"Oh no now I will have to pay to use a service provided by the free market" - liberals today

"Oh no now I will have to pay to use a service provided by the free market" - liberals today

God Bless our boy Ajit Pai and the Trump administration for bringing capitalism back to our socialist-infested government


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Good luck paying 100 dollars for shitty nets in Comcast only area. Pai got paid, you got slayed



>God Bless our boy Ajit Pai

this has never been more appropriate

So our internet is about to get better and faster after sucking balls like a snail for the past decade?

America will finally have internet as fast as Mexico???????

Trump campaigned saying he would do this
Sup Forums gives its full support to him
He does it
Sup Forums loses their mind

All these butthurt liberals expecting government handouts

If you don't like your service provider then just switch to the other one you fools. Ron Paul had it right: let the free market decide

Trump was headed for re-election in 2020 and then does this. Dumb as fuck.

You can't deny the pai

Problem is that in many places there is only one ISP available in an area. Which means that they now have a monopoly on the area. I'm already being extorted for the internet i have right now just because i live on a military post. can't wait to see them ask for my entire paycheck a month just to use the internet

>switch to the other one
You inbred heffalump, usually there's only one provider in a given area!

>mfw all the corporate whores and shills in this thread

hell ye boi

OP is a faggot.

Everything was as fast as it could go. All they can make you do is prefer certain services by making others slower.


It's terrible that central administration can't unify all the health services tarifications in that messy federal state. It's the main and perhaps only "buisness" who needs a demo-dictatorial regulation.

and people applaude them; so much information that can be gathererd through internet and yet so many retards out there

honestly with ww3 right around the corner, this shit is inconsequential. You're better off spending your time mastering a weapon.
>best to master the most superior weapon.

Hes just another punjab internet scammer. Not surprising OP is riding his dick. Faggot likes em dark.

Your a troll spreading misinformation but fine, I'll be brief.
The only people who stood to gain from the removal of the regulations known as net neutrality were a select few, all members of the wealthy and elite. That's why it's repeal had a national 15-25% approval rating. The fact that net neutrality was repealed in spite of "we the people"s wishes is one of many examples of our government not prioritizing it's citizens.

I'm a lurker from way the fuck back in 2010. You guys have always been assholes, that's the entire point of Sup Forums, but when did you get stupid?

Net neutrality forbids service providers from slowing, blocking or altering content. That's it. And Comcast and AT&T want to get rid of it because they have products that compete with Netflix and Hulu. Comcast has already been caught slowing speeds for Netflix and blocking torrent downloads.

The end of net neutrality also means they're allowed to censor content they find offensive. Before Net neutrality, Verizon censored texts from a pro abortion group and AT&T bleeped out a singer's anti Bush lyrics during a song.

North Carolina has already tried to block internet porn, folks.

> there's only one provider in a given area!
You mean a bill that was supposed to fix this did the complete opposite of what you wanted?Sucker

Source. You're throwing out statistics with no source and then you're drawing conclusions based on hearsay.

Let me be brief. Put up or shut up.

yeah, you get all the pussy.

hay Sup Forums

i've seen quite a few of these threads, and i'm left wondering.. is it just a troll, or do some of you actually think this is a good thing? be honest

While I don't care much about the entire shit with Net Neutrality, Ajit Pai acts like a fucking cuck.

Taking away net neutrality could also tank 4chins too.

another dipshit conservative conned by a billionaire New York Democrat


It's fascinating that the shills are trying to brand this as a partisan thing. As though anyone who doesn't like the idea of self-regulating monopolies is somehow anti free-market.

Thanks Obama.

You're this dumb.
More contrarian bait.

I threw out one statistic. Actual percentage was 83. There's a Washington Post article, among others. Took 10 seconds to perform the search.

Nothing quite as satisfying as watching you *absolutely worthless* impotently raging dumb Liberals in your daily mental meltdowns, throwing your Hillary blow-up dolls from your #StillWithHer-themed prams like the whiny disgusting babies that you are while President Trump is erasing you from history one Executive Order at a time,

LOL! loving it,

The internet is not a free market. It's a tight monopoly controlled by five telecoms working together.
In the days of dial-up there were dozens of ISPs for even the smallest niche markets. The phone lines were available for anyone.
The best answer would be a truly free market with competition rather then regulation. Perhaps the physical lines could be held publicly, and anyone starting an ISP would rent space. But the telecoms are even more against any move in that direction.

There's a dozen in the Tampa Bay area. What shithole flyover do you live in?

The 'just switch to the other one you fools' was a shitty bit of bait . It's too obvious. You know there are millions of people who don't have that choice.

If your states decides to ban something that you want oh so bad then move to some other safe place snowflake.

libertarians when people want to control guns
>thats our 2nd amendment right you commies

libertarians when people want to use their 1st amendment to protesthe national anthem
>wow disrespect to the soldiers? fucking commies

libertarians when some sjws wanna stop people saying retard and nigger
>thats my first amendment!fucking commies

libertarians when the government now allows isps to censor the internet and essentially monopolize the market, profiting off those who arent fully educated and using that money to have as much power over the market as they want, where the only competition they have is the other corrupt isp thats doing the same garbage to stay ahead
>lmao sorry you dont get government handouts fucking commies
pot dont tread on kettle

as a ecoright libertarian myself, I support all frreedoms of media, even if that means letting the government intervene.

This is the exact type of ignorance the wealthy love to exploit.
This isn't a "liberal" or "republican" issue and labeling it team A or B completely takes away any intelligent conversation about the real issue. Allowing corporations sweeping power to control what you see and don't see.

You all have become exactly what you hate. Sheep. You're all circlejerking this decision because trump made it. Instead of judging the issue on its own merits, you judge it based on who likes it and who doesn't. You've fallen right into the trap of identity politics. Good job you miserable cunts.

This guy gets it

You know that's bullshit. The vast majority of people are against this shit, regardless of who they voted for. This is not a partisan issue.

Actually, Obama wanted option 3. His hand was forced.
FTC Regulation did not hold up in court to the republican lawsuit.
True Open Internet requires either enforcing the anti-trust laws or taking over shared assets, such as delivery lines.
In the end, without republican support, the only alternatives open to Obama and the FTC was Title II or let the telecom monopolies have full control (incredibly bad).
Unfortunately, it's that last option that Trump and friends have opted for.

Nice bait


Don't blow your brains out now that he kept his promise.

I live in DC and lived in Baltimore. Obviously not "fly overs" The ONLY option is Comcast. It's the same in Detroit when I lived there. This is common.
You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

Where the fuck do you live where there are multiple options?

>"""Free market"""

The original reason title II had to be enacted for isps was because of shady business practices that were only able to be employed due to the ISP oligopoly.

>world saved by ma boi ajit
>forget i once browsed /y/ (only ironically)
>now everyone will know
>ironically kill myself


See, that's the thing about bipartisan politics. Sometimes you have to hold your nose and vote for someone because you support some of their policies very strongly, even though you disagree with some of them. Regardless of whether it's the fault of people who voted for Trump, it's happened. The most important thing to do now is try and organise in support of NN. What you are doing is actively harming this. Do you support NN?

Bump this

As a european. I hope you get what is coming to you OP. Have fun paying 500 dollars for your North Korean filternet while we laugh at you while all your high tech companies start moving to countries with free internet.

It's a 50/50 thing, some are and some aren't.

>there's a dozen providers in the Tampa Bay area

Hurt whrre u liv user

I see you're just too retarded to use the internet.

Depending on the State and local areas, you will find competition, or none at all. It's really hit and miss. Comcast and Verizon have been working together to cover each other over their multiple services (the North East mainly).

This whole thing is hilarious. You Amerifags are constantly going on about 'defending muh freedomz' and 'I'll pay for muh healthcare'. Now some brown fella has waltzed in and literally stolen your internet, you're all whining like little girls. Maybe this is a wake up call and you might finally grow up, wake up and smell the cawfee. Your political system and economic ideology is completely fucked.

get the fuck out, ivan

I can't believe we're going back to pre-2015. It's like you people don't even remember how much of a nightmare the internet was back then!

>"Oh no now I will have to pay to use a service provided by the free market"
we're already paying for internet, you infinite troll faggot retard cumdrain spamwhore bitch nigger kike muslim enabler glue sniffing son of a thousand fathers.



>he fell for it

Here's the way it's going to work: you have X amount of gigabytes in your internet package, but you can't spend those on facebook, porn streaming, netflix, etc... unless you also get the streaming package.

You can't spend the gigs you purchased on the services you want unless you pay again. It's called paying for the same thing twice.

i think children should be allowed to smoke tobacco and drink alchohol
i think big tobacco and alchohol companies should be allowed to advertise to children
>>let the market decide kek

And if you live in a region where there's only 1 isp and they have exclusive pole contracts with the municipality so no other ISP's can enter the market?

There are lots of places in the USA with regional monopolies.

Protip: Title II never prevented ISPs from selling internet packages in the first place, the free market did.

shills are really on full lashback control aren't they

we will not forget


>It's called paying for the same thing twice
but that's capitalism, and capitalism is good and right because the bible tells me so and Sup Forums is never wrong and.. and... eehh.. something something niggers.


Most posters on this site probably weren't even alive then.

this guy thinks comcast wasn't already price gouging.

Too many toddlerfags.

fuck off shill, I don't want to get nickle and dimed to death

How long has it been?

oh hey look whose daddy works at a telecom, did he tell you snoke gets cut in half by ren and luke becomes one with the force?


you must be poorfag

>must be poorfag
>on Sup Forums talking shit
>literally autistic

Wow your mature way of handling the situation by posting that degenerate picture really makes me want to side with you and not the poor guy who did what he was appointed by the President to do.

Free Access to the internet for low income people - don't worry the next nigger president will be sure to give them all free laptops and internet access.

so why did you hate net neutrality?

where the fuck you live - Slobovia? I have 5 to choose from, 7 if I choose to use a satellite dish

it's gonna be awesome when you can't afford the social media package from verizon and comcast and retards like you are gone from the net.

a dot on this map marks where there is only one ISP available--this leaves the hicks with more price gouging
metropolitan areas will be fine

and your daddy pays the bills so you don't know/care what it is like to pay for shit

Baltimore has Comcast only. My area in DC only has Comcast for residential. Fuck off.

bullshit. most of connecticut is exclusively Comcast and where I live, near Columbus OH, I can only get Spectrum.

>> not as many as the whiny Soros shills tho

Nowhere does it say free.
But hey, fuck the poor and make it as hard as possible to achieve something, then you can still complain about those lazy people while feeling smug about yourself, idiot.


this is what trumptards want

so? can't afford it poorfag? die in a fire.

You live in the ghetto then douche? Verizon doesn't run FIOS to nignog areas because they won't pay for it, about the only thing you get there is Comcast because they give it away

are you a real person that has bought into the propaganda or are you a shill?

Anyone here old enough to remember when bittorrent traffic was being blocked/throttled? Those days are back.

Ajit will be shitting in the streets of Mumbai soon.

Exactly. In my area there is only one isp so if that isp (arvig) desides to say fuck you people will still HAVE to pay because it's the only GOD DAMN ISP IN THE AREA.