General Drug Thread

General Drug Thread

Just moved to MN and found a dealer that wants 100/g and 350/8th is that a rip off? I'm used to 60/g and 180/8th in Dallas

I dont know I dont do drugs

If it's quality probably not, further north and further away from big cities makes for a higher price.

And you felt compelled to say that? Fuck your life makes me sad.

Good for you :^)

Im around 2 hrs from minneapolis. What prices do you get in what state

god bless

Depends. If its a city kind of. If its rural thats pretty good.
80/a g is standard around here.$10 for 0.1 Never bought an 8th

That's wayyyy too fucking much bro. I get eight balls for 190 here in LA for DANK shit. Honestly my dude you should just buy some MDMA instead. Get way more bang for your buck if there is any good shit out there. Best of luck

Sorry should clarify, Los Angeles.

Nah that's pretty standard in some places. Just try getting it from someone different next time to test the waters. Or switch to meth. Sounds gross I know but it's way more bang for your buck. A couple hits and you're soaring for at least 6 to 8 hours. Plus if you take care of your teeth and skin when you're using you'll be fine.

Tell him 500/8th and not a penny less.

kys quicker

Its a big city. It has an international airport.

"fine", aside from the meth habit, you mean?

584141871226 I'm looking to buy drugs hmu.

Depends if it's good and more importantly your only source for now. Easier living in suburbs of Detroit. Expressway 15 min. and 5 guys are running up to car with free shit and numbers.

What is this shit? How badly have you burned your brain to cinders that you not only believe this and are trying to convince others of it? Fucking meth is seriously bad shit, bro - only the skeeviest of skeevs go near that shit. Crack is higher class than meth. Meth is like crack for people who are too much of a piece of shit to rate high enough for crack. I would say KYS, but you're taking care of that already with your doofus hillbilly habit.

By detroit not in, actually 20 miles away.

MDMA sucks though it just felt like strong adderall to me. But it might have been just speed I'm not sure.

Meth is bad mkay


Bruh I was criticizing meth use. I'm against meth.

Did you take a pressed pill it crystals in a capsule? People will try and push meth as MDMA all the time. Shoot for pressed pills and use to look them up and see if they are legit. That website lab tests Thier shit.

If you've already got a cocaine habit then what does it really matter? Obviously the healthy choice is you do neither. But clearly that's not what this thread is for.

That's a good point.

I'm personally a big fan of Ambien.

Yeah it was crystal powder in a pill and I opened a few up and snorted them while a few friends just popped them. It wasn't intense it was just as if I took an adderall I took them at 1 am and fell asleep at 5 am so I don't think it was meth

Coke and meth are way different. I do coke around twice a year for the past 5 years. Meth users get hooked like instantly

That's a rip off, yes. All cocaine is cut to shit unless you live in Columbia where it's 5 dollars a gram right off the brick :) also we can buy oxy ans hydro in otc pharmacy

>meth users get hooked instantly

Sure they do mom

I've used meth periodically for years. I'm not hooked in any way. There is no drug that gets you hooked immediately. It's about what kind of will power you have.

Well I guess I just have a preference for coke. Just like some people only like chevy, I only like coke

Finallllly just shot up some fire h after waiting a whole week for payday

opiates let me be a normal person; i'll never quit

>Meth users get hooked like instantly

no they don't.

Shut up, Gary