Chicks doing gay shit with their friends thread

Chicks doing gay shit with their friends thread.

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Is that Sarah Michelle Gellar?

>lol I don't know why I keep getting yeast infections and UTIs

>Sarah Michelle Gellar

Now there's a name I haven't heard in years


Nah, every chick in the 90s looked the same.


thought the same thing, looks exactly like her

obvious shoop

there we go


Dani and Janice

>Dani and Janice
who's that now?

Boi, I told you who that is



That shave burn

It is but it's a shoop.

That's kinda hot. Hope the wiped those things down before cramming 'em in their pussies though. Handrails are some of the dirtiest things.

I heard about trimmin the hedges, but you done scorched the earth




damn that reminds of this classic stickam video

Need that sauce!

Jilled off my bf in the swimming pool one afternoon. She slept over one weekend when we had the house to ourselves.
Was a good time.

Holy fuck I remember this.

Stickam was the shit.

I'll show what an oldfag I am, I remember when Sierra was the holy grail on Sup Forums and then her video(s) showed up randomly one day on Sup Forums. There was lots of dissapoints, but I was fine with them and fapped to them a good bit.


Tell me more about this Sierra of which you speak.



i loved the Sup Forums raids.
>attentionwhore 15yr old
>Sup Forums
>attentionwhore begging for more viewers
>Sup Forums floods in with 100-200 people
>200 people flooding the chat with "show tits or gtfo
>attentionwhore loves the attention for 30-60mins
>finally goes to private
>shows tits
>Sup Forumstards gets on cam
>Sup Forumstards start to stream caps of her posting tits
>other Sup Forumstards google her s/n
>post screencaps on her social media pages (which are linked to her parents)
>attentionwhore starts to cry on cam
>more Sup Forumstards start streaming caps of her crying



Those days were fun.

Stickam was wild. No wonder they shut it down.

One time I literally fapped all night until 6Am to some little whores. They were so pretty. I can still kind of remember them. One had a cute/pretty face and a blue binkini

thats when i learned girls are just as bad if not worse than boys when it comes to jerking off.
i remember one using a turkey baster.
hand grip of a philips screw driver.
chicken bone hahaha

Just looked at Jessi Slaughter's ED page (you done goofed). She is a fat mess now.


>chicken bone


the best stickam ever was this group of three girls somehow deciding to shove some sharpie or something in one's of them pussy - maybe they got talked into it or she lost a bet/truth or dare or whatever, and they all lough and shit and she puts down trousers and hides behind a pillow and its all funny and stuff and she is shy and then the one girl fights the pillow away and spread her somehow reluctant legs apart to shove it in and goes all like "omg, shes dripping wet" .. and all laugh and she puts it in. hot.



hot sauce


hot shit

the hottest stickams are those because of which the site does no longer exist




Reported, enjoy your ban.


the last time I saw it was some years ago on ml .. never again since it disappeared also there.


i've posted this a few times but
>2 chubby teen girls with enormous tits
people convince them to go private
>i decided to stream it to tinychat
>Sup Forumstards watching private stream
>whiteknight messages girls
>girls get freaked
>start kicking people
>down to 10
>still streaming
>they show tits
>somebody links them to tinychat
>they enter tinychat
>see themselves on screen
>really creeped out
>i keep talking to them
>they're cool with it
>still streaming them on tinychat
>they still show tits
>they see themselves on tinychat showing tits
everybody wins

she was in her 20s,
google it

Certainly looks like Sara Michonne Gallagher

Remember green pain girls? That's gone too save for a few pics.


why did you report?

more please


Where did the blue chink food container come from? One time I had one that was last need with aluminum almost burnt my microwave

tfw I know exactly what you mean but it's nowhere to be found