Life is a sick joke. No meaning, no significance, nothing. It’s all an illusion. Society, religion...

Life is a sick joke. No meaning, no significance, nothing. It’s all an illusion. Society, religion, morals - everything is a construct. We’re living in an institution. Suicide is rational. Why live in this shitstorm we call reality? Can you give me a logical explanation why?

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Why not, if it is all an illusion?


There is pleasure to be derived from living, even inside an institution. To kill oneself and destroy the only chance of pleasure possible is illogical.
Suffering is hyperbolic, a shitty day is forgotten and a good one embraced and remembered.

I unfortunately cannot say that I have forgotten negative experiences, instead remembering them better than any positive experience.

Life sucks but least there are dubs

It is not a question of why, rather a question of why not?


Depends on how much you dwell on them I suppose.
For example I live every day of my life in moderate physical pain, subjectively it is nothing.
To younger me it would have been a misery, I decide not to dwell on it.
For if I do it means unneeded mental anguish.
The past is done, nothing changes it.
What is the line?
"This is my burden to bear and none others." Or something like that.
I don't believe in afterlife, so I gotta make the best of this one.

>There is pleasure to be derived fom living
go learn about mental illness.

You have answered your own question. There Is no point. All has no meaning. Find what You.enjoy and make the Most of it. Death Is a trip not to be taken lightly.

no, i cannot.

Exactly right

> death is a trip not to be takn lightly

how do you know? have you taken it?
i doubt so.


There is no spoon

Better start the ball rolling by killing yourself faggot

> a shitty day is forgotten

do you not fucking know how the human brain works.
Go fo some fucking research.

If you have mental illness seek professional help or medication.
Don't be a dick and tear me down just for that.
I have wanted to truly die before.

Read this.

Taking a dive That May result in a permanent non-existence. Would You take That risk?

Then do the world a favour.


>everyone has a mental illness

Go talk to people who are sane and enjoy life

Matrix was a shitty movie full of niggers

Eat puto

This is why the brownskins are taking over. Whitw people are weirs fucking pussies

Ooh, edgy mc edgy.
Whatever user, like I care you faceless grease ball.
I have been told to kill myself dozens of times, kinda stops having effect.

for some, permanent non-existance is a blessing,

Do you actually have the option to not take that dive?

Everyone dies in the end.

Is that your odometer?

>Life is a sick joke.
Life has no intention for existing at all so you can't define it as sadistic.

>No meaning

Meaning is meant to be shared among people rather than superimposed onto a canvas incapable of reciprocating.

>No significance

Same as above.

>It's all an illusion.

I don't see the problem with is.

>Everything is a construct

This doesn't not negate their usefulness.

>We're living in an institution.

You are slightly free to alter this institution to fit your specifications.

>Suicide is rational

It can be rationalized, it is ultimately an emotional response.

>Why live in this shitstorm we call reality?

Because it being devoid of any inherent meaning or significance renders it capable of being altered to any shape you deem suitable so this is your problem as opposed to realities.

>Can you give me a logical explanation why?

Have you tried figuring that out yourself without becoming frustrated like a petulant child?


Bahahaha,... edgy?
you’re the one that’s been told to kys.

>like I care?

obviously you do. Otherwise you wouldn’t post.

>Why live in this shitstorm we call reality? Can you give me a logical explanation why?
I don't know any other kind of reality besides dwelling in drugs till you die.
So in the meantime I take my shot on prepping the gas chambers and enjoying that which I can.
Also, if you don't like it then why don't just an hero?

this guy gets it.


Even the universe is not immortal. Once all the starts will have died in many billions of years from now life wont be able to subsist anymore.

an heroing is hard. Physically and mentally.
Have you tried?

So the only thing left in the end is non-existence no matter what you wish the afterlife to be like... eventually even that place cease to exist someday.

Yepp. There’s an end to everything....
.... and two ends to sausages.


or...... it will just start all over again.

This is why you should enjoy life like it doesn't really matter... because it doesn't.

So make money and fuck bitches.

Someone who clearly has no understanding of mental illness.

Most likely doesn’t understand much anyway.


Even if it does start all over again... and again... and again...

In the end you just don't remember it. It's like the old saying "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?".

And how do you suggest one does that?

You’re defining things but nothing can be defined.

Grab her by the pussy and face the consequences with pride.

You sir are all class!! You have evolved the banana meme.

That's swell.
If you sincerely believe that then it's best for you to shut the fuck up.
I don't, so I don't have to.

Look at all these nouns and verbs and prepositions I used to form coherent meaning.
Ultimately nothing lol

.... ummmm.... this is not going to lead to making money or fucking bitches.

Because you only live once.
You have no afterlife, no reincarnation, nothing. Once your brain dies every single thing about you is erased internally, it is as if you didn't exist.
Sure others have memories of you, and your body occupies some space. But you, your ego, your awareness simply dies.

So whatever, and for whatever reason you that exists now had only one chance in eternity to be the you now. And it doesn't have any other chance whatsoever of ever existing again, and you want to shut it down?

Why not live a carefree life of your choosing and experience all that you can before the final lights out?

I seriously don't get you, I do get your nihilism and "bawww I crave meaning", but I don't get the why?

Why do you need meaning? Can you tell me?
Why do you need anything to make sense?
Just BE, and be however the fuck you want to be. You can literally do anything your heart desires (with consequences) and live through it.

Be a fucking criminal, nobody other than you will decide what you want.
Stop worrying about the why, there are people who have dedicated their whole lives to this question and they are burried and shutdown. Humanity isn't close to that answer, and I'd say you should wake up to the realisation that you were born in the age when humanity had no fucking clue, so just BE and enjoy it as best you can.

Life is about one thing and one thing only...

How you feel.

You obviously never tried it... or maybe you were doing it wrong.

>You have no afterlife, no reincarnation, nothing

you don’t know that. That’s your opinion.

So tell me exactly how one should “grab her by the pussy” and have a positive outcome?

Because I have self awareness. I want meaning. I want answers and I can’t get those answers.

Oh shit the fuck up you idiot.
I have been near enough near death experienced patients, coma patients, and patients with dementia to now that it's all due to the Cortex.

I've been near a patient who had a mild blow to the head who couldn't function like a human being anymore, let alone have vivid memories of their families.

Scientifically, your ego can already be erased with the right brain damage even if you continue living.

Once your brain shuts down, it's over, the sooner you come to that realisation the happier and more motivated you will be.

Everybody dies, and everybody becomes plasma waste in the ground. Stop your delusions of grandeur for humanity, we are no more or less "divine" than the fucking mold on your cum socks.

You will die, and you will be erased. So live now and stop being a whiney emo bitch about it.

Fuck it, I'm trying same guy you are talking to.

Hit me with your most important, crucial, and life changing questions that you have.

Let's reflect, isn't that what the universe does? Reflect upon it self?

No, it's fact. Deal with it, or lose your dignity entirely and get religion.

>it’s a fact.

I just lost all respect for your opinions.

Triple 9, not bad!

Fuck you cunt

thinking you know shit.

pfffft, you know fuck all. Like the rest of us.

I'm devastated

That was exactly my point you walking shit bag.
That nobody knows, and that op should stfu and love a full life

That wasn't me brostoyevsky

I totally have your point of view... nothing really matters and life has no meaning... why bother living it??

Classic moron fallacy: presuming that everyone else is as dumb & ignorant as they are.

My reasoning is this: If I'm going to die anyways, I might as well make everyone else's experience suck while I'm around.

Suicide is just as rational as continuing to live. There's no point in either. You should just spend your time doing whatever makes you happy, regardless of what it is. It could be rape, eating, or bird watching, who gives a shit.

why not, if you're going to die anyway, you might as well make everyone else's experience better while you're around.




But it's just as well to fuck everyone's life up


I can relate to this.

Congratulations, you just discovered existentialism. Now, go read Kafka, Camus, and Sartre.

>Life is a sick joke. No meaning, no significance, nothing. It’s all an illusion.
Only if you're broke. And don't try to speak for wealthy people, because you're probably not qualified to do so.

You're an alright kinda guy my dude
