Philip Mitchell Brailsford Murderer

Philip Mitchell Brailsford Murderer
Karma will see that this motherfucker dies painful death when his time comes.

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sure is tumblr in here

I would love five bullets in his punk ass!!!

the guys a fucking dickhead and shouldn't be trusted with a water pistol

Lets be fair here, the officer told him that if he reached behind his back, he would shoot, then the boy reached to adjust his waistband. The officer just followed protocol. It’s very bad occurrence, but don’t take it out on the officer.

Fucking pussy ass bitch bootlicker how does that fucking boot taste

It's not a question of what he said he'd do. It's a question of procedure. The proper way to deal with this would be to subdue and search him, not to give him instructions to follow drunk and scared.

'Don't reach for anything or I'll shoot you.'
Reaches for waistband.
Gets shot.

What do you faggots not understand about following directions? Oh yeah this is Sup Forums.

can you crawl with your hands in the air and your feet crossed behind you without falling?

Quads have spoken.

Using being drunk and scared is no excuse for doing EXACTLY what you were told not to do. At gunpoint even. He heard the orders not to reach. He reached. There's no grey area on this one.

edgiest get i've ever seen. kys btw

Heres the real video assholes

This girl is obviously from either reddit, Facebook or tumler

He was told if he fell it was to be on his face not his hands. The instruction was very clear

Hail Satanic Quads.

The problem is that if the cops were halfway competent they wouldn't have let the situation get to that point in the first place. They fucked up, and it got a man shot.

that's completely unreasonable since we have a natural reflex which prevents us from falling on our face.

Let's be fair, the faggot shot an unarmed kid because he was too chicken shit to take a nonlethal approach

Cops have been getting away with shit for too long and it's time their number came up

I knoe you're drunk and unarmed, but do this one thing or else you die. Seems legit, OP

So I've heard a few times that the guy issuing the commands was not actually this guy, and that he was just the one who shot first.
Is it true?
Because tbh, I think most of the blame goes on the person issuing the commands for completely mishandling the situation, leading to the guy killed becoming a complete nervous wreck and (I think understandably) becoming not able to function properly.

Has anyone killed him yet? If not why is he still alive?

lol what are you going to do about it faggot

With another suspect nearby?

Unlikely this procedure would be followed with that in mind

>officer escalates situation while drunk guy pleads for life
M-m-muh procedureeeee.

B/c nobody gives a fuck about some tweeker

And that stops bullets does it?

>posting in a thread about said tweeker

Yeah, the sgt. escalated the situation and gave the command, the guy with the engraved gun was the one who shot. Fucked up either way

whats the bottom of a boot taste like?

no, but when youre drunk and have people screaming at you with guns pointed at you it's unlikely you are going to consciously override that reflex.

Me? Nothing, but next time BLM kills cops don't start crying.

Their procedure was 100% correct, they were under the belief that them the boy and girl were in possession of high power weapons, not only that but it was reported they were waving them around over the balcony, from the officers perspectve, they were dealing with a potential terrorist, you do not waltz up to a terrorist and ask to look in their Pockets, you keep them at a safe distance and move them towards you while they’re completely incompacitated so thet they can’t flip the switch on a bomb or pull out a gun, which is likely with a terrorist because they know they aren’t gonna live past their terrorist act, so they have nothing to loose. That means every action they make has to be extreamly controlled. This kid made an uncontrolled move, after being ordered and warned to not make that move, naturally he was shot.
It’s sad because he was innocent, so rip, but let’s be completely honest here and not let outrage get the better of logic.

so they have carte blanche to kill cops?
you really are dumb. fo real

This is true, it's similar to the instinct to shoot someone who you believe may be reaching for a gun

The Number of the mega-beast.
He has spoketh


Look at this badass with his tattoos and pose.

These guys just itch to shoot someone.

Using protocols as excuses to handle a situation in the worst possible way just shows how retarded the whole police concept is today.

I mean, do cops have carte blanche to kill civs? Get the fuck out of here woth that bullshit

Cops have carte blanche to kill unarmed civilians? I'm starting to smell bacon. You little piggy? Piggy in training? Daddy's a cop. What's the deal buck?

nah, it's not.

yea, its called a use of force policy for non compliant persons

I'm starting to smell a genderfluid Sanders supporter...

Nah, if they tell you you will be shot if you lower your hands, you'd be a little more self conscious about your hands than your face.

>Get the fuck out of here woth that bullshit
nigger detected

So how does reaching behind your waist prevent you from falling on your face? The natural reaction to falling forward is putting your hands in front of you.

>let outrage get the better of logic
How is it logical to give cops a free pass to shoot civilians? They fucked up, it is not procedure to make a suspect crawl across the ground.

They fucked up. They need to be held to a higher standard when you're dealing with innocent people's lives. You can't just shrug your shoulders and say oh well about it. That's police state bullshit.
>Yes it was a terrible tragedy when cops mercilessly executed those innocent civilians but that is the price of safety!

So you deserve to die if you dont "comply" to retards with a badge. Nice society we got

One-third of all Americans killed by strangers are killed by police. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you dont understand by now that cops are more of a threat to your life then a sandnigger your just plain retarded.

Incel detected

Good argument, let's not do it again sometime

Sooooo eeeee piggy

Your number's coming up

I dont think so. I dont understand why it's ok for them to shoot someone just because they think they guy might be grabbing for a gun. police are supposed to be brave, this guy wasn't.

pulling up his shorts so he doesnt fall on his face.

He'll be judged by God in the end.

there's no requirement for bravery or self sacrifice in the police. They don't enter active fire areas. They are not obligated to save you. They are not obligated to protect you.

But they are allowed to kill you.

considering how people defending this have most likely never licked a boot, I doubt this has ever been an effective insult

Yup, thats how authority works.
maybe you could move to Africa if you dont like a society with high standards

>police are supposed to be brave

That doesn't seem to be the case since they appear to all be jumpy, panicky, trigger happy cowards.


Oh yea, i'm fucking shaking.. you and all your friends in art therapy 101 going to come lynch me?
day of the rope ?
you are impotent to fight back against law enforcement. now get off the internet before i spank you and put you in your room with no supper.

Pretty much, a badge and a gun or even just a gun.

Otherwise, you're likely to get shot

everyone always says police are brave, and if you disagree it's like you said soldiers aren't brave, or kids with cancer aren't brave. I am aware that they aren't obligated to save someone if it puts them in harms way, but it's what people expect from police, and it often does happen. this guy was too much of a pussy to be a cop, I am too.

True fact: only niggers hate cops

hating cops makes you a nigger

>muh bootlicker

Only a white man can understand that correctly upholding law and order is important to maintaining civilization. I couldn't expect a fucking nigger to understand, which is why they hate cops, because they always dindu nuffin and cops always ruin their 'fun'.

Sometimes you can't tell people what to do.
like when they're drunk, they don't take things seriously. They might be deaf. Mentally ill. I thought most cops don't shoot until they see a weapon? This cop could have tazed him, pepper sprayed him, tackled him and then cuffed him.

But this pussy shot him. These little manlets are too afraid of getting physical with people so the first thing they do is shoot. They need better training.

I smell Nigger. If you don’t like it, go back to your aids oasis.
You live on the bottom of society in letteraly any developed country you go to, seem like a strange coincidence? Ever wonder why that is? It’s because your type naturally hates law and order, it gets in the way of stealing and gang banging. But whatever man, we wuz kangs ammirite?

people have been saying "Your number's coming up" to cops for decades now


oink oink oink crispy bacon mmm bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do when niggers pop your bitch ass

Okay, I've been out of town for a while, what the fuck happened?

damn how will I ever recover?


>Using being drunk and scared is no excuse for doing EXACTLY what you were told not to do.
Forgot that America is a police state

A white man also understands the need for restraint. We invented the ideas of Liberty and human rights, and we degrade ourselves when we allow cocksuckers like this cop to exercise power without restraint.

kek 2 edgy 4 me

Real men shoot unarmed civs, right mommy?

>'Don't reach for anything or I'll shoot you.'
m-m-m-muh shorts! lemme pull my short up no gun I promise!

The cop survived, the other cops survived, the girl survived.

Let me see now, who fucked up here?

you probably won't. probably just bleed out in the street like the swine you are

am I nigger or am I liberal soyboy? make up your mind already

>be me
>be told theres some psychos* with an ar15 or something out a window
>tell person not to do something several times
>check clearance of doorway and focus eye on doorway
>unauthorized movement in peripheral vision
>hostage disobeys orders and makes a mirror perfect image of reaching for a hidden pistol in pants
>try to say something but hes doing it too fast
>training takes over and brain confirms the waistband draw
>0.4 seconds pass
>whip smg from door back onto suspect pulling gun
>have about another half a second before he draws firing into my fellow squadmate
>have about 1s before he starts turning his wrist to unload arcing horizontally passing the barrel over to me
>eliminate this possible threat before that first half a second ever happens and prevent my squadmate from being killed

Sup Forums is a white man's board.

the one who told him to crawl with his hands up and his feet crossed behind him is who fucked up. and whoever shot first without seeing a weapon.

>you probably won't. probably just bleed out in the street like the swine you are
highly doubtful but cool roleplay


The dude was drunk, incapable of rational though and was begging for his life the whole time. The cops were aware he was for the most part incapacitated and instead of deescalating the situation which is standard protocol, they shot first and asked questions later. How about instead of dep throating the cops' cocks, you look at it objectively. Cops didn't see innocent until proven guilty. They just executed an unarmed drunk guy based on an assumption that they could get away with it and they did. GG faggot.

Gas this piece of shit and all his nazi supporters


Hahahaha he writes a parody of a song that’s originally about cops arresting nignogs. This is golden

So, you've never been drunk and terrified for your life. Something I've noticed during this whole thing is that the people defending the cops universally lack empathy and/or overestimate their own abilities. I personally believe that most of the people defending the cops in this case just can't see themselves in Shaver's position, even if they imagine they can. I would like to give them some drinks and give them the same commands and see how they do. But that wouldn't even be a fair comparison. I would have to do it when they weren't expecting it and have the actual threat of death hanging over the situation. The fact of the matter is that the punishment does not fit the crime. Yes, reaching to pull up his pants was a mistake. But does that deserve death? Imagine you're at work and you fuck something up and immediately get shot. I don't know what the solution is to this problem but it is a problem for sure.


>be itching to kill somebody
>yell conflicting orders at frantic suspect
>tell him if he slips up at all I'll kill him
>this absolves me of any responsibility
>he reaches for his waistband
>probably because his pants are falling because I told him to crawl across the floor with his legs crossed
and that's how you can kill a man and get away with it

wow you figured it out. gold star retardo

>Philip "Mitch" Brailsford's AR-15 service weapon
Really ? How professional

>whites killing each other
>says fucks niggers

Das rite Whiteboi we comin to kill yo bitch ass

Murder dunk man crying in plain sight on video. 4 chin things there is nothing wrong.

they are not murdering just blacks anymore faggots



They warned him plenty and thought he had a gun. I don't blame them. Although 4 shots was excessive

The girl managed it in front of him seconds before. I don't see a problem.

Maybe the guy was confused by the commands but he did a very good impression of non compliance and reaching for a weapon and it was not the right time or place

you know how many murders go unsolved in the US? people already have getting away with it down pat and don't have to work years for a law degree to do it

we have to do the opposite of what makes sense, you know the rules

What, another shooting in USA? What a shithole of a country.