What is your biggest current problem user? Are you hopeless?

What is your biggest current problem user? Are you hopeless?

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There is a very real chance my father in law will murder me once we land in Beijing.

Assuming he does not, everything will be fine.

Well this thread was a fucking bust

maybe everyone was just in a serious train of thought on this one. Give it another try later in the week.

You must get to him first. No one messes with you, user

unemployed, getting kind of fat, money running out, feet are cold

i should put on some slippers tbh

My biggest current problem is that I don’t have a job and I’m running out of money, and despite this I still decided to spend $240 on weed today

Be in rehab, lose home & belongings in hurricane, grandfather passes

Clean your room
Go for a walk everyday
Get a job

I'm fucking freezing.

I deranked from Gold Nova 3 to Gold Nova 2

nobody asked you, nigger



I'm too lazy to do anything with my life, everytime I wanna become someone great I just give up and go back to browsing Sup Forums, playing videogames, eating junk and masturbating until my balls hurt.

>failed college classes and have to pay back 2000$ grant I spent most of
>with a girl I'm not sure how long I can see myself with
>wanna move out of parents house

Prolly the grant thing

I'm actually too good for this shit

Current biggest problem.. I have lots to choose from. Well I have no money, a crippled laptop, and I leave for Berlin in January. But the issue is that I live in the middle of bumfuck Pa with my mom where we don't even have cell service, let alone anywhere to work to save any real amount of money. So if I come back from Germany I'm screwed, but screwed with college debt

I am unemployed, overweight and lonely as fuck.


I'm fat as shit and I wish I was 100lbs lighter.

It won't get easier, the chance of failure is way too big.
Today you smile, tomorrow defeated.

Get good or you might as well quit.

I feel I have begun my decent into nihilism. Having a hard time seeing the point in anything.

Need a job weed and a girlfriend

Go on a keto diet, you will EASILY lose weight. I lost 235 lbs on keto over the course of 2 years. That was 8 years ago and I'm currently 165 with a 14% body fat.

Just your average 24 year old in Canada. Lost my job and have been applying my ass off with nothing past a handful of resumes.

I'm not making rent this month so I'll have to figure that stuff out. My family isn't even all that well off so I can't exactly get help.

My bank is breathing down my neck and I feel utterly hopeless.

I'm most likely going to light some BBQ coals in my bathroom and seal the cracks in the door and just off myself by CO2 poisoning. I just don't really see myself getting out of being homeless and that makes me depressed af. Oh well

Like, immediate in this very moment? My fan is on max to offset my heater and it's kinda making some papers rustle on my desk It's mildly irritating. The downstairs of my house is cold and far from the furnace due to the way the ductwork goes, while my office upstairs is right next to the furnace and is hot as fuck. So, to balance it out I have the ceiling fan on max. This creates a substantial amount of wind.

20,000 in debt, living paycheck to paychek, paying credit cards to then use to get to the net paycheck. Rinse repeat, already working 60 hours a week and still no improvement.

Degenerative brain condition at age 20. Yeah, everything’s golden.

which city in canada?

Forgot to mention. It's not hopeless since I've cooled down a lot and I was able to reduce the fan speed. Paper rustling has been reduced to barely noticeable. Now my biggest problem is my lack of Chex Mix. I have all the ingredients downstairs. But my girlfriend is asleep because it's 2 am and making Chex Mix is noisy business. All is not lost, I've got Cheez-Its right next to me. Hope still lives.

I'm 22 and pretty much in the same position. I've already accepted I don't have the balls to kill myself, so I'm just gonna keep sucking air and see it through. I've been in crap situations before anyway and they mostly worked out.

i'll keep u in my prayers

Praying for you user.
You're the only person beside the person claiming to have degenerative brain issue that isn't just a useless idiot that is real real sad they don't get a free ride.

>apply literally everywhere in city with no success
>paranoia, suspecting schizo spectrum, even if mild

Bless you user.

maybe you're just dumb? Just because someone plays along with the topic of the thread and lists a problem they have, doesn't mean their entire life is in shambles

I smoke weed everyday and am not a loser. I'm fat, but I'm not a poor jobless loser.

>You must be dumb
>Just because someone plays along
>plays along
>You must be dumb

Not having chexmex is the worst problem in this thread.

I'm living at home after getting kicked out of college and my job that I have is nowhere near enough to move out. The friends that I have lie to my face everyday to make me feel good since I have depression and they don't want to tell me that they only talk to me to stop me from killing myself. Life doesn't ever move forward for me and always goes backwards whenever anything good happens.

Sorry to hear that user. Been in a similar boat. All you can do is keep trying and try and keep your chin up. Hope things get better for you.

My girlfriend has a shitty job that has her working like 80+ hours of overtime a month. Thus I can't see her as much as I'd like and she's generally really tired when I do see her. She wants to quit but unfortunately we live in Japan so her resume's strength depends on sticking it out for a while.

Luckily it'll only be for 1 year

Wish there was a teacher's union here where they actually need it....

Dunno which car should i buy, audi tt 8n or audi a4 b7

I want to fucking eat people.


>CO2 poisoning
You could skip the coal hassle and enjoy a refreshing soft drink.

>healthy labor laws
pick one and only one

I will never understand why the retard is drawn to shiny, impractical, and expensive things.

user with only Cheez-Its here. Now my only only problem is that I'm all out of diet coke. I have much more down stairs. But that is far away. And cold. Pray for me.

i could easily get a job with dad, but wont because im lazy and afraid of commitment. pls help

I am not good at anything I do. I write so bad that people think I am ESL. I draw like a retard. I cannot do basic math like 12x12 in my head i have a difficult time focusing, and remembering stuff. I should have never been born

Good news! I now have three chilled diet cokes. I'm good for a little bit here. Now I just need to find a TV show to watch. Recommendations?

I struggle to see why life is worth living.

Hospitalised since tuseday. Mom died a month ago and i have lost most of my friends in the past 6months

>Are you hopeless?
I'm alone and don't know how to fix it.
Going out alone and meeting new people feels too awkward to me and I never know how to start anything. Don't even know where to go.
I have a hob, hobbies, even do sport. Just don't know how to do it with people and it keeps me down bad.

Worst case scenario you save up some money and then move out/get a better job. There's no need for commitment. If your dad is upset with your pursuing a better job then that's on him. Even if "better" just means "not with him". As for laziness; no one can help that but you. I dunno. I used to be lazy but then something just sorta switched on and now I can be very not-lazy when I want to be. And I find that the older I get the less that the "when I want to be" applies. The change has been very gradual over the last 8 years.

I'm an alcoholic unemployed low life who keeps flunking out of college because I'm a lazy idiot with no aspirations. Finally found happiness in someone eerily similar to me but doesn't want to see me because I'm moving away soon. Not blaming anyone but myself though so yeah... the lack of aspiration is my biggest problem but not being able to see her hurts more, and then I come here and whine about it. Holy fuck I need to get my shit together

Hopeless? No, not for now. My life isn't particularly satisfying, but it's not uncomfortable right now. Nothing really satisfies, but I'm paying my bills and I have options.

Right now the big problem is my lack of direction. I've hit a wall in my college career, and I'm desperate to find confidence and self esteem again. I think joining the military is the best thing I can do at the moment, but I've fallen for the "your life will be different in four years" meme before. I just need to get some things squared away so I won't be distracted at basic. I think I could really enjoy the service, and I need to do something I can be proud of again. This could be my way to living my life the way I want to, and not the way I have been.

Biggest problem atm?..
That i am back living with my parents after getting a divorce.. or maybe my job isnt a "full time" job.
So.. not really hopeless, better off then some.

Fuckin sucks, mate. Keep at it, bro. You'll make it out of this.

biggest problems?
i had to get rid of my dog, poor fag who went from going alright to moving deeper into the ghetto, live next to crack heads who i think are planning to kill me,
without my dog i have no real reason to workout and its showing, ive gained 10 pounds and its noticeable.
upside? im now able to afford my dream car, or well the next best thing.

Make sure you can afford a Mossberg, too. Fucking crackheads think they can take a slug? Oblige them.

both are ugly, both are unreliable and don't have resale value.
get either the a4 or a golf gti, or since its in your price range a wrx like me.

i have a 10/22 and a mosin, im thinking about getting a $100 single shot 20 gauge and making it into a home defence pistol though


My life in a nutshell
Totally relatable

The life train has departed, I'm still at the station, and it's not coming back around.

Basically, I'm a 30 year old who has been a shut-in for over a decade. I have zero dollars to my name, no friends or social contacts, I'm a kissless virgin and a high school dropout.

Its my own fault but its definitely my biggest problem.

Are you me?

you can still make a comeback, unless youre on the autism scale.
just make an alter ego of yourself based off of someone cool. also dont be cringy. aint that hard.

Fuck, user. I'm laughing cause I do the same shit. I'm miserable.

Nobody knows that. Just clean yourself up, and when you leave your house, you're a different person. Get yourself a job, and you'll start to feel better about yourself. There is hope, user.

i still dont know how to win over cute little girls :(

I need to get a passport but to get a passport I need someone else who has a passport to be my witness but no one has a passport so I can never escape this shithole

Just found out that the girl I'm in love with and currently living with just had unprotected sex twice with her current boyfriend and plans on kicking me out. nbd


I literally have just a few $K left to burn through, and then an hero.
Nope. Not gonna stream it, because fuck you.

I'm in debt because I gambled because I wasn't fine psychologically because of ongoing dissatisfaction with no reason, even though I'm almost done with university as an engineer, getting my MSc in January, have a wonderful wife, friends and Family. I don't know wtf my problem is. Now I have to save money secretly since no one except the person who gave me money knows I'm in debt, not even my wife. Months full of lies are waiting for me, I hate my life right know.

Wait, what country are you in? Doesn't the office do the background check on you and then just issue the paperwork?

for a passport? What shithole do you reside in?

I have two gf and I don't know which one I should stay with.

Girl 1: She cooks, cleans, cares about me but lives very far away, she's also very experienced with sex so yeah, that's a bit of a turn off since she seems like she has been fucked many times and by God knows how many.

Girl 2: More chemestry, she knows the real me, cares about me too, she works and doesn't live far away, she refuses to cook and clean so that's a BIG turn off, she also likes to go out with friends so that's another turn off.

I am such an antisocial fag that I won't even go to my best friends birthday party.


No job, lost it due to a disability. Had a mental breakdown as a result. I feel like a waste of space. I am hopeless. I have nothing to give my partner for christmas, and i've been medically written off working for months. I don't want to be sad anymore.

>smoke a joint
>take 2 shots of any liquor
>1 line of coke
You'll be ready.

I'm newfag and not gonna pass current semestr at my school, meanwhile instead of learning things I have to I'm laying in my bed whole day thinking how to kill myself. Suicidal thoughts for 3 years already.

>likes to go out with friends
guys involved?
if yes, thats a big no no.
if no then grow a pair.
girl 1 sounds nice, as long as she cares about you and someone from her past doesnt come back, or says something like "well hes my bestfriend, it was our past" shes a keeper.

im in somewhat the same predicament, i dislike knowing the fact my SO drinks or used to drink so often, mostly because i grew up with the koran and old habits die hard, at least i can eat bacon now.

New fucking Zealand. On top of that they have to have known me for at least 1 year, can't be related, have to have held their passport for at least 2 years, and it has to be a NZ issued passport. Most of my friends are NEET's with no desire to leave their own houses, let alone the country.

>What is your biggest current problem user?
I'm hungry

>Are you hopeless?
Yes, i am too lazy to get out of bed

Over the summer, I invited a very close friend of mine up to my cottage to hang with me and 2 of my other friends who were already with me.

He, without asking, brought someone else up (who I don't mind hanging out with but is the absolute worst guest imaginable due to clumsiness & inebriation).

These guys showed up popping xanax like fucking tic tacs all day long. Can't even begin to describe how much shit went down; crashed his $50k car into my neighbors ditch, took a nap in the middle of the road cause xanax while the tow truck driver was there.... It eventually culminated to me telling them to get the fuck out and giving them a bag of opiates and benzos JUST so that they'd leave.

Little while later they get pulled over and arrested. Said close friend of mine has been pleading for help, asking me to come testify at the trial that the drugs were mine (as I was currently employed at a pharmacy and that is where they came from). The trials in a couple of days but I still haven't done anything to help (I tried telling him I couldn't testify because I'd have to commit perjury). He was once a very close friend of mine and he faces deportation without my help, but he also almost destroyed my cottage and got my arrested in the process.

What's wrong with her going out with friends? You wanna keep her in your basement as a slave?

you have words, make a gift card if you cant buy one. poor your heart out in it, if they're a good partner then that'll be enough until you get back on your feet. only give up when you've ran out of drugs to do and you're alone.

I'm in debt and I have no one to love. There is one girl but things will never happen between us.

Can't you make something? Even a empty gesture is better than none.


>she refuses to cook
How old is she?

So who is cooking for her if she refuses to cook?

Girl 2 yeah, she hangs out with girls mostly but yeah guys are there too... The other thing is that she has a background of doing CRAZY SHIT while drunk, she doesn't drink anymore, maybe 2 beers with me but that's it but you know, you can always go back to your past. But besides from that I can tell she really cares about me, she proudly shares the gifts I give her in social media (I don't have any so they won't know each other, at least for now) and she knows the real me. I like smoke weed and shes fine with it, girl 1 not much. I may quit in the future tho.

About girl 1 yeah, she's really nice tbh and the only thing that turns me off is that she's not so pretty and she lives pretty far but I can tell she really cares about me,

My computer fucking sucks.
Im surprised usually I have far worst problems, this year wasnt that bad

She's 21 and she mostly eats her meals outside, a big turn off is that she told me this because I complained about a pizza we were eating at a restaurant.

She told me "I won't like cooking for you, because my food doesn't taste great and you'll be complaining" and I was like wtf.

It's his fault for being a fucking retard. It's not your fault user. Let him be deported and maybe he'll learn a lesson.


I am russian :c
This is so sad. My whole life like this picture...

No friends with passport? Aren’t you fuckers everywhere? Which hobbit hole are you buried in- invercargill?