>be me
>be engineering student
>writing paper about structural similarities of log cabins and sod houses
>twice in my paper i unknowingly refer to log cabins as "log of shits"
>mentor reads paper and is like wtf

This fucking pointless autistic meme needs to stop before it ruins someones career

Dubs says no.

Keked hard

Grow up

Grow up

Don't deny it. You want his sopping green loaves slidding down your throat

Get dubs, logger, then mature a little

Perhaps you're spending too much time in this shithole?

Reminder that logposter is a 40+ year old fatass virgin with terrible photoshop skills and zero friends. He smells like piss and crippling loneliness; a truly pathetic individual who derives pleasure from rustling the Jimmies of easily-baited newfags. He will die alone in a pile of jizz-rags and empty pizza boxes. Nobody will miss him except for his dog, who only likes him because he gets to lick peanut butter off his balls. Sage grows in all fields.

>Implying there's one logboy
>Implying it's not a well spread meme
>Implying it's not a syncretic religion



The last forced meme that was at all amusing was puddi.




how ive always felt about this bullshit



>how ive always felt about this bullshit



Ching chong ling ling long!

Maybe you shouldn´t study.


It would be a dumbass college student that would demand more regulation of free speach. I hate you and your kind with a passion. Go die so I don't have to waste more of my taxes funding your dumbass lifestyle. And don't pretend you work hard when all you're doing to trying to NOT work hard for the rest of your life. You people disgust the shit out of me.

Chinese please calm your tits! Get some roasted dog for your Christmas!

How new are you? This is Sup Forums, mods aren't going to van shitposting because you don't like it. This isn't your personal porn board.

Lurk moar post less





Where is the fucking log thread

Make one right now!!!

To grow up a bit more.

I'm the original log poster, your message hurt my feelings, pls stop

Ask and ye shall receive.


I often wondered who the asshole was, now I know.

I know you got dubs and your throats gonna be clogged.



Poop eat

Logging in.

Stephen Poodock

sorry i would to apoLOGize for ruining your paper


See you later

In a while