked, ask a better question then you dumb fuck. I swear it's like religious nuts have no concept of logic.

You've dodged every point I've made. How do you justify knowing there is something that has proven to mitigate child mortality all across the world and you choose to neglect it? It's like water is pouring into your boat and you have 20 people with buckets wearing the buckets as hats.
