Post only god-tier albums let's do it bois

Post only god-tier albums let's do it bois

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lol wtf is that album cover, can tell straight away it's shit and I'd hate it


That's not how media works, you fag. Don't judge anything if you aren't even yet aware of it.

This is ok. I get that it's supposed to be funny. I liked Have a Beer With Fear



This is the only Nektar album that is remotely good

Disagree, Tab in the Ocean is great

Yeah I guess

>inb4 nignog

listen to it before you knock it.

Agree, Tab in the Ocean is great

9/10 easily

>dat buildup


Niggers only talk like niggers and sing about nigger stuff.

i am impressed user











Too bad they made In Through the Out Door, otherwise you could say that.


where's this from?

Maybe not god tier but still great.
Would be better if Fool in the Rain and All of my Love weren't overplayed ad infinitum.

This is some strange shit

You have to drink, even he doesn't understand what he is doing so he drinks while making these, only 30 good minutes of music to his name accordingly, but I love them anyways.

That sounds really fucking cool, if accurate. I'll have to drink and listen to this sometime

Esprit - Summer night

this. i've been really enjoying 200% as well. top fuckin tier

I love espirit

literally just finished watching this set for the 3rd time. ethereal and eerie

BB1 is my fave blank banshee album. cyber slums and lsd polyphony are just fantastic

more greatness from 100% electronica

Btw did grunge extinct as a genre or what i havent seen a new grunge band since forever

I'm enjoying this thank you

Here's another relly good electronica album

this or dirt
take your pick


Everything AiC touched was golden


