Okay faggots

Okay faggots
Who's ready to end it with me

Fuck UNI
Fuck life
Fuck all that has happened

let's do it

Tight let's do it dude

You went to uni, then you fucking deserve the misery you're feeling. You will contribute FUCK ALL to society anyway.

Sup Forumsenocide
Lets do it

OP here
Either my rifle or a glock with a hollow point


C'mon Satan trips

Will you stream or post pics of what will happen?

Stream sounds good
Chatsturbate for loles
And shit mod team

eh why not?


revolver standing by, if dubs ill do it.



obligatory don't do it

rolling again

why dont we kill everyone else instead?
race war now?

Fag. And nigger

Send nudes

Dubs please

OP here
Kekked so hard decided not to
Lets make this a retarded thread
Post anything

Triple dubs. Faggot.

I got 5 bullets, ill go outside kill 1 nigger 1 beaner 1 chinky 1 sand nigger and then myself


Uni isn't all there is to life. Drop out and go travel.

whats up user? dont blast yourself

At least shoot a shitskin on your way out

I hope this is you Op. you fucking cunt.

Do it normie.

Can you do us all a favor and kill Ashit Pie before you off yourself?

what no fuck that shit kill yourself you retard

wait before you do it can you buy me tabletop sim on steam please? don't be a faggot

look who has rich parents

Send nudes

does anyone know where i can get 100% helium for an exit bag? it sounds like such a peaceful way to go out

>thinks that dipshit actually matters
you realize hes just getting paid to be a moron right?

at least try and kill trump

Obviously he's just the fall guy but it would be symbolic of American resistance to fascism

Lol I'm broke as shit actually, and so are my parents. There are ways to travel without money, retard.

a murder suicide isnt symbolic of shit, just shows how helpless we are if anything

god bless you, user


Holy shit... Anyone who says dont do it is a fag and a nigger i guess.


or just like get laid and smoke weed or whatever kids do to relax

Well it would be better than nothing

all in a days work

Yeah, exactly.

this. get a hooker OP

OP here
I glow in the dark

but yeah, dont blast yourself, school sucks. also dont add to firearm related deaths you mong. love you user, dont kys pls

Now your a fag. And nigger. You know the rules. Triple dubs

Go and fuck a hooker in a cheap hotel and drink some whisky.

Don't go, OP! Who will kill the niggers?


dang, doesnt that just suck a big ole dong

Don't fucking listen to this. Has anybody in this thread actually fucked a prostitute? It feels like total shit to have done

get it, cause we're all 12 and saying nigger on the internet is still super funny lololol


Do it.......

Why do you have to get mad, though?

I don't fucking know, ain't that what you heteros do?

user don't do it.


No it does not faggot

I'm not gonna do it
You're right
Niggers can't kill eachothe--
They can

Dude, you can afford a phone AND a camera?
Your living the life mah dude, don't do it!

Fag. And nigger

kill some niggers instead, will make you feel better

who said i was mad? i just think you guys who still think nigger is super funny are obnoxious.




Get a load of this cuck.


shit, foiled again

OP here
I might be a fag
You're a dumb nigger

are you going to kys or not

what he said

shit guess i forgot where i was

You see... THAT'S the kind of shit I was talking about. Hurr let's use offensive language and hurt everyone's feelings! This is why I left Sup Forums.

feel free to leave again


so nigger is cool, but faggot isnt? lmao

Don't ever talk to me or my wife's son again.


i hope op kills you before himself

Fag. And nigger

Niggerfaggot maybe that way you can have best of both worlds