Is there a place on earth that isn't infested with niggers?

Is there a place on earth that isn't infested with niggers?

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>Is there a place on earth that isn't infested with niggers?

Yes, the oval office


Swimming pools and libraries


>Is there a place on earth that isn't infested with niggers?
>Yes, the oval office

Yes. Argentina has little to none black blokes.

max par


include me in the screencap

sup reddit

University. So many books, so little watermelon

Holy saint nicks left testicle sacks blue vein that was the greatest shit I've ever heard in a long time


holy shit

>Me retard
I don't get why its funny... Something to do with obabo?

I wish niggers would die. I'm so fucking tired of them. Everywhere I fucking look, niggers everywhere. Fuck................

Literally every time I see a nigger, this song plays in my head:

Lol oh my fucking gawd

No place exists, alaska once had one that died but then his family visited for the burial his children liked it and stayed then they had a reunion now his whole damn family and their inlaws live in alaska...thats the way she goes alaska is focked

Some small coal towns in PA I think are still nigger free.


Yeah, not now, but dealing with the roaches and mice still.


it works on two levels, yes one is that Obama is no longer there, the second is Trump's white supremacist leanings.

Thanks m8



Free internet and computers you say? That would be where they are (fashebook)