Be me

>be me
>12th grade senior year
>ask my crush to prom
>she says yes
>prom tickets are 120 dollars
>i already have my ticket
>she asks me if i can give her 120 dollars for a ticket
>fast forward 2 weeks
>i enter the building
>she’s dancing with another guy
>turns out she just used me for money so that she could go to prom with her bf

cold, man

yo that's actually fucked up. when did this happen, OP?

couple years ago. why?

I refuse to believe someone that stupid got to 12th grade.

What the fuck was she thinking, that you will NOT be there somehow?...that just typical woman behavior, only that matters for her in that "goingtoprom- mission" that she is going with him, no matter what it takes, becouse always "it is not my foult, i was going to tell you!". Fucking bitches, i know something about it too man

give us your bank acc, we'll send you $$$ like the nigerian email prince never could

>120$ for a fucking prom

Jewed not one but TWO times.

Never pay money for a bitch unless it's a prostitute, you learned that lesson the hard way, most women are manipulative, psychopatic bitches (true story). Forget that shit, build yourself the body of a god, get the best clothes, work hard on your goals and fuck all these hoes.

imagine if you put that 120 into ltc or btc

WTF seriously? you think you can give me some too...?

>a couple of years ago
kill yourself


Whaaaat...? you trying to shine on the internet or you realy thinking about it after all those years?

Just wondering if it's recent or not. If I was in that situation and that happened to me, I'd have contacted her parents as soon as possible and told them about what happened and shit. That's unbelievable. I hope she gets raped by a walrus.

those are mine you sherlock

> ask girl to prom
> say yes, but gibs me money
> ....
> show up at prom and see her there with her bf

So did you have to get her money later or did you have 120 on the spot?

shit, im no good in posting stuff here , havent been here since like 4-5years and im drunk now and i dont give a shit

>didn't hit her with the delivery truck of peace

That's what u get for being a Sup Forumseta and not immediately laying out your intentions, u just gave her money expecting her to just go out with you, doing absolutely no research on her situation.

That's your problem kiddo, u gotta be 3 moves ahead of these hoes.
