Girl texts me "tonight is a good night to cuddle"...

Girl texts me "tonight is a good night to cuddle". I can't think of a proper response to insert myself into that situation. Please help Sup Forumsros

"Be there in 15 minutes."

"What time should i come over :)"

"Do you want to watch a movie on Netflix and hang out? but like for real, not 'Netflix and chill'"

I thank you guys but I want her to be the one to ask me, I'm not a pussy but I'm also not sure if she's directing these texts at me or just talking about cuddling

virgin reply

certified chads


You're a fucking idiot dude. Get your fucking ass over there.

Dude no girl texts about cuddling with a guy unless they want you, or you're her gay friend. So which do you want it to be? Be assertive, but stay playful in case of rejection. Something like "Haha, I know right? Want some help with that?"

OP, if you don't text this right fucking now you'll be a fucking virgin forever. Don't fuck this up. Trust your Sup Forumsros.

"What are you insinuating?"

This. OP needs to man the fuck up. She's literally begging him to fuck her and he's hesitating.

Don't listen to this guy. The word "insinuating" will ruin this whole thing.

"You read my mind. Want to come over?"

She wants to fuck, you need to be assertive, so she knows that you want to fuck too

This is all you have to say. It’s how a lot of porn begins.

>But I want her to be the one to ask me

Then you're already lost. The one thing you need to know about women is that they never, ever say things directly the way men do. They deal in subtleties. Always. It's fucking infuriating but it's something you have to learn to understand if you're ever going to get your dick wet. This chick wants to fuck you and you're letting it slip through your fingers.

Holy fuck! Made me lol whilst I’m taking a shit.

I sent what you said, REEEEEEEE

Okay... not the worst thing you could have said. Not the best either. 50/50 you sleep alone tonight.


Don't. Get yourself out of the situation completely. Cuddling fucking sucks. I just got out of a relationship with a chick who wanted to cuddle every chance she could. Sure, being able to get laid more often is nice but cuddling/hanging out with/being around all the time? Fuck that. And then I lived with her for a few months. Forget that. That was the absolute worst. No free time ever. Eesh.

>They deal in subtleties.

What? You must have no game. I’ve had plenty of girls ask for sex or to blow me without even initiating or even being in a relationship.

I'll cuddle until we make a puddle.

Good for you, bro.

Sounds too cringe.
>haha, I know right?
That whole sentence is fucking cringe, especially the "haha"
>want some help with that?
You never ask them a yes or no question in this scenario, dumbass.
>Come over. Be there in 15 min. etc.

Autism will get you nowhere.

You better hope she REALLY wants to fuck you.


"It's still snowing. How can you warm me up when I get there?"

not this, dont put the ball in her court, make it happen. She might chicken out.

Cuddling is synonymous with fucking, idiot.

Got a reply yet op?

Literally nothing wrong with what the dude you replied to said. fuck off

What is this chicks name? She has a vid where shes about to go to a football game with her roommate but gets all freaky instead

just agree and ask what she wants to watch when cuddling then do it

You will forever be a fuckless faggot. This opportunity wont come a second time. U cum guzzling cucked faggot

Id go with "Why dont you come over then"

I would also clean up your room/house a little bit... you fucking slob.

Fuck all of you, I really don't care if it works out or not, it's a coworker so I'm hesitant on this shit anyways. Don't want to shit where I eat

>I am a giant pussy, I'm not a pussy

make up your mind bro.

>Begs for help with woman
>Gets reasonable advice
>Fuck all of you, I don't want to do this

Fuck you too, OP. Enjoy being a virgin.

I'm not saying I don't want to, I'm indifferent to the outcome

>Dont want to shit where I eat.
Typical Virgin talk, Shit everywhere bro. EVERYWHERE. I'd fuck my boss if I she set me up like that.

Walk over to your mirror and ask yourself "why am I such a fucking beta?" .

Reported for cp this is ridiculous.

thread did not deliver

"Let me send my black friend, I hear he sucks a mean dick real good"

Bullshit. If you were really indifferent to the outcome, then you'd try to get the most out of this situation, regardless of the consequences. Instead, you're afraid of the outcome and hiding it behind false prudence. You're a fucking pussy and you won't even admit it.

It will

No you're not

Trying to derail the conversation...

100% this

> has never hooked up with chicks in a bar or club for a one night stand.

Tell me this, you sex expert you, where the Hell are you going to cuddle in a bar or club or somewhere? And it isn't synonymous, you dummy. Synonymous means the same thing but worded differently. Intercourse is not cuddling.

He said “always” therefore he was wrong.

> being this beta
Holy fuck son. You already laminated your V card