How long does an average Sup Forumsastard spends on Sup Forums? Honest answers

How long does an average Sup Forumsastard spends on Sup Forums? Honest answers.

Depends on the day. Can go entire weeks/ months without posting if life is actually being decent; seems to be much more enticing when there's nothing to do

Worst is maybe 5 hours, most of the time 1-2 hours.

This is why I have shit to do that doesn't get done.

Around 6h a day.

Fuck u

probably averages to like 0.02 hrs a day. I don't have time during semester so I avoid Sup Forums entirely then when holidays start I spend like 1-2 hours a day.

Maybe 30 mins - 1hr at the very end of my day.

what if i want my mother to die ?

>check threads during morning dump - 15 minutes
>lunch break at work -30 minutes
>maybe an hour at night before bed

Kill her. I would recommend Glock FM78. It's quite reliable knife. Be sure to plan everything out, including that you're gonna be one of first suspects. Good luck ^^

I love you Mummy.


hour a day

nah, i can tolarate her. webm said reply to thread or mother will die in sleep....


~7 hours but that's at work. I rarely browse at home anymore


I been here nine

Try me bitch

i only watch it while my porn is loading #adsl

About 3 hours



However long it takes me to shit

all of the day bro

1-2 hours

six years and counting

~1hr a week



six years or so


About four hours.

average virgin loser spends 23h/d here

i just click this shit site sometimes when im doing something on pc , hoping there will be something interesting but it just doesnt happen anymore

23 hours, 14 minutes and 56 seconds.

Usually about 20 minutes a day.

danm I fucked up bad in my comment let me reeeee-phrase that
23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds.




fuck you