How do you get over heartbreak and cope with being sad Sup Forums?

how do you get over heartbreak and cope with being sad Sup Forums?

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shit in your hands and rub it on your chest

why are you sad, op?

long story, girl problems mostly

You don't OP... each day you just beg to not wake up each morning but you cry yourself to sleep know you will. Sometimes you find something that makes you feel together but that doesn't last long... my waifu
Murdoch Chan died to save her race

Listen to Amy Winehouse

liquor an blow

>how do you get over heartbreak and cope with being sad Sup Forums?

Alcohol, marijuana, overeating, exercise... the usual.

hey man, there's a lot of girls out there.

I've had experience with this. I had this crush on a girl for like 4 years. I never did anything about it though. No idea why. You just have to forget about her. It sounds hard, but just accept the fact that it's over (or it never happened) and move on.

yeah i know. I'm sure I'll get over it in due time, but it just fucking sucks for the time being

Narcotics and a length of rope

im thinking tinder sloots to fill the void, but that might just make me feel worse honestly

If anything, substance abuse does seem to help a bit
In the long run, you'll have to realize if it was real love that it seems you never get over it.
>almost 4 years since break up for me
>despite numerous, different attempts to get over it, still am suffering from it every day

try this first

understand that hearbreak doesnt exist. you just miss fucking someone you used to. just focus on something else. something, not someone. people are worthless.
about sadness, just accept it and keep moving forward. you cant fight it. keep yourself busy.

I cried for the first time in 4 years over this shit. feelings suck. either way, its nice to have people to talk to, even if its just random internet strangers on Sup Forums

The key to coping is
>Luke runs out of Mana and dies
>Kilo Ren kills snoke
>Nigger kisses gook
Boycott Jewish degeneracy

addictions come in many forms..

start with recognising where the fault in your relationship lies. and then work towards making the correct choices for the next one.

My gf of a year and a half just left me and immediately found someone else and completely forgot about me, I am nothing to her while I still feel alot for her. I know how you feel and it hurts alot. I'm just trying to look forward and find oppurtunities to better myself I guess, but it still sucks and I feel like absolute shit

you go full edgelord and stop caring about another human beings, like literally, you just have to understand that people is shit in general and you don't have to spect anything nice from anyone, you either fix your feelings or become a sociopath with is fine too

yall care too much men. you have to understand and convince yourselves that people come and go, they should worth as much as you worth for them. nobody is fucking indispensable. be like her, just fuck another one and youll forget.

its hard though. I'm thinking about going out on the weekend for some sloot action, but I think I'll just be filling the void at that point ya know, it gets to a point where random hookups just start to suck

Alcohol,friends, and one night stands helped me. But you may not be a "one night stand" type of person. So just delete them and their messages. Block them on social media so you don't have to see whatever she's doing. Watch a lot of comedies and DO NOT LISTEN TO COUNTRY MUSIC!!!

the problem is that your happiness depends on other people. it shouldnt. it aint hard, you have to care less, do your life with or without a gf slut or whatnot. as i said

Led Zeppelin and beer

I used to go for long aimless drives at night around my highschool town listening to my angsty music and then I'd try and meet up with the guys and do some juvenile shit to take my mind off her. Felt bretty good, would recommend.
>I also picked up smoking though, would NOT recommend doing this.

Drink excessively.

Try putting a gun in your mouth. It may make reasons to live pop into your mind.

not on the verge of suicide yet. just down in the dumps, and i dont feel like getting out of bed or doing anything

Mind altering substances

The easiest way to get over one girl is to get under another.

It's overstated but still holds true: time. The more time that passes between you and the event the better you'll feel about the whole thing.