I know this movie is in the lower tier of Star Wars movies, and has a lot of faults...

I know this movie is in the lower tier of Star Wars movies, and has a lot of faults, but why is it considered worse to some as Phantom Menace?
The acting is bad, and the ending pretty shitty, but Attack of the Clones did a lot of good shit tying things together
>we see how the Empire had an army in order to take control of the galaxy
>we saw the relationship of Luke's paremts and how things came to be
>we saw the first true signs of the fear in Anakin that lead him into being Darth Vader

>imblying star wars is good
time =/= quality

Also I was born in the 94 and didn't have much of a grasp on Star Wars yet... were a lot of you oldfags excited to see the middle movie in the sequel trilogy, hoping it had a twist on par with Empire?

star wars fuckin sucks

The Clone Army makes no sense. I know they tried to add more backstory in the EU as to how it came about, but it's so completely random. Somebody asked these long neck aliens to build a shit ton of clones. That's it.

It's the fucking easiest thing in the galaxy to get an army.

Cause Darth Maul is a bad ass, and Qui Gon was pretty fucking cool too.

prequel trilogy made lightsaber fights interesting, that was its greatest contribution to star wars.

they never really did explain that did. they

The cinematography was really poor and kiddie focused, and the pacing was extreme and riddled with poor plot devices.

Qui Gin was a dumbass drunk

K I'm biting the bait...

>beloved by millions
>new movie with easily break $1billion international when all things are said and done
>highest grossing fictional series ever
You're entitled to your own opinion and can dislike it all you want, but Star Wars is definitely good

Qui Gon is the most underrated Jedi.

Nah I'd rather see Sir Alec and David Prowserman fumble around in the dark than that choreographed bullshit

I'm of the opinion that the new star wars movies are more shit than any of the prequels. also checked.

this guy gets it

No way. Eveyone expected Phantom Menace 2

That's true. Obi-Wan literally feel into the clone army by following a hint he got from a fucking alien fry cook
Duel of the fates is top 5-10 best star wars moments evet

They are better than all of episode 2 and 3 and large portions of 1

Duel of the Fates motherfucker

Episode 1 at least made an attempt to be serious. Also, if you removed the gungans, the acting and pacing were pretty good.

As far as Eps 2 and 3 go, Hayden Christensen's acting is just generally shit. I know it's at least half shit because of Lucas's autism, but his casting as Anakin was very bad and it sometimes makes the movies hard to watch.

ill answer out of respect for your trips

when attack of the clones came out i was 15, i had midnight showing tickets, that shit was so goddamn boring i fell asleep 30 minutes in, and only woke up when jango fett used his sonic bombs in the asteroid field.

also, lorewise, they completely sell dooku short in the movies.

I didn't think phantom menace tried to be serious at all. The most serious conversation piece was the talks about slavery. The rest of the movie could be considered childish
The gungans are trash though

Fuck this overhyped bullshit franchise, anyone who is a star wars fan has no fucking brain or taste for movies/art

Episode 1 is by far the most somber of the prequels and is aimed at adult audiences alike, which is dismaying since it had jar-jar and anakin. However, the direction is far from the big budget romantic toy commercial that 2 and 3 turned out to become.

careful friendo.
>life on the edge is dangerous

It's definitely a chick flick for a lot of it. A solid quarter of the movie is romantic date scenes
What did your reply say? All I heard read was "REEEEE"


III is a 150 minute death march how is I more somber than that

we saw how horrible it is to see a piece of wood act on screen.

How you can think this movie isn't anything but a giant hunk of shit makes the baby Porgs scream at night.

And sometimes I feel bad for Hayden, as the dialogue is just so pathetic in its own right:
"I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth."
-Actual dialogue from E2. No seriously.

The whole point of the movie is that Anakin bones Padme and to call it poorly executed is... well I mean fuck...
... it's a trainwreck.

At no point do I believe a girl like Padme would give Anakin the time of day. At no point do I see them bonding in any earnest or human way. Anakin is whiny and continues to be whiny the whole movie through. There's no sincere character development.

Sure they're in romantic scenes on Naboo, but that doesn't really mean anything. Fuck, look at Empire Strikes Back and the love that formed between Han and Leia... did they need a romantic backdrop to make it feel real and interesting? No.

Also I can kind of see why Jedi aren't allowed to love -- but just barely, but Padme not being allowed to chase strange cock because she's a senator? It doesn't make sense. None of it makes sense. Worse, it's also really fucking boring.

It's a bad movie. Bad movies don't all of a sudden become less bad because it "ties things together" it just makes those tie ins feel shitty.

Right? Hayden wasn't the best in these movies, but my god, how the fuck do you work with something like that?

Phantom Menace is the only star wars to be rated pg and was made literally for selling pod racers to kids. There was noting adult about it

I'm pretty sure Padme is just automatically in love with Anakin because it's a stupid big budget kid's movie.

I feel podracers were for adults too. The idea of an alien racing event was a positve one. Very engineering science fiction.

The pod racing was the only scene in the movie everyone agreed not to hate

Honest, I don't even know why it had to be Padme anyway. She wasn't exactly an interesting character in Phantom. She was like triple Anakin's age back then too. What's so special about this character? Why couldn't Anakin meet some completely different chick in Clone Wars?

Fuck I don't even know why the Emperor had to be from Naboo either. What the fuck is so special about that stupid planet?

I loved pod racing when I was 8 and saw it for the first time. Then I watched it aa an adult years later and thought "how is this Star Wars?"

It was 5 years difference technically (even though the actors looked way further apart). Plus, Leia was royalty so it makes sense Padme was too

Haha that's a wise observation. No reason to have to be padme in the first one, other than to introduce and sell the character

last time i watched one of the prequels was when episode 3 came out in theaters, and i was 14. i liked them back then. not sure what id think of them now.

At that point I saw it begrudgingly. I wasn't NOT going to watch it but Phantom Menace was like having my ass fucked by Lexington Steele.

Honestly there's nothing critical I could say that wasn't covered in the Mr. Plinkett reviews

Maybe so but there could've been another royal family. The galaxy Star Wars takes place in is freakin' huge.

Though, to be fair, before the massive re-writes, maybe Padme had a more integral role, but when you look at the trilogy we got as a whole... she just doesn't make much difference. She's technically no longer a queen anymore either.

> character development

This is what made 2 and 3 shittier than 1. The whole fucking series is supposed to be about the development of Anakin Skywalker and we basically see none of it. Like how in 3 he goes from remorse "What have I done" to "What is thy bidding my master" in 3 fucking seconds.

They try to show romance between him and Padme and it's flat and fake. The whole turning to the dark side to prevent visions to save her is lame. And all of it is cheapened by the comical ineffectiveness of the droid army, which according to the EU was supposed to be brutal and ruthless. The fucking awful, awkward 'comedic relief' and service for children detracted from two movies that should have been progressively dark as fuck and leave you in a pit of despair at the end of Episode 3.

She could gave been a more well written character. She was, really smart, right? I mean she kicked that tiger's ass in 2.

Episode 1:
>that darth maul fight = best saber fight in the series
>pod racing
>young obiwan
>was the first movie in the franchise in many years so we got to see so much firsts with this movie that would appear in later films

Its highs were just more memorable for people than Episode 2's was. In short, nostalgia is stronger for 1 than 2. 3 is memorable for people since it was the end of the prequel trilogy so obviously they had to go out with big plot points that would set up for 4. 2 is pretty much the middle ground movie. Master of none basically.

Yeah, me too.



No, she's not particularly smart. She's just kind of bland. Then again you could say that about most characters in the prequel trilogy.

Absolutely correct. Like just listen to the voices of the droids -- they sound so god damned goofy. There is nothing ruthless or brutal about them.

Anakin's turn to the darkside was so contrived, such a product of plot convenience.

>At no point do I believe a girl like Padme would give Anakin the time of day.
I know what you mean, man. I didn't believe it either.

Look at Christensen's actual wife. She's much uglier than Natalie.

Does Natalie Portman have a husband?

Oh my god... look at this guy.

Pic related. Natalie's husband.

You sound like the dude up there cumming over the Darth Maul saber fight because it was choreographed despite it being boring as shit.

It's not about looks. It's not about Christensen's/Anakin's looks or Natalie/Padme's looks. It's about the fact that there's no earnest bonding between the 2 characters. It's about senators, evidently, being sworn to chastity as if they were nuns. It's about the fact that Anakin is such a whiny shit that it would guaranteed dry up every pussy in a 10 mile radius. It's also about how Anakin was whining while rationalizing his actions in murdering all the sand people, even the children, to Padme and this, somehow, doesn't seem to have any sort of effect on Padme either way. No. Really. She kind of just let's it glide off her shoulders and it never seems to impact any interaction between the 2 ever.

I'm so sorry, it's just shit writing.

Well, you have to know....

Women can be psychopaths too.

My gf suggested I kill the family of a cop who framed me, and she was dead serious too.

Women are psycho, bro. Unless a women's own children are involved, she doesn't give 2 shits.

Look at all the past elections.

Roy Moore only won by a small margin. That means tons of women still voted for him.

>horrible acting
>horrible writing
>99.9% CG that looked like shit the day it came out
>nothing was believable
>corny as fuck

Phantom Menace was laughubly bad, attack of the clones was so bad that it wasn't even funny anymore

I watch Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith all the time.

who said anything about looks?

They had absolutely no chemistry on screen and zero reason to be involved with one another besides the fact they had to so Luke and Leia could be born.

Revenge of the sith on the other hand, was actually a decent movie

Oh okay, I was baited. Good to know.

The romance scenes were cringingly cheesy. They tried to fit in too much boring senate politics waffle. Why are they hiding palpatine being the sith when we all know hes the sith; are people going to raise their kids to watch them chronologically? Stupid.

Needed more action, speed up the clones arriving, that cpuldve happened a 3rd of the way in and then been big fucking battles. Not shoehorn them in with cartoons in between the films so that anakin turns up in the 3rs with a scar with no explanation. Why no ventress? Had she not been imagined at that point? You had fucking years to tgink up new characters lucas u fat dunce wtf?

Will they ever just make them r18 so they can be propwrly violent with swears and proper tits out u cunts!


>proper tits

aye, them Daisy tits are what the franchise needs

A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Rogue One

Everything else is just shit

just saw the last jedi and was supremely dissappointed. blatant cash grab

>Rogue One

so close

Is the full circle and the only movie outside the original trilogy that is actually good, it could be better yes but is definitely better than the rest

Oh so he was an autist just like the majority of 4chanons? Pretty fitting for his character if you ask me. His autistic raging in episode 3 was pretty good actually and very believable. Vader was always meant to be a robot literally and his acting showed.