Net neutrality vote today. Just FYI

Net neutrality vote today. Just FYI.
Get fucked.

Nobody wants it
What makes you think it will happen?

The governments never done anything that everyone didn't want

What does Sup Forums think the impacts will be? Obviously it will pass but what after?

You'd be surprised how many tards on this site want it. Of course, I have yet to be convinced. But this is Sup Forums. Nobody gives good arguments on Sup Forums. That's a reddit thing.

>You'd be surprised how many tards on this site want it.
We know that no amount of shit posting and millennial whining will stop it and we're tired of the constant, "The sky is falling and I want my mommy" posts every ten minutes

Making america great again! :'D

>good arguments
>That's a reddit thing.

You spelled "emotional and irrelevant" wrong.

You'd be surprised to find out that net neutrality is the very thing that allows easy government spying on net traffic. No warrants needed, no crime has to be committed to collect. Google "five eyes program". Lol at you doing Big Brother's shilling for free.

then why would the government want to try and take it away dumbass?

This isn't your safe-space, little boy. This is slash Sup Forums and I can post whatever I feel like. Or would you prefer pictures of naked drawn Japanese people and unshaven taints?

Holy Shit, America's about to be made SO GREAT!!


>He thinks 5 eyes has anything to do with nn
This thread is 100% people who havent even read title 2, do you faggots think there is infinite space along the last mile? Do you even know what last mile means in this context?

Mebbe because Trump isn't a shitstain globalist?

>the government is one entity with decent oversight
Holy shit. It's not even noon, yet, but Infants need way more sleep than adults; it's past your bedtime.


I can't wait until the manga comes out *snort* finally everyone in America is a main character,now we will finally be the United States we always wanted to be!

The guy who unilaterally pulls out of bullshit globalist climate change, trade and defense treaties: Not a globalist. Post your no true scotsmans vvvvvvvvv here

>he thinks 40% = 100%
Most americans dont want trumps america, he only got elected because he wasnt hillary.

Holy shit! That's actually a good point..

Ah yes lets just ingore the way he ran his companies, noooooo cant do that.
I guess the fact he was in bed with globalists before he was a president is something else.

Please someone try to sell "getting rid of net neutrality" to me.

Does it go a little something like this:

>important business' get faster net and therefore da money to da important dudes goes big too!..

It also involves companies putting up even more wire within the last mile so even if another company wants to become an isp they wont have any space left to put up or lay cable and will have to work with already established isps forcing them to be non competetive.

Not very capitalistic, is it?

What are free market failures

How and why does that go "hand-in-hand" with designating bandwidth per website? Why cant one happen without the other?

>The us government does what the people want
Best joke in 2017

Is this image legit?

A shit pie is the master troll of our time. gg

Title 2, which is up for appeal today doesnt just cover fast lane traffic, it covers many other things, one of which is it limits how much last mile space an isp can take up in a given area, without title 2 comcast could just put up as much last mile cable as the local govt will allow them to, which will leave further last mile connections owned by other companies either extremely expensive, or impossible, forcing them to buy last mile connections from comcast and then comcast can either ruefuse to provide for a competitor or charge so much that the new companies service cannot compete, i knew you anti nn tards hadnt read anything and just took trump and pais word for it.

>bullshit globalist climate change

You really are dumb.

It would be legal without title 2 yes but i dont think any isp made that, i know verizon made a legit image as an example several years ago tho.


How is this not a monopoly?

where did you find it?

We already pay for internet you dumb fuck.
Nn doesnt try to achieve internet should be free for all you dumb faggot.

it's more about everyone besides the filthy rich being cut off from access to information and communication. You think nigs and libs are bad now, wait until you literately cut them off from the only thing saving themselves.

Wait until you get cut off too.

It is but current monopoly laws dont work in the information age, people who wrote those laws in the 50s couldnt imagine whats happening now, plus they could leave just enough space that costs 10x the ammount as the last few connections laid that its techincally not taking all space, with title 2 they cant even try this without torpedoing their whole company, without they could do it for years, makes billions while some long ass legal battle occurs, lose, and pay a few million.
Current monopoly laws dont work, title 2 isnt even strict enough imo.

I will, really soon. I'm going to have to go outside and talk to people...nobody wants that, but it's coming.

Hah jokes on you ill just start jacking into overhead lines illegally

>I'm going to have to go outside and talk to people...nobody wants that, but it's coming.

You can do both, you tard. You don't have to be stuck inside, sitting on your ass all day online. And you don't need to lose net neutrality to shut off your PC and go outside. Holy shit, you're retarded.

>has to lose net neutrality to go out

Taking away NN is super shitty they can't even come up with a decent argument for getting rid of it. I mean at least make up a lie that sounds convincing but no they are just going to force feed this to the people because that's how powerful telecom lobbyists have become they know they don't need a legitimate reason.

Funny how Trump ran on MAGA but right now we have the least amount of influence in the word since the start of WW2

We are all just swirling the toilet bowl

Ive been setting up a network of wireless repeaters in my area that way i can bounce a pirated line around dozens of times before coming to me just for this.

That may be so, but I'm great, and I love being me. Fuck you, you phajeet worshipping anti freedom piece of shit.

What? I'm proNN. You're either retarded or a troll, possibly both.

B-but the normies like it.

This. A soggy slice of bread could've beaten him. Tards and Christcucks were the only ones that really liked him. Thank the DNC for our current predicament.

What are the arguments for repealing NN?

Both for sure, I will be forced to hang out with people more for sure if it's passed because I'm so fucking jewish the idea of paying more makes me turn red, sweat and hop out a window

that bitch from Haiti is well spoken too bad shes a nigger