Incest greentext thread

incest greentext thread
>bring back bootyhunter79 edition

Other urls found in this thread:

you gonna start op?

im gonna pre write mine

bootyhunter79 never left. im always on Sup Forums

o shit

Did he continue at 12 am mountain time as promised?

no i meant next week - bootyhunter79

Oh okay, on Saturday?

ive already got alot pre written... maybe it would be cool to just post what ive got and try to finish it this weekend - bootyhunter79

Absolutely mr. Hunter79

kay lemme post the first chapter link first for anyone that missed it - bootyhunter79

Holy shit is you I fell asleep when you were fuckintg her in the shower missed everything after that anyone got a screencap

Its alright dawg heres the whole first thread

here we go

>if only they knew how i would be fuucking her every single day
>if only they knew that they were letting an amazing relationship continue
>they never knew
>that day i just played some video games and chilled out with beccas tits always in the back of my mind
>them perfect tiddies
>i stay up until 1:00 in the morning like usual and drift off to sleep on accident
>the next morning i wake up to my mom calling me up stairs for breakfast
>i pull myself out of bed
>its 7:00
>fuck yeah i got 6 hours of sleep nigga
>thats a big number for me
>i get up and go upstairs
>my mom has already set up the table
>its just some lame ass pancakes
>waffles are superior
>i contemplate killing myself as i hear my mom knocking on my sisters door
>i sit down as they both walk back into the dining room
>my dad walks in after them as well
>the whole crew be here
>we start eating and talking about random shit
>sunday is the only day my parents arent busy so i guess its nice to spend time with them
>in the middle of finishing my mediocre pancakes i catch becca trying to get my attention
>i look up at her
>she looks at me
>i look at her
>this is sorta akward
>but then she bursts out laughing for some reason
>its contagious
>we both start uncontrollably giggling
>my parents are staring at us being annoyed that we interupted their talk about that bitch, betty from work
>"are you two okay?" my mom asks sarcastically
>i try to say "yeah" but the moment i stop to talk i just start laughing again
>becca and i just get up and leave the table laughing for whatever reason
>we go into the living room which is completly separated from the dining room
>i go to sit on the couch and try taking a few breaths
>shes still dying on her hands and knees in front of me on the floor
>i finally regain the ability to speak
>"what... what the fuck was that?!"


You're doing gods work Sup Forumsro

youre a beautiful man

>i fight back the waves of laughter
>"i dont fucking know!"
>she practically yelled this
>my pissy mom calls from the dining room
>"hey! watch your mouths!"
>thats enough to get her to stop laughing
>"sorry!" she calls back
>she stands up and takes a few breaths
>she was laughing so hard that tears were streaming down her eyes
>"there wasnt even anything funny"
>im acually confused but i stop giving a shit when she walks over me and sits in my lap
>her ass is right on my dick
>"i dunno it just happened"
>she leans back so her back is against my chest and her head is resting on my shoulder
>she looks so cute like this
>"hey user?"
>"did you like doing those things yesterday?"
>"well yeah... why?"
>"well i sorta had to really talk you into it..."
>"but i came back for more now didnt i?"
>i cut her off but she doesnt care because she got he answer she wanted
>she grinds her ass on my dick a little bit
>"hey ive gotta go back and eat my shitty pancakes! if i go back with a boner theyll think were doing fishy shit!"
>"hmmmm..." she whispers in my ear "you can deal with it"
>she gets up and stares at my almost fully erect bulge
>she bends over with her hands held behind her back and kisses it over my pajama pants
>fully diamonds now
>she skips back to the doorway and leaves me to deal with this problem
>im very upsetti
>i just wait there for a few trying to get it to go away but it wont
>i finally just decide to go and tell them im not hungry anywore
>i peek into the dining room
>the little slut looks up at me immediatly
>"hey im not hungry anymore so im just gonna go back to my room."
>my mom looks up
>thank Sup Forums, my boner begins to recede
>"uhhh no youre gonna finish what you got yourself bud"
>my dad is a cunt
>"well if hes not hungry then its alright"
>my mom is a superhero
>my dad just goes back to eating his nasty ass pancakes
>i send my mom a thankful look as i turn around and fuck off to the basement

i want everyone in here to post pictures of tsumugi! if you arent posting tsumugi then you better have something good to say!

>my thoughts return to what just happened in the living room
>mr.Cocky wishes to stand up
>i go back to my room and "close" my door behind me
>meat comes out
>hand goes on meat
>meat gets beat
>only seconds pass until i hear the basement stairs give a rare squeak
>i know immediatly who it is
>i dont stop as the door begins to open
>becca just grins and crawls onto the bed and gets under the covers and watches
>shes very warm as she snuggles up next to me
>shes wearing a very soft light pink hoodie
>its a color that fits her
>the hoodie is just as large as yesterday's shirt
>it covers her white short shorts with ease
>i just keep stroking and i notice her hands move and see them start to move down to her crotch
>she starts to get into things with me
>"i want you to tie me up, user"
>she doesnt stop masturbating as she looks to me
>"you said that was your fetish. you want to tie my hands and blindfold me right?"
>"oh... yeah"
>ive stopped jacking but mr.Cocky is very excited about what is happening
>i get up and throw the sheets off of her
>she has her hands in her unzipped shorts under her panties
>her thin stomach is showing just a little below her pulled up hoodie
>i go to my closet and grab two ties
>ive never really used the black and grey one but ive used the black one a few times at weddings and one funeral for my old friend
>the pussy killed himself
>but anyway i walk back to her and throw the ties on the bed and crawl over her in just my shirt
>i kiss her on her lips once
>i start to take off her hoodie
>no bra today
>shes all tiddie
>i likey
>mr.Cocky likey
>i kiss her neck as she continues to rub her cunt
>i grab the black tie
>i put it over her eyes and lift her head to tie it at the back
>i make sure she cant see and that its not too tight
>she looks almost perfect

everybody liking it so far? - bootyhunter79


Oh I got something for you

holy shit he replied to me.

thats not tsumugi...

>her soft lips slightly open and letting out soft moans
>i grab both of her hands and tie them up above her head at the wrists
>i pull her over to the side of the bed and she lets out a small "mmmhh" as i stroke her pussy through her shorts
>i pull off the last of her clothes
>i stare at her bare and fully exposed body
>shes squirming with anticipation
>i lean over her and she lets out a few moaning breaths as she feels my breath on her skin
>"please fuck me user"
>i lean to her ear and whisper "oh i will"
>she lets out a sharp gasp as my breath hits her sensitive ear
>i kiss her forehead
>i let my hands skid down her sides and stop just above her hips
>i put my dick just into her pussy
>not all the way but just barely
>she bites her lips and lets out another breathy moan
>she looks so relaxed now that she cant look at anything and and laying her head back
>it makes me want to cum right then and there
>i push in slowly
>not too slow
>she loves mr.Cocky
>"mmmm... fuck"
>she practically breaths the words
>i grab her legs once again as i stand at the side of the bed and she lays down
>they find thier way on my shoulders as i fuck her faster
>i let go with my right hand and let the leg fall to her side, still in the air
>i move my free hand to her stomach and place my thumb on her clit
>she starts really moaning as i begin to stroke her clit
>"user holy shit..."


>i feel her leg twitch as she very obviously has a minigasm
>i slide in and out of her more easily as she gets even wetter
>i begin to go faster
>im feeling like im getting close
>she starts moaning loudly
>"shhhhh mom and dad are upstairs"
>she closes her mouth and tries but has very little difference
>i like it so i wont complain
>her moans are beautiful
>shes beautiful
>im gonna bust
>i pull out before i do and nut all over her stomach
>she moans heavily as some of the last of it reaches her tits

If anyine needs help getying nudes from family members kik their names to dontuwanna95

Have another

I thought you were going to post the rest tonight at midnight.

i was but i just saw a thread calling me out and i thought i would contribute - bootyhunter79 ps. imout of pre written stuff so youre going to have to wait for new posts. so i need bumps so we dont 404


bump the thread with mugi!!!


thats not mugi you faggot

>i finish and fall over to lay at her side
>shes laying there, drenched in my cum
>we are both sweaty
>but we couldnt care less
>she pulls off the blindfold and looks over to me
>"user, your fetish isnt too bad."
>"i know, its 10/10"
>"i like it"
>"good im glad you do"
>we sit there in silence for another minute or so
>she sits up
>all of my nut begins to trickle down her stomach
>"can you clean me up please?"
>i take in the beautiful sight of her body covered in my cum
>yeah ill grab a towel
>i find a spare towel in my closet
>i go over to her and wipe up the most of it
>she giggle as i do it
>"hey user..."
>im still focused on getting her clean
>"is it alright if i tell you i love you?"
>i stop wiping her up
>"yeah, as long as i can tell you that i love you too"
>she giggles
>"that should be okay with me"
>shes so cute


Bump b4 404

Oops forgot this

moar like this

>i untie her hands and she gets up to pull on her clothes
>i grab her ass as she bends over to pull on her panties
>she just looks at me while biting her lip
>"god daym youre sexy"
>i only speak the truth
>shes goddamned gorgeous
>"we should play some xbox now" she says
>we hadnt played xbox in ages so i thought it would be alright
>i bring out the 360 and a few games
>we decide on playing a little halo reach
>best halo in history
>i still play that game today
>its the fucking shit
>i sit down on my bed with my back against the wall
>optimal gaming position aquired
>becca follows me and sits in my lap
>right on top of mr.Cocky again

waffles are far superior
guess this already went without saying but good taste my man

>been cumming in paper towels and throwing them in the trashcan in my sister's room for years
>it's always full of garbage and she rarely empties it
>her room reeks of old semen
>she doesn't seem to notice at all
>doesn't realize she's been completely desensitized to the scent of sperm and probably mentally associates it with warmth and safety


wow bro... thats nice. you still didnt post mugi tho

>i enjoy this very much
>we play a bit of domination cuz we both are fuckin good at it
>she somehow get switched to the other team
>fucking console matchmaking
>pc is superior
>if you dont think so then you need to shove your nearest toothbrush up your ass
>cuz fuck you
>anyways shes pretty good at the game and she kills me every once in a while
>and every time she does she laughs in my face and then grinds her ass on my dick
>fucking diamonds again
>shes too good at doing this
>she to cute
>we keep playing until her team wins
>well shit
>i just lost to a 15 year old
>she fucks me so its all good
>you cant complain if youre getting pussy
>its a life rule



As of 9th December 2017 bootyhunter79 is my only god.

thank you compadre

>the day goes on just like this
>becca in my lap grinding away when she wins a game
>ill stick my hand in her pants and rub her down in between rounds
>overall best experience ive ever had with halo
>when 10:00 pm comes around my mom calls down for becca to get to bed
>becca groans but knows she cant fight the unstoppable force of a mother
>she gets up and kisses me
>"good night user"
>and she leaves
>now im bored
>i want that ass back
>i want that pussy back
>i... want... them.. tiddies...back...
>but i cant get them back so i just decide to go to bed early



how many people are still here?

>sleep sleep sleep
>shits moving
>i say as i wake up
>something is in my bed
>holy shit holy shit holy shiiiit!!
>"what the fuck? why are you dreaming about ardvarks?"
>beccas small and beautiful voice brings me back
>"god damn becca you scared me" i whisper
>"oh... sorry"
>she sounds genuine so i accept it
>"what time is it"
>"two in the morning"
>"we have school becca!"
>"but i care about you more"
>alright thats adorable
>i sigh and just enjoy
>she snuggles her back against me
>once again her ass is paerfectly situated on my dick
>mr.Cocky begins to wake up as well
>"i love the way your dick feels on my ass user"
>"i love the way your ass feels on my dick"

Keep it alive


here you go!

>and we do nothing else
>we say nothing else
>we just lay there until we go back to sleep
>i wake up before she does
>i always wake up before my alarm
>and seeing as i when to sleep at 10:00...
>im 2 hours early
>well i figure its a good thing
>i take my left hand and slide it under her large hoodie

Bump b4 404 don't die on me

>Its alright dawg heres the whole first thread

Aaaannd - it's gone



thats not mugi!! but its alright because its good. -bootyhunter79

what you mean? - bootyhunter79

That url gets a 404 page.

(fucking captcha - 7 screens, really?)

Are you still going to continue tonight at midnight?

also, is someone saving this? i want to be able to have all the chapters linked when i fish it in the next one.

The url works fine.

no this was the continuance. i will try to continue tomorrow sometime around now. if im too busy then ill post to tell you all to wait. (its my birthday tomorrow) - bootyhunter79


It chokes on the "m.imgur" for some reason. I typed it in without the "m." and it opens.

yeah works fine for me - bootyhunter79

no save on this? - bootyhunter79

I'm on mobile sorry Sup Forumsro I want a save

is there anybody else in this thread that can help us?! - bootyhunter79

I fucking hate and love you Mr. Hunter79

is op still here? - bootyhunter79


yeah im right here

can help us out with a save - bootyhunter79

i would if i knew how. sorry sir almighty

its alright. if someone could just screenshot and crop the story and post the images separatly that would be okay. theres not a whole lot. - bootyhunter79

i can do that

cool. see you lovely people tomorrow - bootyhunter79


Are we waiting on a save post? - bootyhunter79
