I am 41 years old. I have a disability, I am visually impaired, have depression...

I am 41 years old. I have a disability, I am visually impaired, have depression, anxiety and OCD and can't do things like drive a car. I live with my parents and have my whole life.

When I trued 38 I moved into an apartment to be closer to a girl I knew, she is bi polar but eventually stooped coming over and talking to so I moved back to my parents house, she still calls me though, but has a bf she said, so idk how long that will last, because she always had lots of guy friends. I talked to her dad and he said she don't have a boyfriend.

I will probably eventually have to move back there, my parents pay rent, it's a luxury apartment in a nice neighborhood. But I'm scared because last time I hated being alone except when she came over I was fine but when she left, it's like I could not stand to be there myself. So I idk what to do when I move back there, I have no job skills and never went to college, only jobs I ever had were wal mart and a movie theater and I have not worked since 2007.

I am just terrified of being by myself over there, I can't make friends and girls never talk to me and I can't relate to anyone because of my disability. I am also getting to where I can't handle life anymore, it's just so depressing and only gets worse with age, I hate being this old, I feel like life is just getting worse ever year.


Do you have a hobby


Cool, that's more than some people do. Just keep on keeping on.

don't take life so seriously, just enjoy yourself as much as you can


What's your disability?

why do I take it so seriously?

I said in my post, visually impaired

You can do it user. I know this probably sounds horribly cliché, but you are your own greatest obstacle. If you think you will hate being alone, you will. If you can find some level of satisfaction from what you do by yourself (which is something all people are capable of), then you will be OK.

Socialization will come more naturally over time when you enjoy your own company. Not that it will be effortless, but it will be less difficult.

To be blunt, you're not special, no one is. People have done it before, so can you.

because society tells you that you should.
you don't need to listen to anyone but yourself.

Nostalgia Kek

Disabled you say?
Drain on your parents and society I say.

Eventually you'll be completely alone as everyone you leech off of dies or abandons you. At this point in you "life" it's near impossible to become self sustaining. The die is cast, and you'll die and nobody will forget you.. only because you weren't worth remembering in the first place.

Barely a disability, can't you just get glasses?

Get a cat and start smoking weed, it fixed my life

Awww, inspiring stuff nigger

society has some requirements out of people, but even those without a disability or certain obstacles don't need to follow those requirements. just do what you think you'd enjoy and in the end - try new things, it's not like your life will get worse from it.

two sides of the coin right here.

I would put legally blind but no one knows what that is

> "visually impaired, have depression, anxiety and OCD"

Fucker probably just wears glasses and has self-diagnosed all the other shit as an excuse for being weak at life.
Who the fuck is scared and cowering as they enter their 40's!?
Seriously neck yourself.

The comma between “I have a disability” and “I am visually impaired” makes it seem like you are talking about two things.

I mean, life is meaningless, so why not try to enjoy yourself?

There is something that brings each person in this world joy. Find it and then quit bitching.

It means that with correction your eyesight can’t reach 20/20.

So it’s enough of a disability you can’t work, but you can still play video games and post on Sup Forums? Interesting.

I actually appreciate both of your posts that I highlighted.
I personally try to take a bit from both of them when thinking about my life.

Lower your standards and get a fuck ugly girlfriend then. At least your dick will finally get wet.

>So it’s enough of a disability you can’t work
I tried, never got a call back and if did got an interview but did not get hired

How many times in the last 10 years did this happen?

hope you feel better op. I'm 32 and similar situation, back problems, depression, plus was never good with people anyways. I'm a wizard that still lives at home. No friends.

This fellow was harsh but his sentiment is correct. As Jim Morrison said ‘no one gets out of here alive’ and promptly proved it by slight over indulgence.
You just have to say fuck it at some point in your life, there’s nothing really to fear apart from what is in your head. Carpe Diem

... Sounds like you didn't really try at all.
I've worked with guys that had to use a urinal by feel, their sight was so bad.
There are COMPLETELY blind mofo's that have entire careers.. Fuck your excuses bitch.

not very many, I just gave up at one point

>There are COMPLETELY blind mofo's that have entire careers..
they are probably smart, I was in special ed classes in school

We can just assume you are a virgin, correct?

Bi space polar?

not a virgin

>Bi space polar?

> conveniently ads new disability to dodge argument.

it's true

This so much

OP is a professional victim.
Just crying for digital attention.
Put down the games and do something with your life you potato minded worm. You're literally being outperformed by downs syndrome people and retards that are employed solely to press a button repeatedly.

Work from what you like. You're getting sponsored from home it seems. Dedicate yourself to a youtube gaming channel for example. You'll get hate. But if you do good and i formative reviews you can get quite alot of views and recognition wich will boost your social status and selfappreciation

My sides

>Dedicate yourself to a youtube gaming channel for example.
you don't get paid though

Inferior being detected

Man, I envy you. I've got four people reliant on me directly and then a work place that demands more than I care to give. I have to, though.
I'm working at a $500 monthly deficit, also. My last job paid a lot and I had a lifestyle then randomly I was made redundant.
Now I'm slowly falling and I just wish I could have a different life.

Buck up, man. Could be worse.

Even tards can get a job, that's not an excuse

>Even tards can get a job
tards with low vision?

Do you wanna be one?

Are you regretting not saving yourself for marriage you slutty whore?

Yes, you pathetic loser.
Ffs you could have a job sticking flyers under windshield wipers, or spinning a sign on a corner for Little Caesars.
You just are accustomed to sloth and being cared for like an infant.

A tard, poor vision or not, is still a tard, wich you're not. Even blind people can manage to get an easy, no skills required job

Slightly dumb AND wears glasses? It would seem this dude has the worst luck in the world

REEE hee hee

The absolute first step you've got to take is get a job. A job will offer you a routine, force you to interact with people so you can build confidence and of course a solid income to help you do stuff outside of work.

If you can't muster that step, especially at your age where you'll socialise with people in your age bracket then you will not be able to fix anything else. So get back on the horse and keep looking user - once you're working you can figure out everything else.

You're fucking pathetic. You're a leech, lazy, incompetent and resemble, in text, a 41 year old sneering, smelly, something about...hmmm

jesus man, I don't even know what to say.

Godspeed I guess.

Yeah, I just figured out my bills for the month, and I only have 125$ a week in discretionary spending for the next several months. I have to buy gas and groceries, clothes and whatever else pops up with that. I have 4 kids. I'm fucked. All my credit cards are almost maxed out

Dude I exactly feel you. Two baby mamas (don't have a three way without condoms. Two baby mamas SOUNDS hot but it gets crowded fast.) and two babies. Car loan, rent, credit cards, groceries.
2400 a month. 1960 coming in.

honestly, this. weed might not end up being your thing but you should get a pet. it sounds like you have plenty of money so focusing on taking care of another creature and having some responsibility could be really good for you.

You're also a bit of a whiner.
My friend Andy was a birth trauma spastic. He had no control over his arms or hands, which just flailed around on their own, and very little over his legs.
He typed with his tongue and nose.
He ran a successful internet iT business selling packaged software and eventually moved into the ISP business.
Yes, he had help. People were happy to help hime because of his never say die attitude.

Reposting this because I messed up the edit. OP i'm 29 and pretty much in your situation and i'm breaking out of it. I can help you. I had to be put in classrooms with just a few kids back in highschool. I was born with an attention span issue so bad I needed meds for it. And on top of that I gave myself brain damage from a health issue. So just imagine how hard learning is for me. I also had a personality disorder I was diagnosed with that made it hard to be around people. I've had 2 jobs my whole life. The second one I just probably got recently starting tomorrow.

>I have no job skills and can't get a job
You mentioned this but when people asked you in the thread further you said you just gave up after barely trying. That's the issue.

What you need to do is to google what are called job placement services in your area and have your parents drive you to the building that does this. These are programs where their sole purpose is to help you find a job. My local college had a program called "Quick jobs" and these offered programs that would get you a job after training for only a few weeks. There is even a place in my area that specializes in finding jobs specifically for people who have disabilities. The one I went too even asked if I would need accommodations if I couldn't drive. Tell me a general idea of where you are and I will google and find these places for you.

Next, do you know the good job hunting websites? That's what I used. Even without finishing highschool and having no prior experience with any job this landed me a job in just a few days. What you're looking for are jobs classified as entry level with no previous experience required where they will train you.

What you don't have in education you can make up for with experience. Just keep working smaller gigs while you live with your parents, then build yourself up until you have decent money. Then ladies will arrive.

You're a good guy. I'm not OP, just in a similar situations

In all fairness he certainly seems retarded