Your daily reminder that Trump is a piece of shit and the people that defend him are stupid, mean spirited cunts

Your daily reminder that Trump is a piece of shit and the people that defend him are stupid, mean spirited cunts.
Merry Christmas!!

I for one love the man. thanks for your opinion though OP! God bless!

Stay in your containment board

That's right OP, spread the word of the communist left. You're doing a good job.

I stand corrected, you are merely stupid but not a mean spirited cunt.


if you say so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



"Communist left" Welcome to the 1980's dipshit. So busy fighting the last war that you don't have a clue where the real threat is.....

>stupid, mean spirited cunts.
Irony, the post.

wow. when will liberals stop embarrassing themselves with the non stop temper tantrums?

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>retard truly thinks there are no communists in america *cough antifa*

Our daily reminder that op is a beta faggot and can type with a nigger dick in his mouth

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When conservatives stop embarrassing themselves in every other aspect of life....

what collusion that effected what?

Facebook ad's that have a russian ip, which could be easily spoofed?

try again butthurt liberal


>Merry Christmas

you're a fucking cuck bastard and don't even know it

Happy Holidays asshole

>God bless!
Adults with imaginary friends are stupid


typical liberal argument, you can, why can't I?

why can't you liberals be free thinkers instead of feeding off other's actions? I swear, liberalism are a disease


>Your daily reminder that Trump is a piece of shit and the people that defend him are stupid, mean spirited cunts.

Fuck off, snowflake. The Murcun voters threw a bucket of water on Hillary and she melted just like the Wicked Witch of the West.

You should melt now, too, snowflake.

Antifa?? If that's the best you have I just won. Antifa is a joke, just like anyone who's concerned about them.

>free thinkers

The real threat is the communist left

Humanity requires something to look up too, it is nicer to have that something be largely liked.
But what am I saying, I should just
>Tips fedora
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rednecks love the electoral college

> (OP)
>>Stay in your containment board

Psycho faggot. fag.fag.fag.fag

"I'm NORMAL. You must ACCEPT me."

Hahaha, faggot, no, I do not have to accept your mental illness as normal.

>in every other aspect of life
No, every aspect, they throw temper tantrums too.

Well, you just proved my point. Thanks dipshit!

>rednecks love the electoral college

Suck harder.

>Humanity requires something to look up too

what is it looking up?


lol Snowflake describes libtards and Clinton supporters. Nice try, though.

like I said, rednecks love the electoral college

Look up to
Main Entry: admire
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: hold in high regard
Synonyms: adore, applaud, appreciate, approve, be crazy about, be crazy for, be crazy over, be mad about, be nuts about, be stuck on, be sweet on, be wild about, cherish, commend, credit, delight in, esteem, eulogize, extol, fall for, get high on, glorify, go for, groove on, hail, hold in respect, honor, idolize, laud, look up to, marvel at, moon over, pay homage to, praise, prize, rate highly, respect, revere, take pleasure in, think highly of, treasure, value, venerate, wonder at, worship
Antonyms: abhor, condemn, despise, detest, dislike, execrate, hate, scorn

Oh yeah, sure is funny to go around the streets wearing all black beating people up, nothing to worry about here folks just violently punching anyone in the face who we call a nazi, because they disagree with us, they don't actaully have to be nazi's at all.

Sure kid

the orange kool aid was pretty good huh?

so...the nazis are the pussies...?

ITT: divide-and-conquer agenda working as intended.

OP here, time to come clean. I couldn't give two fucks about Trump or the cunts who fight over him, I just like to throw this shit out there and watch you pigs dance. Amuse me fools!!!

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How Do I Join Al Qaeda And Where Can I Download Child Porn

all you can do is call someone a liberal and then say thats bad

just like this user, trump supporters have no real arguments and just rely on identity politics to claim that theyre right

Nice try but then again...

>Donalds tantrums are THE BEST TANTRUMS.

Exactly. Trump faggots are idiots. Every. Single. One.

Thank you. These retards love to point out the great expanse of cows in all of their shit-tier flyover states as some "majority" they represent, when in actuality the majority of the voting public voted for Clinton, and the majority of the population live in the blue on those maps. Some of those counties that are red have only 15 inbred old fucks in the entire boundary.

Because electoral votes are people, right? Oh wait.

Trumpanzees fantasize about "drinking liberal tears" as their reward for putting a senile imbecile into office, but the reality of the situation is you only have my and all of my educated and successful friends absolute disdain, no one is crying, we're quite literally looking down our noses at you in a mixture of pity and disgust. We view you as an unwashed and uneducated lot who are so sold on corporate propaganda you vote against your own interests with fervor. You are so easily exploited it makes me wonder at times if our democracy is salvageable.


Oh damn, educated successful people disdain? Well, shit

lmao so successful is posting on Sup Forums

Do you and your pals carry Douche Club cards too?

Well said. They will always be the lesser Americans who any decent person will view with a mixture of disdain, disgust and pity.

What a loser. Keep it up, loser.

Keep watching Fox News. Your confusion is delightful.

No, U. Watch the Republican party crumble into obscurity after the midterm elections. TRUMP KILLED THE GOP!!!
Cue the right wing Sith meltdown.

Say why do you and your NEET friends go have a brandy and pose as intellectuals some more

Trolls hijacked this country and idiots bought into the bullshit.

You got people purposely stirring the pot and arguing ridiculous points for the sake of "lulz" but fuckin retards are so stupid they can't see bullshit when it's on the lawn instead of he sidewalk.

Why don't you go back to your double wide, hoist a Yuengling and fuck your sister.

"Your daily reminder that Trump is a piece of shit and the people that defend him are stupid, mean spirited cunts." - some fag who uses Sup Forums

oh gawd, not mean spirited, whatever you say dont call us mean spirited.

you seem to know a lot about redneck life, you wouldn't be a posing dilettante fag would you?

Good idea about my sister tho, soon as I finish wiping my cock off on your mom's face I'll give it a go

She's been dead for a while now. Necrophilia, that's a new one for the white trash crowd. Do you prefer with or without green pus and maggots? Remind you of your sister?

I guess you know you're petty hateful people. But still, it SHOULD sting.

Nothing wrong with Sup Forums. Everything wrong with supporting plutocratic hate groups, eg, the Republicans

Don't you mean happy holidays ya filthy racist lefty cuntbag

>the people that defend him are stupid, mean spirited cunts
Yeah, that's what we call kikes

What's wrong with republicans?


Project some more, Trumpian LOSER, it genuinely entertains me. (For the Trump crowd, genuinely translates to "unironically")

Fuck. Off.

Obviously, you've the IQ of a lobotomized fruit fly on acid and the critical thinking skills of a rock to ask that question. trump likes people like you.

The "Murican voters" voted for Hillary more than Trump. And frankly the south can go fuck itself. They've been holding back the United States for decades. I'm just happy their grand kids will probably be mixed.

They're the enemy. What /x/ calls the Illuminati.


merry christmas

Your daily reminder that Trump is a piece of shit and the people that attack him are stupid, mean spirited cunts.
Merry Christmas!!

It is over. You lost. Get over it.

>reeeee god should be some cheap parlor trick I can conjur when ever I please.


It is over. You lost. Get over it.
Try running a candidate who isn't a piece of shit that can't beat Donald fucking Trump.

Lol, I'm not even American, it was a genuine question, but thanks for clearing up absolutely nothing and proving yourself to be an indoctrinated brainlet with absolutely no ability to think critically.
Enemy of who exactly?American leftists or just the American public in general?

Hi. I'm Bernie Sanders. Thank you for the donations. I realize how much of a sacrifice that was for you; maybe it was your student loan dollars. I just bought a third house and and encouraged you to vote for what I ran against. Anyway... Thanks for the money you schmucks!

Thanks for showing that even foreigners can be not all that intelligent or informed.

Hey user, let me tell you this: there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats. They are both controlled by the same people, they are just meant to be for different target groups.

Still your president 8)

Is is comfy in your echo-chamber, extreme leftist comunist filth?


only illitterat children argues in "i won" terms. Exclusively illitterate children. nice one.

Oh yes, your tears make me more powerful, and the cries of lament make me hard.

"greentexing >>free thinkers

Can be unintelligent or uninformed*
Jesus Christ it's like speaking to a toddler, and believe it or not, not everyone follows your countries politics.


>PFC Bone Spurs

you are incorrect.