Is climate change real Sup Forums?

Is climate change real Sup Forums?
Did we cause this?

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Climate Change is very real yes.
Global warming is not.

Did we cause this? Answer is maybe.
We did not cause this, but we definitely sped up the process. So did we officially cause it, no.
Did we unofficially cause it, yes.

That pic is very sad. Some assfuck is filming a dying polar bear without feeding it.
>in b4 that's going to be bad
What's worse then a dying polar bear?
A dead polar bear.

Fuck shit than*

Dude. Nvm.

Answer: yes

Faggot polar bear is probably mentally handicapped and wandered too far from his comfort zone.

Exactly this

35 year study showed polar bear strive during ‘less ice’ periods. They can move greater distances and get more food.
Then soon as study comes out an announcement released to the press says the exact opposite.
Which got the attention? THEN the warmers ran around getting footage of starving bears to PROVE their statments. When did they take the footage? After the coldest winter in years,lol

And it was totally worth it.

Yes, climate change is REAL, BUT it's been a natural process on earth for as long as we remember. But what people don't understand is it's not something that will end us. It will actually increase plant life greatly(Why?: HUMIDITY (+More potential sunlight if we talking about sun cycles))... In which plants will have lots of food(Co2) and water to grow. And what do plants give off during photosynthesis? OXYGEN.

Why do the liberals pump global warming as a 'human controlled mass extinction that'll end in a hot dry Earth' that is caused by our Co2 gas skyrocketing? Though when you compare the Co2 and global warming graphs they do not match up.

Why do conservatives totally deny climate change? From cold to hot; this world's climate has been bouncing back in waves forever.

Also, all that shit Al Gore predicted in the past never came true even after he gave a grace period of ten years. Here's to another... And another.... And another... Until they finally get it right.

Humanity is a joke. I've seen this video about a hundred times on social media in the past few days and people are like awww poor bear this can't go on blah blah.... but show some commercials on tv of some sick child in Africa starving or dying, and these same people probably just change the channel.

We accelerated it. Quite considerably. So yeah, we could have prevented a lot.

Wow, that's a very thoughtfull post.

How in the fuck can Global Warming not be real if Climate Change is indicative of Global Warming you stupid inbred fuck.

My God we sure did accelerate it, share more of your clever thoughts with us!

Apparently it's illegal to feed them.
For some reason.

It's a ciclic stuff, but it usually takes waaaay more time, giving species times to adapt(well, not really). We accelerated it? Yes...

Take in account that mass extinctions on earth happened like 20 times; this time, instead of a volcano, humanity triggered it

Damn...I guess we need a carbon tax now.

Polar bear will adapt or extinct.

That's called nature dumb fucks

And it's only happened to millions of species.

You don't see no "save the leapards" do you? That's cause they adapted.

Top kek

>Exposed: How world leaders were duped into investing billions over manipulated global warming data
>Whistle-Blower: ‘Global Warming’ Data Manipulated Before Paris Conference
>NOAA Attempts To Hide The Pause In Global Warming: The Most Disgraceful Cover-Up Since Climategate
>Climate Change Hoax? NOAA Data Exaggerated Global Warming, Alleged Whistleblower Claims
>NOAA Scientists Falsify Data to Dupe World Leaders on Climate Change
>Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation
>More Countries Caught Manipulating Their Climate Data

Specialist BTFO.

This... They adapted? Really?

Guess they learned how to wear proper clothes and go to work instead of running around naked in the nature.

Are you retarded or what?

>That pic is very sad. Some assfuck is filming a dying polar bear without feeding it.

The animal is diseased you tard.

Would you go into a cancer ward and try to feed them to health?

how do you adapt to the sudden destruction of your ecosystem?
how do you adapt to absolutely no food?
evolution takes time
and this is happening too fast

many creatures are currently threatened in this way and are only still around because people have gone to great lengths to look after them

Just some lazy assed lizard some damned liberal put a fur suit on.

97% of experts say yes, but what do they know?

adoption is another form of extinction. If they "adapt" they become a new species.

They're already starting to adapt by mixing with brown bears further south.

of course. In 2017 that shouldn't even be a question. Probably the biggest challenge humanity is facing. Though there are still people believing the earth is flat, so it doesn't really surprise me that some still deny it

Nah its not really real , its a hoax invented by the jews.

>97% of experts

translation: 97% of people who chose to be 'climate scientists' who's income literally depends on tax dollars thrown at a problem THEY DEFINED.

Burn tires and fuck bears 24/7 - 365 niggggaASSA!

This is the fakest of fake news
Never has 97% agreed,never.

Feeding wild animals is moronic. It's nature, that dead Polar Bear becomes food for other animals. It amazes me how many people don't understand the food cycle.

Secondly, if humans start feeding animals like Polar Bears, guess what, Polar Bears are going to start coming up to humans for or as food.

The photographer said in an interview obviously he wanted to feed it but, like you said, it's illegal and he doesn't carry around tranquilizers or 400 pounds of seal meat.

nope , its just another distraction.

Holy heck that’s the most innovative and creative thought ever, are you in MENSA ?


you're a retard, and your jpg means nothing.

>Is climate change real Sup Forums?
>Did we cause this?
here's the facts...
Climate change has been happening on Earth for billions of years. It changed before humans and will continue to change after humans. But, human activity is causing the changes in the current climate to accelerate, rapidly.

Wait... an animal is DYING?


When are the libtards gonna start attacking one of their precious protected minorities?

BTW, check out Arctic ice records:

>muh sources

They are sourced. Not my fault only conservative sites publish them.

>Is climate change real Sup Forums?
>Did we cause this?

We probably made it slightly "worse", but it's a natural phenomenon and has been happening for centuries, back and forth.
Climate changing is the natural state of things, we had a small ice age in medieval times and are still recovering from that and eventually the world will get colder again, just as it always has for thousands of years now.

PS: Holes in the world's ozone's sphere have been getting smaller over australia, it's not as bleak as people want you to believe

...You know, I'm proud of you kids. I thought Sup Forums's stormfront migrants had completely taken over this website. Nice to see you guys thinking for yourselves.

In 2013 the Russians released a statement that 2014 will be the start of an ice age ie global cooling. To be clear, they declined to give severity or time span. Total media coverage? Zero, zip BUT what if they are right? More people die in a severe winter than a extreme summer!
Ever hear the warmers bring that up? Nope
IF the russians are correct (what would THEY know about the cold) we could see in an ice age...
Well you work it out.

Its a Jew!

Are you retasrded2?

The reason polar bears are dying is because they specialize in ONE type of seals.

Leopards eat literally anything.

Clothes? It's a fucking bear you dumb fuck.

Ta dad

It's real alright, it's very much a fact, our climate has changed throughout the history of the planet. Man-made climate change that these government-paid shill scientists promote is where the bullshit enters the equation.

Yep is real, but that video looks like a bear after hibernation. They wake up half-dead.


>looks like a bear after hibernation

No you dont understand

If you mastered in climatology, you are considered an expert in every species in every ecosystem on earth.
If a climatologist says bear is dying from global warming then bear dying of global warming.
Please dont argue. It just shows how dumb you are

climate change is real you dipshit, the contention is whether man can even influence it or is partly causing it

so far there is no science that proves man affects climate change, just correlation with the existence of man and a rising climate. the climate has been warming since far before industry and fossil fuels.

climate change is a natural process that occurs frequently in geological terms but global warming is a media love child that blames you and me for said natural process.

Warmist have had their research, results and conclusions disproven every time,
Their output now is so frantic to maintain funding is has gone beyond laughtable to ROFLMAO.

>Is climate change real Sup Forums?
Yes , main issue is the rate of change rather than it changing . On a natural basis it killed off wooly rhinos and mammouth with the help of man . This time it will be ourselves taking out us .
>Did we cause this?
If mostly can be considered a yes then fuck yes .

The big evil on this planet is the media, never let the facts that matter out, corupt the realities.
Even the media is tired of propping up idiotic Global Warming theorem


I wondered about this so i went and checked the graphs n stats and listened to people who were educated.
Now all i wonder is why people talk shit like you do, seems like they eat the corporate line and enjoy triggering people with heartless sperg.
There's no debate, humans have put so much carbon into the atmosphere it's heating up in an unprecedented and probably unfixable way.
Ameritards on the internet argue about the earth being flat and lead the world in adults who believe in angels, so the shutting down of science by a brain-dead Christian Taliban is no great surprise, but adds a note of misery to tragedy.

>Is climate change real Sup Forums?
Yes, perfectly natural cycle
>Did we cause this?
No, perfectly natural cycle

>But, human activity is causing the changes in the current climate to accelerate, rapidly.
There's zero evidence of that though.

>Why do the liberals pump global warming as a 'human controlled mass extinction that'll end in a hot dry Earth' that is caused by our Co2 gas skyrocketing?
Why do right-wing people characterise as liberal views which threaten profits?
Probably because they have swallowed the media inspired corporate propaganda and enjoy sounding mean.
I know conservative scientists who are sure climate change is real and that nuclear war is inevitable. They have moved to remote water sources.


Yes its very real
Its your fault
Its going to cost alot of money to fix
Just give me your money and I'll fix it for you

Ice core samples from Antarctica show a huge and recent spike in both atmospheric carbon and ice-trapped methane, an indicator of atmospheric temperature.
You can look at an ice core that contains ice laid down over thousands of years, even tens of thousands.
There's a huge spike in all of them right about the 17th century.
The debate is over, all that's left is corporate bullshit and nasty triggering dipshit kids on the web.

>i checked the graphs n stats
You mean the rigged graphs n stats that even the weather channel founder says are utter bullshit?
Admit it, it was your goal to push global warming in this thread from the start.


How do people think polar bears and any wild animals die? In hospital? In their sleep gently without any loss of quality of life?

No, generally speaking if they lose the ability to hunt for food for any reason, which are innumerable, they die horribly of starvation.

Let me rephrase everthing you just said
>"I'm super duper butt mad about being wrong on man made climate change and I can't get over it"

>listened to people who were educated.
>97% of """climatologists""" reliant on climate change funding agree climate changes
Powerful stuff. Keep me posted.

No. There is warming on Mars and Pluto. Co2 is a lagging indicator as shown by prehistoric ice cores. The sun drives it. Microbes in the soil and ocean metabolize more due to the sun and release more co2. Anthropogenic global warming is psuedoscience made up by grant chasing losers. It's phloguston and epicycles. After this whole scam is exposed all the scientists who advocated it should have their pensions taken away and the ring leaders jailed for fraud and inducing panic. If you're a young person stay away from this "science" because the facade will come down in your life time. Pick an honest field.

Fake news, where to start?
Nope won’t bother. If you have researched as you say and still believe that, eg carbon is bad then you are:
1/ you are a climate fakeoligist
1/ you are a climate zealot.
Any way you look you won’t see the facts over religious myth

This wouldn't have happened if Al Gore was president.

It's real but there's no evidence it's influenced by man. The climate is always changing. It's changed who knows how many times since the Earth's atmosphere was formed. There's no empirical proof that humans are causing the current climate change. If there was then it wouldn't be a debate, it'd be fact.

>There's a huge spike in all of them right about the 17th century.
>The debate is over,

you climate scientist right?

al gore fancied himself a climate expert too.
turns out that many of his prophecies were false now that we have the luxury of time to measure his doom and gloom predictions.

the problem with people like you sport is that you focus on one minor observation and use it as a basis for explaining asynchronous events.

it hasn't really been a problem for you in the past because the media has given you a pass along with countless 'do overs' in your prediction department.

but ya, if your fear mongering generates some coin for you and yours. knock yourself out with your 'findings' and prophecies.

He would have had a neocon VP using him as a puppet too. We still would have invaded Iraq to protect the petrodollar. The republicans would have played the controlled opposition instead. Nothing would change.

how do you guys know that polar bear isn't just old, or that it doesn't have lockjaw or something?

what do you think happens to wild animals when they can't fend for themselves anymore? they starve

That bear was out competed by another predator which ate all the seals in that area.

Weasel words.
Ice core sample were world news with their findings when every core came to the surface. Then nothing, nadda, no more press releases.
Why? Did core sampling stop?
Fuck no, the carbon sampling startedto turn UP to previously unseen levels, much higherthan current levels. So that crap went out the window but hey, never let the fact get in the way of climate funding

Polar bears starve to death all the time dude, watch planet earth, not climate change's fault.

No, China caused it.

Climate change is a hoax crammed down our throats by liberal 'progressives', these hippies created a degree in Climate Scientist to make themselves feel better. Its still fake. The earth goes through periods of this where it warms up and gets cold. But of course libtards believe what the tv tells them. It's their religion.

>Yes, climate change is REAL,

>I know conservative scientists who are sure climate change is real

I thought that bear was old and had hip dysplasia or some shit.

because theyre extremely dangerous and we dont want them near people.

You know climate scientist have lost on evey front when they called for all ‘deniers’ to be imprisoned

Peter Gunter, a North Texas State University professor, wrote in 1970, “Demographers agree almost unanimously on the following grim timetable: by 1975 widespread famines will begin in India; these will spread by 1990 to include all of India, Pakistan, China and the Near East, Africa. By the year 2000, or conceivably sooner, South and Central America will exist under famine conditions….By the year 2000, thirty years from now, the entire world, with the exception of Western Europe, North America, and Australia, will be in famine.”

In January 1970, Life reported, “Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence to support…the following predictions: In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution…by 1985 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half….”

Liberalism is a mental disorder. They truly are nuts

Paul Ehrlich warned in the May 1970 issue of Audubon that DDT and other chlorinated hydrocarbons “may have substantially reduced the life expectancy of people born since 1945.” Ehrlich warned that Americans born since 1946…now had a life expectancy of only 49 years, and he predicted that if current patterns continued this expectancy would reach 42 years by 1980, when it might level out.

>unprecedented and unfixable
>Americans think the earth is flat

stupid the post

>When you get all your knowledge from politics instead of scientists

Ecologist Kenneth Watt declared, “By the year 2000, if present trends continue, we will be using up crude oil at such a rate…that there won’t be any more crude oil. You’ll drive up to the pump and say, `Fill ‘er up, buddy,’ and he’ll say, `I am very sorry, there isn’t any.'”

The problem is We. Just. Don't. Know.

We need alot more money to determine this.

>the earth's climate always changes, therefore humans couldn't have an impact
>my left hand is doing work when I do a push up, therefore my right hand couldn't be doing work.

Whos’ graphs and which people did you listen to?
Did you fact check the graphs?
I gonna say emphatically no because user, it has all been d.i.s.p.r.o.v.e.n

Old fag here, I remember 20 or 30 years ago, they were telling us that our activities would turn the planet into a solid ice ball if we didn't change our ways.

The problem that with convincing people of their involvement in climate change is that, from time to time, you get people like Al Gore making all sorts of ridiculous claims that some people take as fact. When those claims don't pan out everyone either doubles down or simply concludes: well that was bullshit.

Well, that was bullshit. Objectively.

But that doesn't mean that we aren't having an impact on our climate. It just means that Al Gore was wrong about that impact. Of course he was. He's not a climate scientist.

What will happen? The models are far too complex to be accurate for predictive purposes.

Is it okay to ignore? Probably not actually, but without a short to medium term power solution there's fuck all to be done. I wish people weren't so anti-nuclear. It's the answer, but that's a whole different kettle of fish convincing people that.

Will taxing things stop it? Fukken lol. Fuck off Obama, no it won't, it'll just make living how we do now more expensive, no one is going to stop driving cars because yet ANOTHER tax is levied on on fuel. Shit is already ~80% tax at the pump in a lot of the world already;who will actually use less when that's 90%?

How about electric cars? Fuck off. Lithium mined in Canada, shipped to China on container ships, assembled in Taiwan and other places, then shipped back to the west on container ships. Pro-tip: taking 20 container ships off the worlds oceans is the CO2 production reduction equivalent of taking EVERY CAR off of the roads in America. Electric cars produce less CO2 during use but the amount the make in manufacture is bogglingly huge. Bonus: charging it up at the wall socket = more power grid use = not CO2 neutral like a lot of people believe.

We're fucked, basically, but the degrees of fuckedness remain to be accurately defined or have blame properly allocated... if it ever can be.

We'll be fine as a species though, this is not the end of the world even in the worst case.

Al Gore 2006:
Africa’s tallest peak will be snow-free “within the decade.”

>why don't you believe muh fake science?
take your shill shit to /sci and watch the laughter erupt

Good post, also
>taking 20 container ships off the worlds oceans is the CO2 production reduction equivalent of taking EVERY CAR off of the roads in America
Is that true?

>I wish people weren't so anti-nuclear. It's the answer, but that's a whole different kettle of fish convincing people that.

Ya, that whole Fukishima thing kinda spoiled the nuclear argument

Yes, but it isn't as huge of a problem as its made out to be, and there isn't a whole lot we can do to fix it.