Waifu Thread

Waifu Thread

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Thanks for the bake aannnnd I lost my replies while in game again

fuck every thread with 'waifu' in it


>tfw got mad because youtuber is trying to take Yuri's route

Lolimancer best Necromancer

More like boop


shit...I broke the library again

Boop and stop breaking it



no im not from compton
england is my city

that's an awfully hot coffee pot

*boops you while yuri isn't watching. So she doesn't get jealous*

*Snuggles up to Yuri with a book and slowly falls asleep reading it with her*

When are the DDLC fags leaving?


hello hello
tired, bored, lonely edition
>Misaki Claimed

i wasnt originally a ddlc fag


england is my city
pineapple ritsu

Whatever happened to when we used to just claim our waifu's and move on? Why is there borderline roleplaying in these threads?


Who were you claiming then?

I don't know.


whatever happened to people just coming in here and having fun and not bitching about the thread.
amy likes spiders

>Tfw you're pretty sure you have a kidney stone because your side's been hurting for a day now

claiming best tard waifu

Where's the ERP crew at?

*Yuri calls me to bed and tells me to stop posting on my siamese underwater basketweaving forum and to come snuggle up with her*

Is there any sharp pains?

No, but last time this same shit happened, also around this same time of year.

It was just mild at first and I thought it was a gas bubble or some shit, but the next morning I was fucking begging for death

>tfw you will never tu-tu-rub your hand over her soft face, cupping her cheek, telling her that you love her
>tfw when she isn't actually my waifu, and I just wanted to make you suffer

fuck you

I just finished S;G0 tonight and it left off with a huge fucking cliffhanger

>More like cute

Drink more cranberry juice dude. And more water. You got a lot of uric acid crystallizing

Hey, congrats on the degree

I miss when Chen scared off the ERP fags.

Who erps here?







if it hasn't gone away and you think it's a kidney stone, that's ER worthy

I have this dullpain for over a year now. From time to time, it'll feel really sharp. Haven't talked to a doctor about it

I thought you were a doctor



You're not?

No, silly.



How are you today? Have to work?

Finished, at home, relaxing with WoW farming and a beer.

That reminds me of dio

Nice. Had a few myself. They paired nicely with the boudin we had for dinner
Are you in med school?

Not yet

Ah, pre-med?


I think my brothers bringing something over for dinner. Grandfather just came up to spend Christmas with us and Dad doesn't want to cook


How are ya?

OK so pain pill obviously kicked in...I am now awake enough to say goodnight...hope you feel better soon

and a nice Taiyaki for you

I'm ok what about you?

I'm ok too.

Yeah, I'm not a big fan of this time of year overall


It's cold.

Yes, and having to socialize irl is exhausting to me. I'm going to go to sleep now, what do you usually go by so we can continue chatting at a later time?

I don't think we can continue chatting because now I'm leaving this place forever.

Can’t sleep...


I need it to stop procrastinating.

don't worry, makes two of us

Well at least we’re not alone in this ordeal. Is good time for a shit horror movie me thinks. Silent Hill perhaps?

am in.

Big spoon or little

I'm used to being big, honestly

Is ok.

Checking in. Have a nice night everyone.

Just realized Silent Hill is based off of a real place...