Thoughts on litecoin Sup Forums

thoughts on litecoin Sup Forums

Get all in that fucker.

Literally dump all of your available funds into it as soon as you possibly can.


ill tell u the truth if u make a donation


it's a shame bitcoin tanked so quickly, because now the chumps will be less likely to dump their retirement money into other cryptocurrency schemes. i guess we'll have to find some other ponzi scheme to get rich on, this one's tapped out.


Exactly like the other 75 fucktardo spamcunt threads with some dorkbomb "currency" today alone.

Sounds like you filled your bags at $3 and made a fortune there, Newmoney... Now go to school & learn to be a good employee.

Taking my lambo to the moon in a few hours.

Honestly theres alot of stuff but then again you never know ahaha its something! money is cool but i dunno you might be able to

Veteran miner and exchanger here. Litecoin at it's present state peaked at 330us, the market is not looking for a higher price according to volumes. LTC should be going down back to somewhere 260us or side trade slowly down.

what do you think about ether though? Sold my LTC at ~330 yesterday, and dumped it in there. Quite happy with that run the past two days looks like healthy growth and support at this new ATH.

yeah LTC was pretty much the move of the week. Expect to see ETH keep going higher, market seems to want it to keep it that way.

I own $1 worth.

that's what I've been thinking, and I'm super excited to see what's installed for this cryptic kitty wonder currency. Accumulated some a couple of ETH this summer (average buy-ins where around the 300 mark). and I'm glad I held onto them

I expect ETH to hit the 700us mark before 2018. Also keep an eye on monero as it is expected to soon go higher according to the market.

Take this bullshit to /biz/

I don't think you understand how autistic /biz/ is

What do you mean when you say it will go back to 260....go back and then still grow steadily? Would 260 be a good time to reinvest?

And you think Sup Forumsis better?

>inb4 don't take advice online, esp from Sup Forumstards
but seriously though, I'm still new to trading and trying to understand how the market is responding to a growth of a coin's cap/worth and how to time them..
Just by glancing over the 3m and 1m charts it seems like it might dip down to ~250 before trying to go higher first, no?

According to the closing trends of ltc and how quickly it bumped, I strongly expect LTC to stabilize under the 300 bar, min 260 but anywhere between 260 and 300 could be a good time to reinvest, but it's too early to say.

I bought about 5 litecoin at 100 a week ago...and then freaked out like an idiot and spent 1500 at about 360...advice moving forward?

hold, it'll hit to 500 by the end of the month,



hey /b
What makes you, you ?
This is a voluntary school teacher (actually engineering grad in '09) in the part of the world we easily disregard as no-go-istan. I hope to provide kids hope, for a brighter future, for a better chance at life than what the people around them would lead them to believe. Everyday i go to these kids with the resolve to better their lives in the long run, every day they fuel my resolve.
Somedays i fear for my life, most days I feel happy I'm doing this.
Feeling particularly low today due to some financial constraints (resulting in turning back 2 students)
Asking Sup Forums for advice, or even basic funding pic rather unrelated