Tell me the saddest thing that's ever happened to you and why it affects you to this day

tell me the saddest thing that's ever happened to you and why it affects you to this day

You don't want to know and I don't want to think about it.

its best too talk about feelings

In my youth a was fat shorthand and ugly but while living in a all female house (me being the only boy) I grew up like a girl I respect girls too much to the point where even to this day I can look at a woman and make "remarks" on her body so because of this I've never had a strong affinity towards women I've always justs liked them and keeled on my way

Literally finished watching this show twenty minutes ago. Fucking feels...

Along with this my father who was around rarely would come home drunk and beat my mom and me he while hit be for "sounding like a queer " he would belittle me to the point where at the age of 8 I was diagnosed with depression after being bullyed and beat at home and at school

After doing exercises in freshman year to lose weight and look better my body wasn't ready for that amount of hormones so I ended up having an out break of huge pimples the size of my palms on my back where I still have scars like that of a burn victim and extensive nerve damage

Every girl I've ever liked from age 6 till nearing the end of high school liked my friends over me so I never had a chance

I failed to kill myself 2 times

>met a girl who likes me for me
>we both had same interests
>was friends with her for a few months
>dated me for a week
>left me for another guy
>chronic masturbator for 2 years after
>constant anxiety
>panic attacks
>she was perfect and she left me
>I'm constantly insecure about my life
>sexual deviant, stoner, and depressed fag

Same poster fag her
Did I mention almost killed myself 3 times and my own family didnt give a fuck and to this day pokes fun at it

lol failure

Lost my kid, usually have to imagine him on my chest or whatever to fall asleep.

nothing that terrible, probably just the fact i rolled with the wrong crowd as a kid, and picked up really bad habits that carry on to this day, such ad impulsively lying, even tho there is no need for me to lie, automatically pocketing unattended items, and being a dick to people without any reason what so ever.

ik, you don't need to remind me

Have the greatest gf in the world literally so in love with me. Family is moving away I can't stay im 18 i lie to her and break up with and move away. Hardest thing I've ever done. I break down one night call her tell her I love her and I lied. She tells me she fucked my two best friends in highschool. Want to die cause I'm in a town I know no one the girl I love fucked my only friends left life is fucked

user you got to get up a just move away from them, It hardly sounds like they're family. Start a new life in a new city and never look back.

My wife killed herself. She overdosed. I found her body the next day after I got off work.

amitriptyline toxicity -look it up

I tried that when I was 15, took 300 pills. Was in a coma for like 2 weeks. Craziest fucking dreams and shit ever I'm pretty sure I was close to what I'd say is an afterlife but yeah. I'm sorry dude that sucks ass. was she dealing with addiction or anything ?

no human being ever considered me being worthy of any kind of relationship, so no sad thing could happen to me.

Massive depression. We were arguing and I told her I wanted a divorce. She said she was gonna do it, I told her don't be a retard. I went to work anyway, cuz fuck me, right? I called someone and asked them to keep an eye on her.

It's hard not to blame myself. Everyone tells me it's not my fault, that she made the choice blah blah blah...

are you misaki from r9k?

It's not your fault, I contemplate suicide all the fucking time and what stops me is thinking that I don't want to hurt those people around me and deal with my body and that shit. She was thinking the same thing dude. It sounds fucked up but part of it was probably out of love for you in a part of her. Sorry I'm probably not helping but I'm drunk and yeah. You didn't make her do anything and in a way she waas thinking of love as she was doing it.

She'd done it before, and I found her in time. I didn't find her in time the second time. At least she's at peace tho, right?

It's sad to say and hard but she is now. It sucks but you have to almost out of love for her accept that. The biggest thing is forgiving her

I'm not mad at her. I'm happy she's at peace.

Is that fucked up?

No. That's actually pretty vital I think for you to feel that. She wanted to be at peace and not hurt you I'm sure so don't let it hurt you. Give her some justice in her decision by not letting it hurt you and respect her being at peace.