Can any med-anons tell me what degree of burn these are?

Can any med-anons tell me what degree of burn these are?

Biofag here.
How'd you do it?

Possibly self inflicted, im drunk.

Judging just from the look of this, they are not any worse than second degree. Even second degree is pushing it. You'll be fine.


I can't feel the bottom one, top one is tingly but not painful By The way.

When did this happen?

15 mins ago, how they look now

Definitely not full thickness (3rd degree), but if you can't feel one of them then there's some nerve damage so it must be partial thickness (2nd) rather than a superficial burn (1st).

>15 mins ago
Get something cold on them. There's still time to limit the damage.

What if i don't want to?

Looks like second, Got into the fat a bit... Doesnt look like 3rd... Take care of it and if it infects go see a doctor

Burn yourself more until you do.

Definitely 2nd degree (if you don't feel the pain because of the burned tissue and not because of the alcohol tho). Rub some ointment on a regular basis for a few days. If you still can't feel the Bern in like 2 or 3 days, and if the skin stays white, go to a fucking hospital, I'm no physician.

Show us what it looks like when you burn your beenis.

And put your arm under warm (30°C) water for about 30 minutes

Maybe 2nd degree if it stars blistering otherwise just 1st. Tard ass posting about a sunburn essentially. Ems fag here

Then don't. It's your arm.

Kitchen fag here, what about when the burn turns to this like weird yellow thick nodule that falls off, gets replaced by a weird white sheen that than falls off again leaving a permanent indent?

That's a blister. You're not OP right?

Also, check'd.


Remove the dead flesh with luke warm (not hot) water once it separates.

Spray bactine on it

clean it every 8 hours or so, leave it open when at home lightly dress when at work.

It is a superficial burn on the higher end of 1st degree.

Your biggest worry at this point is keeping it clean and medicating the are to prevent infection.

well my blisters been a stinging crater for 2 weeks now that people cant stand to look at, kek. not OP

Someone tried to sneak some tendies out of the oven...

>mfw I was drunk and have burn marks in the same spot from reaching in the oven and touching the element on accident.


white burns usually indicate 2nd degree burns. Have fun, they can be the most painful

>feel the Bern

Have you removed and cleansed your blister following instructions?
If you didn't: go see either your M.D. or a dermatologist

isn't this from a thread where a fag gassed himself?

The dead part came off today, but there's just more exposed fleshy shit now. Have been ointment and changing bandages, dead part came off today, muscle around the burn hurts.
>Boiling pots are hot

Looks like less severe 2nd degree burn. 3rd degree would be like charring your ass to the bone or some shit. Put some burn cream on it.

id say second degree pressing your fingers against your skin

You should have removed the "dead part" 2 weeks ago. Go to a hospital.

1st, potentially second. Get that under cold water and see a doctor/pharmacist soon to avoid infection.

Stop being a jackass.

Emergency Rescue Tech here. You need to keep it dry and clean to avoid total infection. If it starts pusing up go to the ER asap.

Op here, called NHS non emergency.

The burn is indented.

Ready to ice it yet? It's going to end up full thickness and needing a skin graft if you're not careful.(Though you're obviously not careful).
Dubs checked.

med student here. that is bad


Icing burns does nothing. In fact, too much cold on the tissue can cause more damage if anything.

You can't 'unburn' skin by cooling it down below body temp. This is like the shit about catching a cold because you didn't wear a jacket.

Those burns look pretty bad tho. the darkened one? could be 3rd degree TBH

If you can't feel anything, you've gone down to sub-cutaneous == 3rd degree == bad juju == needs care

A friend almost lost a foot to a bad burn from a botched solar branding. Be careful OP

The dermis is intact

this is a 2nd degree burn

what does it smell like

No, you can't unburn it, but you can make sure that any excess heat it gone from the tissues though. Agreed about the ice-burn, ice should never be applied directly to the skin. Cold running water will always be the best first aid for a burn but OP has left it a bit late. Also agree it now looks 3rd degree.

I had a similar looking burn once. Remove dead skin, apply silver sulfadiazine daily, keep wrapped, repeat til it starts to close.

Is it a chemical burn...? That does not look like any second degree burn I've seen...

this is what most burns look like after they've been debrided

Maybe just the guys skin tone is throwing me off. The picture just looks super weird to me...

and burn victim forever alone reporting in
definetly 2nd degree or about 3rd
if you just get blisters then its 2nd
if its 3rd it will beyond blisting and the skin will be loose/dead and may slide off with very little effort
so do not rub it at all
dont even apply much pressure to it
3rd deg burns are extremely prone to massive infections so get medical attention for sure

If I were you I would stick a bandaid on both of them so the sticky part is directly on the burn. It will hold it together and when you are tired of looking at the bandaid you can easily remove it along with all of the fucked up skin. EZ

Alternatively microwave your arm so the skin thaws. Looks like the dumb ice/salt burns people used to give themselves.


The pale white areas are the dermis (collagen, blood vessels, etc), the bleeding you see are the capillaries that feed the dermis and epidermis (the pigmented skin)

third degree burns require a pretty serious mechanism of injury to occur (oil burns, steam scalding, etc). most hot water spills only result in 1st or 2nd degree since the water rolls away, limiting the time heat conduction can occur

in any case, even if OP had deep 2nd degree burns, that small surface area amounts to less than 1% body surface area. if you see a doc they will probably just recommend painkillers (tylenol, aleve/advil, etc) and to keep the skin clean, and follow up 2-3 weeks later if it doesnt get better. Admission to the hospital is usually set at 20% body surface area, or maybe a little less if a sensitive part of body is burned (face, hands, genitals, etc)

cool water immediately following. by 60 seconds later though...the skin is back to body temp

looks like fucking ice and salt

Yeah, figured it couldn't hurt but you're right, the critical period has passed. Wrap it in cling film and go to the hospital is about all he can do now.

Did you play icey-salty?

If he was born with smaller nuts this wouldn't have happened. Poor little guy.

this man knows

no thats a nigga


Seek medical help. You should be fine but given the whole mystery thing, you should get checked out.

ALSO: Think about/check your drinking if things like this are happening when you drink!


>Go to the hospital
Unless you are very badly burned, you will get shooed away from a hospital with some cream and tylenol you could have gotten way cheaper at your local drug store.


Thats BBQ chicken...

This is true, i ended up with 4th degree burns on most of my left calf and was sent home from the ER with percoset and silver sulfdiazene. Eventually had to have a skin graft or they would've chopped it off.

OP's is 2nd degree at best rub some aloe on it faggot. if it gets infected go to ER.