Real talk, with net neutrality being repealed, this tax bill, the healthcare crisis, and rising social inequality...

Real talk, with net neutrality being repealed, this tax bill, the healthcare crisis, and rising social inequality, how long until everything goes to shit. What will you be doing to fight in the revolution Sup Forums?

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Be serious and honest pls

you're retarded

Will be Captain of Paladins in the Golden Lord's legion.

I will totally be willing to Join the revolutions squad of assassins

slaughtering people for a living

Good luck getting through our Diamond plate mail/cyber suits and rocket propelled sledgehammers heathen. KNEEL BEFORE THE SIGIL OF THE DOLAN

Get off Sup Forums you twelve year old reddit autismo cuck

Nice try buckaroo, gb2 gaia you fetus fucking prolapsed rectum. The GodKing will have your throat for that!

Everyone needs to calm the fuck down. Seriously, everything is gonna be fine.

Going to move to the country and hole up till the shitstorm settles.

Trespassers and uninvited guests will be disappeared.

Ruling Bartertown, shows at Thunderdome every night, and thundering across the wasteland in a locked and loaded battletruck in my spare time. Also, I'm a Sagittarius. Smoker ok. No fatties.

Richfag detected.
You will be eaten.

Not when they got jocks like me keeping you fuckin nerds out, i'll do it for stale bread

jocks will be strapped
mob rule

Shooting Antifa fucks from 3/4 of a mile out. My 6.5 Creedmor needs a good workout.

>net neutrality being repealed, this tax bill, the healthcare crisis, and rising social inequality
you've got the wrong dataset, sorosucker

your impotence is showing

Not well trained or tacticool but I got these hands

But why?
What do you mean? Why would a billionaire support a revolution that would seize his assets and potentially kill him?

you can catch these hands twinkerhell

It seems like your jimmies have been rustled.
Thats what happens when you know you are helpless against your superior.

bitch im fucking bulkd

of course
your impotence is one helluva drug

I'll be on the capitalist side. or the ancoms call me a status quo edge lord
haven't got time for socialists demanding taxes from me to pay for their unemployed ass

Why would you support the business and the powerful instead of supporting the working class?

post is hysterically funny
but your power is illusion
and you are nothing

Tax time is over.
We just take it out yo ass now.
Bend over, richboy.

because fuck you I want to be a space marine from warhammer but for Trump

same empty bs
different century
you're nothing
you can do nothing

kek im in Canada, im just gonna keep farming and watch your nation collapses

You think we won't be in motorcycle gangs raiding Canada way before we collapse? I'm worried for you

Killing dumb alarmist lefties like you.

because I have a understanding of the economy so I would rather vote trump than bernie
don't like trump but its a damage control vote

I'm not rich the reason I'm against high tax is a principle not just because I want to keep my money

mate if you'd like to travel 2 weeks into the bush to find me please I welcome you I'll have the kettle on

become an quaker and save blax?

ps I do support net neutrality. I'm an enlightened center-right guy not a shill for comcast

I'll be gunning down every purple haired sjw tranny I can find. Please please please let it happen!

It wont. Everything will be fine

i've seen that pic on the left at least 20 times and only now did i realize thats a male

I've done all I can, from my part. If all goes to shit, I will be the one to galvanize the masses, and spur them to action.

Mama always said I'd make a good speaker.

Mama always said I'd make a

>What will you be doing to fight in the revolution Sup Forums?



...oh wait... it hasen't? sheeeeiiit.

What am I gonna do?
All. Your. Bitches.
Thats what.
Cause all you fukkaz gon die - then I will has them.

Terrifying isn't it? This is what will be defending the country in a few short years.

yeah... if i was that weak I'd use roids. they wouldn't be allowed to defend the country due to mental illness

I would text RESIST to 50409

And Imma take all yo bitcoin, too.
All yo bitches
and all yo bitcoin
cause you got yo jimmies rustled and became warkill


Luke dies in the newest film

getting rid of NN is a violation of the 1 amendment and people will revolt

>I have an understanding of the economy

Rising inequality.

The rich are getting richer, the poor poorer.

Wages are stagnating

Billions being wasted on war and neo-colonial endeavour

America pays the most for its Private healthcare system but is nowhere near the top of the list in outcomes. In the deep south newborn infants have a high mortality rate.

51% of the American Workforce earns less than 30,000 a year.

Your middle class is dying.

Your politicians have destroyed unions and the agency of collective bargaining.

Your country is dying of economic injustices and you support Trump.......

Bernie was honestly a once in a lifetime candidate, you had no one else addressing the growing inequality.

Obama care caused a 105% rise in healthcare costs.
inequality doesn't matter as long as people can eat.
lower taxes will enable poorer people to b e consumers in the way the middle class is now.
unions ruin economy
I recommed you read some thomas sowell, milton friedman
or if you want entry level stuff some adam smith or hayek

Your brain - it is damaged
likely beyond repair
stop reading the things in your list as they have given you the dumb

literally the most widely respected economists of all time

friedman is a nobel prize winner

"Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself" - Milton Friedman

Obama is a moderate conservative and has had somebad economic policy. Obama's ACA is a conservative plan from the heritage Foundation. What he should have done was introduce a single payer system and remove the insurance middle man.

This would be way cheaper to operate and it would give people the opportunity of Job mobility because they don't have to worry about healthcare costs.

>Inequality doesn't matter.
Please do not say things like that.
One key channel through which inequality negatively affects economic performance is through lowering investment opportunities (particularly in education) of the poorer segments of the population.” This conclusion is based on the observation that children in low-income families trail children in high-income families with respect to educational attainment (degrees earned and years in school) and with respect to scores on international tests of numeracy and literacy. This relationship holds in all the countries studied, but the educational outcome gaps between rich and poor were bigger when inequality was higher, suggesting that higher levels of inequality exaggerated the disadvantages faced by poor children. As the OECD report notes: “Income availability significantly determines the opportunities of education and social mobility.”

glad to screen cap that " obama is a moderate conservative" line.
nice quote mine on that inequality line
if you think single payer is a good idea look at my birth country ( england) 7 hour waits for an emergency
I not let you frame me as an ancap. the government can provide moderate high levels of education( leaving highest levels to free market) the government can provide that level to enable social mobility. I was the poorest of the poor as a kid abusive father then single mother,unemployed. you get the picture, I was able to study and get a student loan to goto uni then I made enough money to move to the US. I got full citizenship in 2015and now own a house.
basically in the system we have now the only thing that can go wrong for you are down to your own life choices and you should take responsibility for them .

I'll be on a counter-revolutionary death squad, killing my local Commies.

this is why i love Sup Forums nobody bullshits their feelings because we don't have to

Stop getting your news from sensationalist sources because they rarely talk about anything positive going on in the world (cause its boring apparently)

Implying a centeralized force can fight a decentralized attack. Get rekt fag boi. We are the underlying infrastructure. Our resources go into the very heart of the machine it'self. We can go through it under it above it and around it. We are more gifted than the chinese and even they are very capable of getting around their tight censorship. Pushed to the brink we can very easily overthrow the jewish overlords. We are the technocrats they are the slave drivers.

>I'm not rich the reason I'm against high tax is a principle not just because I want to keep my money

Wise man. This kind of thing always starts with Jacobin eat-the-rich rhetoric aimed at tiny minorities: the aristocrats, the kulaks, the landlords, the 1%...

It ends when someone with two crusts of bread instead of one is put before a firing squad for hoarding.

Fact is, even if you're an unemployed high school dropout with a 1992 Celica, sleeping on a cousin's sofa and drawing $800 a month on the dole, you're still in the top 10% worldwide. You going to face a mob of 6 billion niggers and wetbacks and tell them "B-b-but I'm one of YOU! Don't take my shit!" ?? Fuck no you won't. You'll be lucky if they only murder you and don't torture you and eat you.

Once you've established the principle that a majority of voters has the power to loot anyone of their wealth for the purpose of redistribution, no one is safe at any income level.

>“Income availability significantly determines the opportunities of education and social mobility.”

This is an example of Reynolds' Law.

Subsidizing the markers of middle class affluence does not instill the behaviors and attitudes that led to that prosperity. Instead, it undermines them.

>how long until everything goes to shit.

the trigger is going to be the rise of robotics
when idiots are no longer needed to cook and clean they will be 100% worthless

net neut will get them off our internet
the tax bill will give us more money
the healthcare rate hikes will drive the poor out of our hospitals

once this happens, you will see mass exodus to Mexico

Honestly when the government goes nuts were going to just keep living how we are. Farming fishing and fucking. Ill be pissed about my internet though.

Look how shitty Venezuela is and they still haven't had a revolution.

wow nobody is even going to check my 999 trips. wtf

Your question is a perfect example of the real problem. You are obviously a white male because for the rest of America, things ALREADY went to shit long ago. As usual, it is the most protected, most privileged segment of society that is the last to feel the effects that began affecting everyone else long ago.

What's your net worth friend? Be honest now...

i say we start a confederacy and demand the death of ajit pai

Lead the charge o fearless leader. Fire the first shots of war. If you can leave the comfort of your basement.

I'll join your cause Spartacus, what do I get?

>going back to where i came from

holy fuck balls the IED was fucking cool as shit. I expected them to be a bunch of coward bitches. Venzeula has some guts

Real talk the goverment actually monitors social unrest pretty closely. They have contigency plans for each level of social unrest. Everything from releasing breakfast all day at mcdonalds to contraversy. A lot of bread and circus type shit to distract. But they also have back up hard action plans for Martial law should things get too far out of hand. They have enough power to enforce martial law for a few decades. They do not have the power to enforce martial law indefinitely. The wheels that turn the economy should they slow to a halt would eventually over ride any authoritarian

>Everything from releasing breakfast all day

I unironcially believe this

cool stuff bro

George Soros shill pls go.

Hillary lost, get the fuck over it

Implying trumps hand isn't being forced so they can shut down bitcoin at an ISP level. Rothschilds typically tell the president what to do in order to maintain a global dominance in federal reserve currency

Why would a billionaire support a revolution? And why would I be upset that Hillary lost? She's a Democrat, I would never vote for one. Why are you assuming that I'm a liberal?

I've gone on Google a bit, but meh, perhaps someone here has links to two things I am looking for...

> Predictions of the vote

> How major ISP's are expected to react (I'd love a per ISP basis including Google (not that I use Google, but they may be good guys here))

Thanks in advance for any replies to this anons.

>net neutrality

Oh, you mean SOPA with the misleading name?

user’s ACTUALLY want to riot over NOT giving corrupt, rich fatcat politicians centralized, monopolized control over the Internet

Hahahahah how fucking braindead are liberals?

>Trump is literally hitler

jfc leftists are mentally ill

He's listening to the controlled opposition. It's their job to cut support by agreeing with the vast majority of issues, but then encouraging people to go with them on key issues to undercut the cause. Example. gay marriage, womens equality, black people, abortions. Vs key issues, economics, freedoms, wars.

It's funny how libs always want to start some bullshit revolution. There's no safe space in war pussy.

Liberals don't want a revolution, but leftists do.
I sort of agree, liberal politicians appease us with bullshit but don't actually help with the economy or anything.

whoa that's a fucking dude? jesus mother of soy boy's

that's not what happened it's the other way around. Corporations gained a monopoly through hard barriers to entry and started fucking with their customers. (forcing netflix to pay extra money) which forces consumers to pay more for the subscritpion. Obama fought back and put in place harder regulations on ISP's. Now ISP's are waiving the banner of laize fair because they want the power to extort websites. Laying down infrastructure for high speed internet is incredibly expensive. Trump is an extremely cunning buisnessman and see's regulation as a means of squashing competition and therefore views it as bad. But also he is being pushed very hard to favor repealing the bill because the secret overlord jews who own the ISP's desperately want to kill bitcoin at the ISP level

I was talking about republicans. But both sides play the same trick. Raise the hot button issues. do nothing about the real ones. Republicans do this less and they do it more subtly. Calling it things like destroying family values when talking about gay marriage etc. It's a conformity trick. You and I agree on so many issues why not agree with me on all of them? That's the fucking game

Nobody got anything on these I take it?

Corporations argue both sides of the coin. Regulation when it favors them. Deregulation when it doesn't. There are zero moralistic standpoints they believe in. It's the lobbyists job to convince you otherwise. I.e. Not allowing children to smoke damages their freedom. Or everyone should be required by law to wear a helmet when they are riding a bycle. Said the helmet manufacturer. The voice of the people is often too soft spoken or too divided for politicians to hear it adequetly so they are more likely to be influenced by lobbysts

Am I the only one wondering what the fuck to do in all of this?

A million opinions, a million problems, a million "solutions". Every day nothing happens and we still inch closer to a dystopia.

With no cause to rally to, no one on my side, and no safety in any part of our society, I am worried. I don't care about the details. I just want to live my life and not die in the crossfire of human nature.

I want a life, I want my culture, my artistic mediums, and I want a loving husband. That's it. Basic necessity, and a modicum of freedom. And even that is dying by the minute.

Honest question, what the fuck is even the point? What's the point of anything?

Fuck humanity.

Literally look back in time. This is how they are going to react . Extorting major websites is the idea. bitcoin being regulated at the isp level that's the idea

It's litterally the jews.
Nice trips by the way
This is a fight for currency not your memes . We've fought globally for the USD. Now we are about to see fights locally against it's supreme competition the bitcoin

Nice trips.

Your internet will likely go away.

In the beginning we had Yahoo! and the Usenet, but in the future we won't have the Usenet either.

I'm old, I recall a few decades back using a CB radio to communicate with friends when driving so that we could meet up somewhere. There is a VERY good chance that many aspects of that way of life will return - NO, not fully, but they will likely help fill in the blanks partially, somewhat.

Humanity created a new step with the internet, we had achieved an evolution in mankind with a 'global telephone system' (look this up, our smartest people recognize this change) but it will be limited soon and we will change and modify our behaviors to be more accustomed to it.

The internet will become more of an accessory, than a way of life / interaction. While this is bad, it is good and neither. But the corporations will not allow us free access to be 'us' as that CAN impact them and they can't have that without control over it. They see this as us being able to use their service to complain about their service, among other offenses, and while that is understandable in some ways from their end, it offends us as consumers. In the end, things will likely change, we will have to adapt and potentially take an evolutionary step back as a species in order to conform to the providers we created - being the super massive corporation. And do not be mistaken, in today's world, corporations are people too. Just google that phrase (while you can) if you don't believe me.

btw the way don't kill yourself that's what the jews want you to do. So it will only be niggers left. You see white people are more powerful than the jews. That's why they want to kill us by forcing race mixing, abortions and destroying families and promoting suicide. It's our job to defeat them or force them into equality. Something of which will be extremely difficult for them to do because their religion says we are slaves for them