This gurl sent me nudes and she has bf

This gurl sent me nudes and she has bf

What we do?

post em

proof ?

She looks like human garbage

Keep the pic for fap-material. Stop hanging around the slut and find another girl

Dump the nudes then expose her. Duh.

You shut the fuck up and enjoy your fucking gift

share with your Sup Forumsros

Show her bf.

Alternatively, dubs decides. Also, dubs get.

Dubs for more nuggets
Trips her f b

DM them her boyfreind and ask to trade for his

Dubs get!!


Roll for tits



just post them faggot



Dat filename

Dat filename



Steal her bf

u2 my friend

Rollins for trips.

Do work sun

Ok, fine, I'll settle for dubs.


Fag, upmost original post

Why settle for one when you could have both

Gimme trips

will never deliver


Is it public?


Dubs check


Here’s trips. Fb link pls.

major disappoint
OP is fag

Lol op dun goofed

Prize 2

Is that it? If dubs, post all

Dubs check

She sent you a pic with another man's cum? You're getting cucked by a girl you're not even with lulz

Bf cum



And I bet you jacked off. You're literally a cuck KEK

Well... Nanzy Nanchi on fb

dis gon be gud

not OP but a girl you're not in a relationship with sends you a pic of her naked body covered in cum and you give a fuck that it's not yours?

wait a second... i just got trolled didn't I?


Not my cum, she sent me that anyway