Most of you deserve death, i will be the one to kill you, maybe not here, but i will wipe the human race...

Most of you deserve death, i will be the one to kill you, maybe not here, but i will wipe the human race, i want to see people suffer, I know this sounds edgy and all, but i really wish to kill all of you, not only Sup Forums, every, single one, i won't spare anyone, but i can't i have to do my duty to suffer, one man can't do it alone, i can't make other people do that for me, i really wish to make you all suffer, i only need to break, i need to destroy my duty as family, I'm waiting for them to die, i can't kill them, I'm not weak, I'm doing my duty, i need a personal reason.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm too weak

OP is half retarded half psychopath


Noice b8 m8 I r8 7/8 c u L8


Yes, I'm very ''retarded'' but i see things different,
and i'm not a ''psychopath'' I just want different things.

>I know this sounds edgy and all

>Yes, I'm very ''retarded'' but i see things different,
>and i'm not a ''psychopath'' I just want different things.

So you want to kill everyone, Including hard working people aswell. People who try to do good. If you had a Kira complex I would understand but now you are just retarded at best.

I'm not trying to be ''edgy'' here, I just want to share my feelings for Sup Forums

If you actually manage to kill me i will give you a hundred bucks

>i just want different things
Having nigger-tier morals, like being ok with wanting to kill everyone, is pretty psychopathic

The autism is strong with you

i wasn't implying you sounded edgy, i was implying that you sound fucking pathetic.
you won't ever kill anyone.
you'll die alone.

Trying to kill the hard working people ''do the best'' will never work, the circle will always be the same.

I'm not ''psychopathic'' I just want to do the right thing, the answer have always been close to us.

Well, i have a loooong life ahead, the only way i will grow and be strong enough to kill is to break myself, i guess we will see.

I can relate

thinking wanting to kill everyone is the right thing is psychopathic
stop baiting nigger

don't be so sure about that life expectancy

Alright, maybe the word ''psychopathic'' fit, but i just want to do the right thing.

sorry, just keep falling asleep since you're a boring all-post-never-do-anything troll.

either you're killing everyone or at least your self or GTFO

also? post tits.

Dude, you sound like you watch too much TV.
You have a serious disconnect from reality.

No tits here, and i won't kill anyone, only when i have a personal reason, maybe i will kill one, maybe hundred, maybe even more, but i want a reason, a reason i can suffer in hell.

I really don't have a TV, you can belive me stranger.

Don't worry, i will do it soon enough, but right now i have a duty to suffer for my family.

good luck with all that

Thank you stranger, but is it really enough? i want so much, i will never get anything, i will only suffer and die like a worm.


Yes yes yes, very ''edgy''
how about you guys stop with this shit, i need to hear my voice again, i can't hear me anymore, I'm tired, I'm hungry, i can't sleep.


And why a seat? why a seat? I just want to do the best for humanity, i do know this sounds so ''cliche'' but the answer have always been so close to us, we all need to die to end the suffering, i want to help them.

Not with that attitude buddy, Do you ever speak to people?

OPs post contradicts itself so this thread is therefore retarded to even be posting in.
OPs post gave me retardation

Ugh. Has Christmas break started already?

the last couple of days i have been talking a little.

you're welcome, i do hope you can control this powerful power stranger.

was browsing to fap, stopped to see this, i was curious. am i a normie since this vid killed my boner?