Did I do the right thing?

Did I do the right thing?

>meet girl online
>invite her to play with my PSN group
>flirt with each other playfully
>eventually it starts getting extremely flirty, borderline sexting at times
>find out she lives 15 minutes away from me
>ask her if she wants to meet up
>says she's busy
>press on for a week, still flirting
>tells me she's going to bed, stays up all night talking to one of my other friends
>realize that she's playing me so I block her
>day later she find sout
>mutual friend told me she spoke with him and that she wants me to unblock her
>friend said that she's a sweet girl and is very hurt that I dropped her

I made my intentions clear, mentioned to her that I wanted to hang out more than once, and she said she was busy. I figured I'd give it another week before I dropped it, and she still says she's busy, but still flirts heavily. In my head, she's playing games with me.

She's also lied to me a few times already, some stuff I noticed on my own, and found out from my friend that spoke with her. I've already known her for about 2 weeks now. I don't like liars. I wouldn't want to possibly date one, let alone be friends with them.

Did I do anything wrong exactly?

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she's a cunt, delete her and your "friend" as well before you get cucked

you're being cucked

stay away from them

Hahahahahaha i bet you she flirts even more with that guy than you. It just sounds like the classic story of the ignored high school nerdy girl, nobody oaid attention to her now. But now that guys dont have the "social preassures" they hit her up all the time and she likes the attention so much shed do anything for it. Sadly some other guy came into the pic, and now youee out beta fag.

nah drop 'em. trust is everything, and if she's willing to lie that easily, god knows what they will pull in the long run

I wouldn't date you either, user. So delet her or get cucked

>known her about two weeks
>is very hurt
She's full of shit, mate.

well, if your only goal is to bang her, yeah, just forget about her.

but you don't exactly sound like a stellar person either so you should just be honest with yourself and stop making up excuses why she isn't good enough for you

Nigga who the fuck cares? If you dont like the drama then cut the lights and drop the curtain on this bullshit. If you like the drama then keep going with it. If you want your dick wet get on as many hook up apps as possible and set out the widest fuck net you can.

just drop her man i dont think she is worth it



It's an attention whore, sexting is the best you'll get out of it, maybe some nudes. Keep talking to her but don't expect much more. IMO it's still good for you since it will help you be more comfy talking/flirting, and help you be better at it.

saw this oon r9k, don't be a cuck, user. but also don't be a dick

You Again?
I saw this thread yesterday atte Night

>Did I do anything wrong exactly?

Be patient. Play the game.

This guy gets it. Just use her to learn how to talk to grills so that you can become confident enough to get other pussy.

Back in my day we used to just bang fat chicks.

thread turned into tumblrina's and soyboys from california arguing with level headed people.

Blocking someone is an extremely puss thing to do. You made your intent clear and she did so too. To block someone is a coward way out.

You don't have to date her. You don't have to be friends. But to just block someone after that is wrong. Man up and figure the problem out.

fpbp. Trash them both and do not look back. Never regret your decisions. Only thing you'll regret is if you regret them.

Sounds like she wants attention. Just fucking drop her, she doesn't actually give a shit

>wtf user go waste your time with people who don't deserve it because that's what real men do
spoken like a true desperate beta with nothing better to do than bother with random thots and their whims

You did the right thing. Your friend is an orbiter. Abandon ship. Abandon a lot of ships if need be.

Just be honest. "Look, if you're into me we'll see where it goes, if not, cut back on the flirting".

But are you sure she actually is flirting? I have a friend that thinks every girl that speaks to him is flirting.. maybe she's just a very open person?

I know what the difference is between flirting and just being nice.

Girls usually will be subtle about it. she's not.

>are you sure she's flirting
>maybe she's just a very open person?

shes an attention whore

withholding attention is her kryptonite

she will either pester you until you give her more attention or ignore you and move on to the next sap giving her attention

if she pesters you, find her most obvious physical fault and point it out, then continue ignoring her. rinse, lather, repeat until she goes out with you, get her drunk and use her.

if the latter, forget about it and move on to the next of 3 billion girls

rape her