Did you find an antidepressant helpful for your situation?

Did you find an antidepressant helpful for your situation?
I'm pretty depressed and considering trying one again. Tried Zoloft for 2 weeks but it broke my dick, might try something else

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No, still felt depressed, and tried to kill myself with them

pretty much all antidepressants will break your dick, but after being on them for a while you will get used to it and learn to cum again.

I would recommend them though.
you should really consider if it is truly depression causing your issues or anxiety, because I was on zoloft for a long time and while it helped with depression, I had very bad anxiety.
I ended up switching to paxil after my anxiety became too much to bear and it works wonders for me.

i can't willingly take antidepressants; i hate 'em

Yeah op Zoloft killed my sex drive.

No. depress is natural body saying hey man your sit sucks we gotta change it


I'm on prozac and it does fuck all

what if they are secretly added in your food ?

OP here, I was just watching some psychology videos and one psychologist suggested "if the patient more or less has their life together, has friends, financial security and money then antidepressants could fix their issues"

I feel I'm in that category. I just have no motivation to do anything and a very nihilistic outlook on life. I feel like crying for no reason sometimes and I'm still not over a girl I was dating in the summer even though I've had sex with 2 others since her and continue to see one. My life is together but i feel like it's in shambles and I'm always miserable. I want to be more productive and get better grades but i don't have the drive so I'm considering antidepressants

clinical depression is not the same as normal depression.

True dat but when you're depressed to that degree you aren't so casually concerned about the side effects, you really don't care much

>2 weeks


antidepressants are a crutch. you use them so the bad feelings don't cripple you. antidepressants make it so you can get your life together and back on track, then you quit taking them. it's like training wheels.

try lexapro. it hits fewer receptors. it's less "dirty" and has fewer side effects. it takes at least 2 months for your serotonin system to regulate. nothing is going to happen in two weeks.

I think they could certainly help you in that case.
like I said I currently take Paxil (paroxetine) and it has helped drastically with my depression and especially my anxiety (I used to have panic attacks daily)

this user also has a point, antidepressants don't work immidiately.
they take a few months to really kick in.

I have anxiety and mild depression. SSRIs do work for me most of the time. My dick isn't as eager to fuck things as it was before the meds, but it can be kinda clarifying to be free from being a slave to your own dick. After time you will get function back, just not the.perpetual horniness you used to have if your experience is anything like mine.

maybe a little snake in cage isn't a bad thing, seems to be a crutch for lots here

I had brain surgery 2 years ago and was told a side effect could be depression. I mean it cured my epilepsy so for the first year (which was mostly recovered) I was very elated and confident. Now that I'm back to school and back in normal situations I think the depression is kicking in and that's why I'm doing poorly. When applying to school I was very regimented with studying and working full time. Now that I'm here I just feel empty

To add to this, I went from being a 2 pump chump to being able to easily fuck for 30 minutes. My wife gets bored and starts playing with her tits to help me finish now.

Spot on to my experience.

I’m 8 months into lexapro for GAD. Once you get passed the first month (side effects are terrible) things generally level out.

But user is raight about the horniness. I’m no longer a walking erection at all times. Just sometimes. And endurance is phenomenal. Wife loves it.


Killed my sex drive but now I can last for bloody hours in bed...I am gay tho so eh.

Psychiatric medication is effective in treating mental disorders, such as depression. I currently take lithium, lamictal, zyprexa, and cogentin and things are going well. With that being said, one type of medication may not be a fit for you. It may not work effectively or the side effects might be too severe for your body.

It's trial and error along with accepting that all psychiatric medication has side effects, the severity of which differs from person to person. My advice for you is to try several different medications to see which "fits" for you, and most importantly, get your medication from a mental health professional. Getting psychiatric medication from an unqualified primary care doctor is the worst thing anyone can do for psychiatric treatment.


tag an addict

are you sure it isn't anxiety that's causing your depression?
anxiety can fuck with you a lot and make you feel things that you normally wouldn't feel.
either way you should get something to help, there's no shame in it.
but whatever you get you should stick with a least a few months before giving up on.

Try low dose adderall or, preferably, vyvanse. Amps got me the closest to depression relief than literally anything else. And no, it’s not called being high. I know what an amp high is like and it’s not like that. If unable to obtain amps, try trintellix. Works relatively well for me.

the older meds generally work better but could have more side effects

Nortriptyline was the best I tried

Zoloft takes a couple of months to work properly. Im on it and it saved my life numerous times.

I doubt you need the cogentin friend.

You don't have parkinsons and the side effect profile is immense.

Could be wrong but meh.

I don't think it's anxiety, I have no issues with being with people. What really has me down is a piece of advice I heard the other day "you need to give on a relationship with the perfect woman in order to have a relationship with any woman"
That's how i feel about my ex, she was my first and we knew each other a long time but I always thought I could do better. Came to law school, banged some sloots but now I want her back but she won't talk to me. Also doing poorly in school, just not motivated to do well. My main goal coming here was to make friends because I thought now I'm not having seizures I could make friends with lots of people and be popular. Although i do have a lot of friends now i still feel empty inside

Get fit
Lots of cardio

This is correct

Anxiety is closely linked to depression and that’s why ADs get prescribed for both.
They can help you but it’s at a cost, also they’re a fucker for some people to get off as the side effects can be quite harsh.
If you can manage without them, don’t. Fucking with brain chemistry is not all it’s cracked up to be

You could try Saint John's Wort but that is if you don't take any other chemical treatment.

try ECT or TMS

I used to lift but lost interest after my surgery
I'm in decent shape but could use some gains. Getting fit will be my winter term goal

Anxiety is not in anyway "closely" related to anxiety. It's a flimsy ying yang sure. But they branch out in far to many directions
to be directly related to each other

Htp5 is it sometimes also helps

I was on 4 different meds, each no less than 3 months, and each having a worse effect on my health than the last. eventually I tried to stop and they said I had to take another because it is less of a addictive drug and would be easier to quit. I took it for a month and quit cold turkey. wanted to kill myself every waking moment for about 4 days until it was out of my system and ever since I've been better than I ever was.
I suggest working out if you can make it out of bed. it truly is the best feeling if you can find a sport or activity/bud to do it with to help you stick with it. meditation is also extremely helpful and if you are able to avoid electronics for an hour before you go to bed it helps the ability to go to sleep which is a major factor in depression.
personal experience, a shit ton of personal research and a psych degree if that counts for anything

Well thanks for the clarification doctor user. However, that’s what somebody in the line at McDonald’s told me so I’m thinking it’s true then.

As someone with their life together after being diagnosed and medicated for depression you're fucking uneducated and retarded. Quit spreading bullshit, it hurts people more than you can imagine.

oh, and weed... it wasn't the healthiest way to do it looking back on it, but it sure got me through some of my hardest times

>avoid electronics for an hour before you go to bed it helps the ability to go to sleep which is a major factor in depression
This is probably a good place to start
I usually just watch YouTube on my phone until i pass out

There's a lot of research that supports stims in THERAPEUTIC DOSES can help a lot with depression.

No it doesn't. Giving people a heart pouring platform where they have no chance of formine lasting emotional bonds with the advices and people they find trustwothy according to their own personal decisions gives then NO help with developing interpersonal relationships and conversely makes them vulnerable thinking there are actually a large trustworthy source of people they can go to with little awareness of their own ailments and expect proper treatment with no hint of snake oil.

Get bent. Guy needs to make his own calls and be patient.

t. someone in the same situation as you

Good luck getting a physician on board with it. They aren't fond of A/B cures.

Vyvanse is easy to get. They’re pushing it to “control binge eating.” Just claim you think you may binge eat. Read up on symptoms and work a few into your doctor visit. Easy to get because docs are getting kickbacks from the company that makes it. It’s expensive medicine tho and insurance companies don’t like paying for it. God bless fucking America.

Not at all. I just zombied out. I didn't feel anything. I became more demotivated, lost interest in everything. At least with being depressed I was angry or furious or something.

In full disclosure, my depression was caused by the death of my brother and a death of a close friend or family member every year after. it certainly could have been related to that, but my mom's sister killed herself and nearly everyone in my family has had severe bouts of depression and anxiety, so take everything with a grain of salt and keep working on finding your way. I never thought I'd make it this far, and being depressed normally causes you to gravitate towards others who are, so I've had best friends kill themselves, but I've also gone to their funerals and it hurts. I wish you the best of luck user.

Thank you for the advice sir

On prozac for anxiety. Broke my dick for the first 2 months but all is working fine now. The drug will have no dramatic effect for 1-2 months. After that it starts to help. I'm actually a lot calmer. I also get xanax but honestly they don't do much for me.

I hate taking it, but I have to. Zyprexa makes my hands shake and I have a very hard time sitting still. It's fucked up that I have to take medication to fix what another medication causes, but the payoff is worth it in the long run.

Can a psychologist prescribe drugs? I'm seeing one in January

No. Only a licenced psychiatrist or physician can prescribe antidepressants.

I’ve been on Lexapro since last Friday. I’ve noticed a little difference. I don’t feel so down anymore.

I just kinda force myself to do things. No meds yet. I was on some before that to calm down my tourettes syndrome. But it made me quiet. Sad and emotional. Would get obsessive to the point where nothing mattered. And if that failed. I stopped getting hungry from depression to the point where I don't eat. I collapsed in the middle of a field while working one day and since then. I've just stopped taking my meds altogether. My tourettes is basically gone now but the depression stayed.

this is the same user you replied to,
I really feel you on that man, I had a similar situation.
anxiety isn't always just about being around people but if you do feel like it's more depression you could ask your doctor about options related to that.
either way an antidepressant could help you if you stick with it for a bit.

That's a pain, I'll have to ask my GP but I live in a different city than her now

you would need a psychiatrist or doctor, someone medically certified to do so.

I just read the clinic I'm going to has a registered gp so maybe they'd prescribe something even tho I'm seeing a psychologist

no offense, but if your wife is getting bored from just 30 minutes of sex, then you're doing something very wrong...

What do if that doesn't describe me?

Idk, watch Jordan Peterson on youtube

I cleaned my room and still feel like shit



It makes the depression more controllable but still there. I also feels it numbs you in other ways also. The lows aren't as low but the highs aren't as high. My sex drive while I them was fine until I became single and then it died. When I had a gf if fuck every day spent ones even twice a day, now I fap once every two weeks

This. Most antidepressants take up to 3 months to be effective.

go out into the woods with a knife, high on drugs.. there's your antidepressant. your life is too easy

Sounds like you may be developing reactive depression rather than the clinical/neurological depression that was helped by the surgery. Talk to your doctor.

smoke some weed, a little bit every day. it helps a lot. been off of meds for about 3 months now (zoloft, vistaril) and it's been great.