No Michigan thread? Let's see all those nasty mitten sluts!

No Michigan thread? Let's see all those nasty mitten sluts!

616 Grand Rapids
Have more, but no noodz

any berrien/cass county wins?

Got any butt shots through?

Closest thing to a butt shot...

Anyone know Ashley S. From Rockford? She had a few pics on user-ib


Bump for 734

Post em!

Thanks m8.


Bump 517. I got lots! Mia


Anyone know kay?




My favorite kind of titties... moar?

moar 616?

wow. just wow. zero drool, just stunned amazement that such a person as this exists.

Battle Creek pls

I get that same feeling when I'm standing face to face with her, dreaming of fucking her brains out, while she has no idea I even think of her that way...

Chey 517






Cute as hell! Where from? Moar?


734 area

continue! Any wins?

That was a let down




K, I am officially head over heels in love! Don't suppose there's a snowball's chance in hell of a FB or Insta?

nah but I'll do a kik dump of her if you want?

Dump it all!!!


sure message Trevortrovert on kik for more

I knew Rachel from livonia on the left.

She's a real bitch.

You Zachary?


Got them tiddies?!

WMU 10-11...who got em?

Rachel from GR originally, now Detroit

Any Hilary J floating around out there? Rockford class of 08. I've been told she has pics, but they were posted so long ago that no one has them saved or archived.

Rachel 2/4


Rae 3/4


Rachel 4/4




Sexy! Please more if you have em

Allie sin? From Michigan?



Nice ass and hips. Would def fuck.


who got em?

Anyone have any Holland mi?


I don't think girls from Holland ever take off their clothes!

I like! So nice to see a pretty girl without goofy facial piercings or trashy cheap tattoos these days. Keep going if you have em

i mean ive seen some but dont have the pics handy

Never see any Monroe area ho's



Sexy! More?


They do and they are notorious cheaters

Post some Taylor

Really? Only Holland girls I've ever come across were a bunch of bubble-head blonde christian girls from Hope College. Maybe they're not such goody goodies after all?

anyone have rockford girls?



Chelsea p stories or wins?




bump for holland

Oh yeah I know there's more of her lets see!


who got Rae from Battle Creek?

Any Brighton/ Howell area?

I agree more Rockford


I have 2 of them but can't post due to pixels


Any Emma R from ferris state

Anyone got Oakridge, Orchard View or Montague from class of 2000ish?

This Emma R? Please someone

Savannah p Taylor

looks familiar. where from?

Ayyyy GR here too fag

Still looking? Hit up her exes or someone who hates her hahah

This shitty state makes me pray for WWIII. Enjoy jacking it to pasty mole-covered white trash.