NEW FEATURE: Sup Forums now censors credit card numbers!

NEW FEATURE: Sup Forums now censors credit card numbers!

My card number for example: **** **** **** ****

Hiw stupid are you op?

oh yeah sure thing fag
my wont get fucking censored

**** **** **** ****

**** **** **** ****

Wow this really worked!

1234 9876 5678 3456

holy fuck thats one fucking good cgi wasted in autism


Woah this actually works?
Lemme try.
5349 2333 3325 9550

4789 9123 0308 1094

Fuck you dude

Why didn't it work... Please guys don't use it please..


Haha what does that mean? Seriously don't use it though..

darwin awards

5642 5268 7864 7891

oh fug
How do I delete?

9163 74473891 1121


oh... mmmm
4982 0029 1205 9900
e.d: 12/18 cvc 9823

fake faggot, kys


Number: 7700 6750 8104 0510
Name: Douglas Howard Foley
CVE: 402
EXP: 05/19

Thanks, got any others?

2668 9851 4736 0704
Does it censor the number on the back too? 440
It doesn't matter, it expires in february anyway


Hey guys I'm pretty sure it does SSN's too:

*** ** ****

You're not going to get my Runescape password noob

Are you sure?

5555 5555 5555 5555

lol hey banks cover scams right so ops committing a crime against a bank and we know banks have ways of fucking the ops whore mother up her ass because everyone knows the Ops mom is a whore

ITT: lost/stolen


ey can i have your number?

Wait really?
Lemme try dis.

0746 2037 3026 1036

So what are y'all buying?

it's real dumbass


Oh shit really?

**** **** **** ****

holy shit it worked

6011 0009 9013 9424

Anyone know where you can buy thing without asking for residential addresses??


But what can you do with just the numbers? Don't you need the PIN and name too?

Sup Forums ROCKS!

5506 9224 0063 4930

Ryan Warren
2251 7984 3197 1169

anyone saved?

You can buy things but not access any ATMs.

Trying to figure out what to do about the residential address thing tho.

what is it



**** **** **** ****

wow it really works and automatically too

Has anyone tested those numbers? Do they work?

Plz work
4325 7638 3617 6899

I’ve tried a few, anyone gets any luck send me some cash my way I need help with bills

this one is the best

Oh fuq... I fucked up

**** **** ****

**** **** **** ****
Let's see if it works

It's gonna suck to wait until month 22 2018 for it to expire.

Worst bait ever

Stupid-ass nigg


You are reading it wrong