I go to bootcamp tomorrow to join the US Navy, A.M.A

I go to bootcamp tomorrow to join the US Navy, A.M.A

are you nervous?
have you done your research?
do you know your mos?

this is a journey many of us have already
t. former chair force (maintainer)

mos is Army in the Navy it diff

why the fuck would you want to join the navy?

Good Luck, keep your mouth closed, your ears open, and run don't walk

take the fucking TV with you

out of sight out of mind
head down ears open

the question was to specify what job hes going for and if he knows he has it, not to start dealing with the US military and their love of acronyms for everything

Congrats on being the next winner to suck on uncle sam's teat while the rest of us are working.

What's your Perspective rate user? Active Duty USN ;)

BMT isn't hard. If you don't pass A-school you'll be an undesignated sailor and do shitty details all day.

I'm in the Army. It's not too bad. Be sure to keep your head up, save your money, and don't blow your paycheck on strippers.

this and get ready to go into shock, you won't shit for 4 at least a week, enjoy it OP, do us proud

im talking to a recruiter to enlist, good luck OP. any former sailors have tips on the different ratings?

here, you are gonna need it, seaman

take off your underwear please

I go to boot camp in a few months, cant wait

"lean forward...."

Don’t fucking do it. You’re making the biggest mistake of your life. Tomorrow at meps just say you don’t want to. You’re not obligated. Go home. Go to community college. Do anything but join the military. Holy fuck. You will regret this. I promise you

Op here, no I will not take off my underwear nor not go to bootcamp

My MOS is Machinist Mate which means I work on submarines

Hope you all are doing decent

Subs suck man. Hope you enjoy working overtime for no extra compensation. Hope you enjoy not have a rack to yourself. You’re life is gonna suck. Seriously. Pull out man. If you don’t, you’ll look back in four years after you’ve reenlisted for next to nothing and be like wow should have listened to that crazy fucker

What's it like being so special and important?

Don't get a boner when the old guy looks at uour asshole during medical checkup

Did you guys practice the gay sex for boot yet?

He's already been to meps if he's shipping out tomorrow.

I went to a hotel the night before meps with all the other poor fuckers. Then we all went and go poked and prodded. Balls and buttholes checked. Ears cleaned. Then we all were dispatched to different airports and sent to our boot camps. He still has a chance to back out

Your duty station will be Norfolk Virginia, prepare your anoose user

Better than fucking groton

Good bait, here's a (you).

Norfolk has a problem with a certain we wuz kangz crime rate

They will tell you" it's not gay when you're under weigh"...but it is

They do PT that helps loosen the ass hole so when out in sea they can penetrate the ass at ease.

haha whadda waste of time

Don't be a faggot pussy. Also, I hope you like OC spray, because you will get doused in it the chamber.

Obscurity is job security.

hahaha dumbass

Where are you from and what rate oh great faggot OP?

Shoulda paid attention in school, dummy.

Is your name Michael?

Was a Seaman Apprentice. Machinists mate is ok, but not great. Any job you consider a puss job is better such as cook, storekeeper,etc. The less manual labor the better.

Should've done the army or the air force, faggot!

How many times do you think you'll see guys fucking each other.

What kind of boxers are those? Will you take a pic with nothing but those on?

Get some sleep. Chances are you wont have ANY tomorrow night.

Do you want to be surrounded by sea men? Why do you like sea men that much?

> air force
Desk force* ftfy

>My MOS is Machinist Mate which means I work on submarines
Lol. Got MMs on my DDG, dude. Are you SURE you're going to subs? Going nuke? What's your actual rating? MMA, MMW, etc?

Why exactly are you making such a poor choice, and which bet did you lose in order to force you to make it?

You gonna participate in the gai bootsex that the NAVY ENJOYS?

How'd you tell your parents you were gay?

Marines bring goats for the same reason that the navy brings marines.

I hope you like to dress like a woman, or at least being forced to.

How's your roommate while going thru MEPS?

why do think welfare is ok?

Been there done that. Good luck, you’ll need. If you have to puke while running, swallow it. Some RDC will hold you back if you throw up. Mine did. I swallowed and graduated on time. Don’t cry like a bitch and if they tell you to raise your hand (anyone here changed their mind?) don’t do it.

Unless on the range, don't run but walk with a purpose

Do not join the nasty nine in BC, just don't.

Not a problem dude, don't be jelly I can have a better future than your career at McDonald's

post more pics

Dont listen to your recruiter.

break off any exsisting relationships

and take the time to learn your rank structure.

in boot the first half is breaking you down and the second half is building you up,

if your lucky enough to be in the same building i was youll get the chance to see my GIANT MASTERCHIEF HOLDING A FLAG PAINTED IN THE STAIRWELL BECAUSE MY BOOT DIVISION WENT GOLD STANDARD 091 FOR LIFE.

Alright nigger, I was until very recently on a submarine, mmw.

Go boomer (Ohio class) if you can. My life was miserable. I would go boomer if I could do it again. They’re doing 9 monthers soon on non-boomers.

Nail that sticks out gets hammered. Your goal is to reach graduation and your Rex do not know your name

Oh yeah. Just realized what time of year it is. Hope you like shoveling snow while sick as a dog from all your vaccinations

It's not too late to change to surface. Get yourself on a busted up LPD and ride out your enlistment in dry dock

What do you think of this
>Luke runs out of Mana and dies
>Kilo Ren kills snoke
>Nigger kisses gook
Boycott Jewish degeneracy


Kek. All night long and then duty.

Op you’re going to be miserable, but us submariner make money, we get fat ass bonuses. Dont take shit to heard. You’re a non usable body for awhile. People will shit on you, keep your head down and you’ll earn respect.

Didn't expect a TM to be on Sup Forums. Lol.

Fat ass bonuses? What? You a nuke?

Yup. Enjoy your extra $80 a month before taxes or whatever it is now for being on submarines. Fucking rolling in it...


A lot of submariners on here. The rumors are true. Submariner=miserable fuck.

Expected a mouth breathing nuke.

What's TM? Taint Master?

I’m more of a window licker


how much to let me sniff your underwear

How does it feel to be too much of a pussy to join a real branch?

boomer's are prioritized to senior personnel and personnel with dependents, EMN3, gotta go fast attack cus single young male doesnt do it for being on a boomer

At least you admit it. Better than eating crayons

How's that motor generator maintenance going?

Nukes get 25-100k a year. ST, FT, TM get between 15-50k. My friend got 35k and he’s TM, another friend is a nuke got 90k.

Half up front. I turned down 28k for 4, not sure what the multiple was though.

Maintenance all day, quals all night 'EMN3 why are you DINQ' but yknow shits lit

Joining the navy huh?
Why are you such a faggot?
Why didnt you hoin the airforce instead and become an overpaid entitled rich kid?

I’m a nuke. I know about bonuses. I was the EDTA. I read a fuck ton of message traffic. Seen it all.

He bonuses still aren’t worth it. I’d give my left nut to go back in time and beat some sense into my head. Also sub pay isn’t worth it until your a senior second or first with some time in. Subs aren’t worth the headache

"ITS1 why's the LAN down"

I have a wife and kid. When I tried to switch to boomer they told me to fuck off. I know a bunch of singles on boomers.

'Shipmate, Chief's a Chief, not a dude.'

Top or Bottom?

Lemme fuck your wife in true submariner fashion

that sucks, most of my single friends are off doing fastboi things, only a few made boomer. im hoping to not get cucked, wanna go west coast, get home.

He was trying to hook you up by going to a boomer. Guaranteed slam piece for 3 months

Submariners cuck rates are promising

If I wasn’t on subs I wouldn’t have my sweet ass job I have now. I have a security clearance, earned my degree on shore duty and can pass my gi bill on to my son. It was hard, but my wife is awesome. She endured and kept shit running while I was away. Also VA loan.

It sucked, but I am glad I’d did it,

Are you kidding? Life time of vet benefits, gi bill, discounts, special treatment by employers... and most in the mil don't have to do much but be bored and have a shitty job for 4 yrs. The gravy train is full speed ahead for the rest of your life after that.

Do it OP. Its worth it even if you don't realize it until years later. Also - read up on getting a disabled rating and establishing the right history before you get out... you do that and it's an extra check every month for rest of your life. Cheat the fuck out of that system.

Luckily my wife isn’t a whore. I know many though. They drain your account, fuck other dudes and get pregnant trying to pass it off as your’s.

Had a friend’s wife get pregnant by a marine officer while they were in San Diego.

The best marine is a submarine am i rite

Civilian here. The whole area is this. Enjoy your niggertry faggot.

The one impressive thing you learn to do while on subs is jerk off in small spaces within close proximity to other men. It isn’t gay at all.

why didn't you join a real branch like the coast guard? pussy

How small is your dick that you joined the most beta branch of the military?