What's a computer?

What's a computer?

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litterally just saw that commerical

so, this generation are going to take the reigns on technology soon how do you feel about that b?

What an ugly kid

The only thing they will take on is student loan debt from their Afrikang Basket Weaving degree


Something that computes

that girl is sugoi kawaii desu
I want to lick her

and her feets



Dumb cunt

I've seen the commercial so many times and I still roll my eyes/cringe at it every time..

The "real future" for this would be the Dragon Tattoo bitch fucking everything that moves and getting a tat every time she's raped.

Beat me to it user.

the funniest thing about apple niggers is that they are objectively worse off entering the professional world. whether it's a data entry job or network engineering, apple isn't used professionally EVER

It's actually the preferred OS for music and art development. I have always used windows, but recently microsoft has turned into a monster. It's baffling that most of the professional world using windows. It is so unreliable and unstable, and now microsoft forces shutdowns and updates randomly. Three times I've had my laptop force shut down on me in the middle of work.

>It's actually the preferred OS for music and art development.


>It's baffling that most of the professional world using windows. It is so unreliable and unstable

unconfigured windows 10 is a nightmare due to forced updates, but the administration tools used for windows domains paired with the reliability of windows server is why microsoft has 90+% of the professional market

apple only appeals to people who are dumb enough to think they're getting something special, it's fucking useless overall. And if security is your concern use linux like the rest of the professional world.

>preferred OS for music and art development
So it's the preferred OS of idiots.

Fisher Price - My First OS!

additionally, the cost:value ratio is deplorable

try and talk your companies cfo into spending 75% more money with apple to DO THE SAME THING YOU CAN DO WITH WINDOWS

Oh not to mention in addition to the 75% increase in hardware costs, you also have to pay double the salary for an "apple certified technical administrator"

It's the "artist's computer" because it's entrenched in the market as such. From experience, working on even short (5-10min) film projects with Final Cut Pro (an industry standard) is like trying to masturbate with sandpaper. For audio work which is another thing I do, mac has little performance gain. Apple's running on fad status and when that fad runs out they'll go under. Fuck M$ too - Hail Linux

Unfortunately many of the molecular biology labs I've worked in have had apple computers. Funny enough, all the instruments that require computers have Windows machines, and all the computers that are used for data entry and common use are apple for some reason.

>Afrikang Basket Weaving
>Not participating in mongolian basket weaving like us civilized folk

When will they ever learn.

>we're a big fancy company, lets buy our techs apples for data entry, they deserve it

>buy $2 million instrument, impossible to integrate software on apple

professionally USELESS

What's also fucked up is that there are smart toys being released (even though it's illegal to collect data from children under 13).

>take the reigns on technology

that's a funny way of saying blogging on consumer electronics

it's on tv right now, i fucking hate that pretentious bitch and her stupid lesbian hair cut

Not everyone pays for TV or wherever you are getting commercials.

Link a source

This. So much. I want to slap this smug bitch so hard. Friggin' brat.

literally google whats a computer? and its the first result

That's a little boy. They intentionally made him androgynous to appeal to marxist leftards because "muh 6 gorillion genders"


So from the sound of this thread, this "commercial" which is actually some sort of propaganda is repeatedly playing for the public to see. It has cringy starbucks music and a boy who grew up on soy milk being unrealistically creative on a device too inconvenient to lug around in the real world.

So instead of trying to sell a product, they are trying to force into peoples minds that everyone must be staring at an electronic device from birth to death, consume online content, consume app products, be a good digital consumer, make us lots of money.

I'm glad I don't watch commercials, own a smart phone, have a facebook account, or any of that shit. I still consume paper books and spend most of my time outdoors and meeting people. I guess I am the last of the free men.

If this is the attitude they want top brainwash the public with the future of technology and civilization is doomed.
I do light programming, code CNC, engineering for manufacture, and 3D digital development for production. I use many massive pieces of software from several major CAD and CAM packages to proprietary photogrammetry... there is no APP for that.
I also use data that is up to 25 years old, on my current suite of equipment.
They can try to use a smartphone or tablet to 3D model, kinematic test, ME analyze, develop G-code, then step drive a CNC... oh wait, they can't.
Consumer technology is disposable junk.

How are you free when you're posting this on the most cucked soyboy website on the net

>What's a computer?

The real question is why does this commercial threaten the typical Sup Forumstard?

It's just a commercial.
It's just a kid.

But something about it is obviously very threatening. Why?

>everyone must be staring at an electronic device from birth to death

That isn't really new...


Commercials like this ostracize normal people for being normal. It portrays a smug, autistic, tranny as the type of person we should aspire to be if we want to keep up. That's why it appeals to the retards that use apple shit and makes the other 90% of the country recoil in horror and disgust.

>ostracize normal people for being normal.
but my question is why do people feel ostracized?

>it appeals to the retards that use apple shit
Is it just another macfag trigger?

Im no apple fanboi, Im pc/android, but I honestly thought those wars were over. really, people still care about that, and if so - why?

All I see is a company(apple) conveying a message that the younger generation enjoys their devices because it enables them to perform tasks relevant to their lifestyles(12 y/o kid lifestyles) no?

>autistic tranny
Does zhe have an un-clit too?

>smug, autistic, tranny
also a half breed, so progressive

Typical that they made her dress and act like a future Tumblr SJW

Androgynous. Fucking disgusting.

"what are you doing on your computer?"
"what's a computer?"
"Shut the fuck you pretentious little shit, you know exactly what I meant, no need to be a dick"

This is how I wish the ad went, I fucking hate this ad

>why do people feel ostracized
because a smug, autistic, half breed, tranny is not an accurate representation of any population anywhere in the world. We're talking less than 1/100th of 1 percent of all humans on the planet.

>All I see is a company(apple) conveying a message that the younger generation enjoys their devices because it enables them to perform tasks relevant to their lifestyles(12 y/o kid lifestyles) no?

Only the incredibly privileged members of younger generations get the chance to 'enjoy' their products. This kids family is well-to-do enough to buy their monster of a child high end consumer electronics, and despite her relatively high economic and social status she still found a way to be oppressed.

hey kid im a computer

>A computer is a device that can be instructed to carry out arbitrary sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. The ability of computers to follow generalized sets of operations, called programs, enables them to perform an extremely wide range of tasks.

stop all the downloadin

>implying you faggots wouldn't

Anyone got some good porn of her yet?

I believe the are trying the gender neutral thing because its hard to determine if its a boy or girl and they also gave it that fucking attitude

>Only the incredibly privileged members of younger generations get the chance to 'enjoy' their products.

Do you associate apple products with privileged people?

>she still found a way to be oppressed.
what clues in the commercial led you to believe she was oppressed?

Anyone else think she's really cute?

That commercial is the got to be the most retarded millennial liberal fucking thing out there. It fucking oozes liberal.

What is androgynous?

>why does this commercial threaten the typical Sup Forumstard?

Because it pictures a young girl living a life and having fun. Something that Sup Forumstards have never experienced. (They also can't even afford Apple products.) Sad!

On a more serious note, it's because they're lonely virgins that hate anything popular.



That line pisses me off for some reason.

Every. Damn. Time.


it's pathetic as fuck... i just watched it on youtube. that speech impediment black guy singing is miserable to experience.

i don't care about a young "pat" at all but there is a major fundamental flaw.

apple is trying to run with some gay ass concept that in the future, kids won't know what a "computer" is. what IS this thing the fucking reject is playing with all day then? it's an iPad.

what is "iPad"? it's a label. "computer" is too general and real but then... aren't "labels" wrong? this non-descript joke humanoid with half of its nails painted and is hard to determine its gender doesn't need labels... it's "human".

"what's a human?"


Looks like a half asian with fetal alcohol syndrome.

Augh, her name's Scout. How unisex

Yea, that screenshot is visually pleasing to look at. She seems pretty ugly in the whole trailer to me, though

dude, how the fuck do you post a paragraph in two threads one second apart from each other


I’m a computah! Stop all the downloadin!

this commercial makes me so fucking frustrated

a gateway to an electronic web that stretches across the planet. it is a doorway to an electronic repository filled with the primordial oooze of the human subconscious.

the internet is like a gigantic brain that we all plug into, for better or worse. a computer is a node that makes it possible to bypass social interactions in face to face settings while still allowing interaction between individuals. society is built around social ques, norms, and morals. the internet cuts out these barriers and allows people to shamelessly try things they would never otherwise do.

I don't believe in progress, I think we get new tech but stay as flawed as ancient civilizations.

Computers are a new toy we play old games on.

Apple OS anything is preferred and offers a superior DTK and relative community.

philotic web fag reporting in

good taste in literature user

This ad is one of the most fucking retarded things I've seen

Then again, it's Apple

Thanks for responses everyone.

To sum it up: Many of you can't identify with the person. There seems to be some socio-economic chasm between you and the character.
Many of you seem to attach lifestyle and political affiliations to the character.
Many of you feel Apple might be endorsing this lifestyle over yours and maybe implying that she might be superior to you.

The question 'what is a computer' might imply that your technical knowledge is becoming dated and possibly obsolete.

Taking all these factors in, you feel threatened and despise what that character represents.

>philotic web fag
lel thanks, user

they will be social media literate, not computer literate
it won't be any different from today except for their toys

Lol this commercial was probably written by some boomer executive who assumed millennials are too dumb to understand what a "computer" is

I'm actually a frequent user of a Mongolian basket weaving image board...
Wait isn't that where I am right now?

The question itself "what's a computer?" is damn annoying to everyone because everyone knows what a fucking computer is the only people that should be asking that are kids under the age of 5 and Amish people. It's clear that she knows what a computer is and she responded to her neighbors innocent question like a bitch because her neighbor didn't notice that it was an ipad

Apple is just crying because they didn't invest in 2-in-1. If M$ actually made good software they would be kicking ass right now.
Sucks too, an apple 2-in-1 would be godly. The pencil came out like 2 years ago and is still better than the shitty m$ pens.

I have a feeling that this commercial is actually a personal insult from Apple to all of their consumers.
It's like they're trying to say:
>"All our users are too retarded to even know what a computer is."

>because everyone knows what a fucking computer is the only people that should be asking that are kids under the age of 5 and Amish people.

not even close.
my niece is 12 and has used a computer for a grand total of 1 hour in her entire life.
it wouldn't surprise me in the least that she didn't know what that word means.
she does everything on her phone and tablet. her school issues tablets. there are no workstations.

do you call it a computer? seriously. just as many people call them desktops or workstations. fuck. even laptops aren't really a thing with kids under 16.

naw they might be able to avoid it if they learn from everyone who got fucked in 2003-now.


I do most my art on PC. Schools pushed MAC like a bunch of scamster whores

Literally the dumbest iApple commercial ever.

I guess apple now markets to retards.

>Schools pushed MAC like a bunch of scamster whores

Yeah, in 1995.

Have you seen a middle / high school lately?
The computer labs are gone bro.

I think the question is meant to convey the idea that the computer is an integral part of her life, like an extension of her body. The computer fits seamlessly into her life.

It always has. 2k for a laptop on top of 25k in student debt? Count me in!!!

my dad is a c c a computer

it's gotta be a xer

Y tho

>multibillion dollar industries
>not professional

i hate apple as much as you but don't be so edgy, cunt. bafflingly, it is the most popular system for music and other production. maybe that's why the overall quality of music and the arts has taken a fucking nosedive since this became the case.

>drawing wings around an image
>unrealistically creative


yes, didn't you notice technology start to go backwards around a decade ago?
in general but also specifically regarding computers

and you're logging a get
nice work

It is a commercial that depicts a black woman trying to hold the racist white boy accountable, but the white boy won't respect her. He says "No, nigger. Mind your slave work, nigger. This stuff isn't for niggers. Computers aren't something for niggers to know about. I don't need to answer to you."
He gives the smartass "What's a computer?" response, shutting down any attempt of the black woman to have any influence over her or be included in his life. He treats the woman like a subordinate. The subordinate is not entitled to serious, honest, respectful responses.
The black woman doesn't get upset though. She maintains her poise with a knowing smile, trusting in the imminent, deserved and long overdue downfall of white people.

>Y tho

desktops serve no useful purpose in schools anymore.
tablets are smaller, less expensive, and portable. you can give one to each student and they can use it for every class and homework.

they still use apps that take alot of resources but the work isn't done locally on the device, its done on an app server. the device is just the interface.
it's just more efficient and very common now