Just recently got out psych care. Ask me anything

Just recently got out psych care. Ask me anything.

will u pls come to brasil

No. I'm not interested in visiting anywhere south of the border.


You really don't have anything better to do right now?

did you get to kill any muzzies in the navy? are they even capable of travel by water?

How many people did you kill?

Closest of dying you were?

Nope. Got taken off my boat and sent back to homeport to continue care.

Nah, I was stationed in Japan and never deployed to the middle east.

None. I came close about two times.

How bad was it?

Tell us about the two times

Do you guys bang each other while on board?

It was actually pretty good. I was in a civilian facility and was removed the environment that made me suicidal. Also, trazodone is great.

First time was during this thing called UNREP. We almost collided with the oiler. Second time was my suicide attempt.

On my first ship a male and female sailor did and she got pregnant.

Don't be so mysterious faget why did you try to become an hero?

Because I was transferred to a new ship that sucked pretty bad compared to my old one. I was so stressed out I couldn't sleep and kept getting fucked over too much.

what your rank on cod

Can't transfer to better ship?

I play counter strike bruh

Well, it doesn't matter now. I just wanna finish my treatment then be discharged. I'll still get full bennies.

Ayyyy TSCGL here, been alright, shipmate?

Hey shipmate... are you into dudes?

Man, you get posted somewhere nice? I'm stuck in a shit NAS in the middle of the desert.

Booter or instructor?


I was in Yoko for my first tour. Then I got stuck in a new construction billet.

No questions, but I hope you're doing better after your stay. Take care, user

Booter, ET in ATT atm. How's the fleet? GL is shit right now tbh. I can't wait to start a school.

How big is your dick?

method and reason for failure?

Hot racking with lots of hot seamen?
>** wink, wink ** ;)

Your a pussy who was probably in deck or supply department, almost dying during an unrep? You shitting me? Also, posting a picture of your little E4 rank doing this shit here is humiliating. And Japan, we robotics and MAGICCAARPET training on the Washington seeing you cucks walk around in the hangar bay. EOD, if you are smart you could find me and I would love to meet you with me and my gay bros and give you a throbbin of your life. 2014, EOD, E6 during that Thailand, ez.

ATT sucks cock. Hopefully you get a C school in Dam Neck. Heard it's pretty chill when you get to that point. "The fleet" is a boot term, stop that shit.

8 inches.

Was gonna jump off the side but a spark of sanity hit me and I got help.

you surface faggots are such fucking pussies try being underwater for 3months at a time with 3 day duty rotation. you whiney no good bitch

Lemoore I take it? Place is shit.

No thanks. Precom starts at 3 section with 12+ hour work days.

Lmao alright. So you know what ATT's about. ET, FC? I want to go radar. What do you think I should do to do so?

Do you feel bad receiving stolen money to kill people?

Precom life suck balls. Before and after delivery. Believe nothing this man says

My guess is that you're either a fatty, crippled or a tard who tried but failed to get into the military.

Yeah, it's called Brasil not Brazil.

Are you crazy?

Nah, I'm not in CS. Shoot for a radar tech NEC though. Lots of money to be made when you get out.

Yup. Long hours and bullshit that never stops!

A little.

Are you on the Higgins?

No but I know somebody on that boat.

No, I'm just being rational. What's the point of receiving money to destroy and don't produce anything?

That was astounding. Incomprehensible and nonsensical, have you suffered recent blow to the head?

The fuck you talking about? are you sure you have the right address?

thank you for your service. I hope everything works out for you and you find peace and happiness in life.

Why did they send you there? I'm shipping out soon and in hoping they believe my made up story about my scar.

Because I was suicidal. Watch yourself during the moment of truth thing they do.

Boot camp is only getting easier, you'll be fine

I've been o the ward back in june while I was stationed over in Bremerton. They sent me to Madigan for 5 days. Trazodone fucks you up long term because you can't sleep without it and Duloxetine is the only way to function after having been on it for a while.

>thank you for your service.

> most servicepeople dont wanna hear that "thank you for your service" bullshit.

just a "how you doing, whats happening, wanna hang out, beers and food and good times" is more what we wanna hear.

that 'tyfys' shit is all played out, and insincere, fuck you, give us good cheer and money and shit, fuck your pc automatic feely goody worthless platitudes

Get a load of this guy.

You must be 18 to post here faggot.


Did you get put on sick call?

I am in full agreement with you but are you sure you're in the right thread?

shit, wait lemme check

How long were you in and you only made 3rd? What rate? No hate because everyone in the navy wants to quit but fucking wanting to die? It's not that bad

just checked, EVERY thread is right for this

I've never understood why I despise that as well. I instantly cringe. Mainly because of the fact that I haven't really even done anything worth thanking yet.

I'm still in and just hit 3 awhile ago. It took me 2 years and 3 trys to make 3rd because quotas and evals are a bitch.

oh shut the fuck up and take the fucking compliment you sensitive cuck.

Not everyone lives in your PC universe and thinks into everything as much as you and you're tiny brain do. Get a fucking life.

How did you feel when you found out that Snoke and Luke Skywalker die in Episode 8?

Do what you can to go get a radar nec. Prior ET2 here, just got out last year. Radar is so much easier than comms. Either way tho, if you decide to get out, you are set with any ET nec if you aren't a tard

You sound like a real shit sandwich ship mate.

are you from california? i think i know you.

Utterly unsurprised. Do you think you're clever by spoiling the movie? Because anybody capable of using the internet could have predicted all of those plot points.

this is now a muslim thread


shut up, bitch ass

I will never be a Muslim.
Why even live?

2 MP's and and an EP. No coveralls or blowjobs required.




Was also navy and went to psyche care for a couple weeks. Shit was garbage, but I was in portsmouth out of Virginia. How was your experience?

I've got diabetes (not overweight but have to take medicine) and OCD. I've read that have those disqualifies you from serving. How true is that? Also, thank you for serving our country, user.



Not OP. Diabetes (regardless if Type 1 or Type 2) is auto disqualification.

Why did you join the Navy? Should I join?

For the experience. If you wanna join that's up to you.

Damn, I was really hoping to enlist. Does it even disqualify from branches that don't get sent out like the Coast Guard?

Go talk to a recruiter and find out, there might be a possibility you can get a waiver. We had people on the ship that had waivers for everything

They play by different rules, there are not run by the Department of Defense so they could be more lax with their acceptance?

Aleight, thanks. I'll go talk to a recruitor as soon as I get my ID.

you gay?

It's not gay underway and it's only queer on the pier. Nah man I'm straight.

Not OP, but am active AT2. Fleet is good. A School will all be a flash in the past soon. Just don't get in trouble.

...and if you go to Japan don't kill anybody!