This guy knocks on your hotel room and says he's gonna shoot you. What do you do?

This guy knocks on your hotel room and says he's gonna shoot you. What do you do?

>it's high noot

I don't answer the door of my hotel room unless I invited someone over, also i'd aim my 38 special at his heart through the door

Crawl towards him while reaching for something on my waist like a fucking idiot

Ask my son to blow him up

>Now turn it out!

>To the left
>Take it back now y'all
>One hop this time
>Right foot. Let's stomp
>Left foot. Let's stomp
>Cross them feet!
>Crawl now y'all

>Now it's time to get funky

>To the right now
>To the left
>Take it back now y'all
>One hop this time, one hop this time
>Right foot. Two stomps
>Left foot. Two stomps
>Cross them feet!
>Slide to the left
>Slide to the right
>Criss cross, criss cross
>Crawl now ya'll
>Don't get shot!

you will need .308 to defeat the body armour

thank you

Burn his house down


regret threatening people with a gun earlier?
maybe do what he says like the other people in the room who didn't get shot?

Agree, then invite him in and shoot a load with him.

I don't answer my door if I'm not expecting someone. Also I bring rappelling gear when I go to highrise hotels in case theres a fire. So I would zip down the side of the building.

Pocket sand.

whether or not the round punctures odds are since they'd still be a threat so you'd fire again which would penetrate the now weakened vest and disable him

rip off his pants and shove his cock right down my throat while jerking myself off

close the door.


I'd offer him a coffee and a lovely peace of cake. Maybe some tea with some splendid sweets!

Brush up on my Simon says skills and hope he doesn't set it to nightmare difficulty. Tell my mom I love her.


CNN and Fox news have not even said a peep about this. i found this out on TYT...out of all places.

Laugh until after I was done with his corpse.

Too strong :)

The only thing Cnn and Fox news have covered is the newest 'crazy thing that Trump said.' Riveting journalism.

Reach for my waistband. That went real well for the last guy.