I wanna just start off by saying that I'm trying to find some way to vent my thoughts and have someone to talk to...

I wanna just start off by saying that I'm trying to find some way to vent my thoughts and have someone to talk to. While I'd say I'm more aware of my situation, I'm indeed suffering from a depression that's built up from many years of not being social, not having my foster father who cared for me the most and gave me advice, thus feeling of lonelyness builds up, and my family disrespecting me (good chunk of it being my foster mother). When others don't understand that some people are introverted and ask things like "what's wrong with you?" Or "you're always in your room, that's why" is when they suffer the most. While I had some people I talked to and considered friends in my mind, I didn't want to have any to actually hang out with, is what my foster mother told me, I know that my foster father understood that I was an introvert, and tried to help me in ways he could. After he passed, the family started to judge me and tell me "im not going to get anywhere in life" while I've proved them wrong time and time again, the pain built up more when someone took away 2 years of my life and sanity on them when they used me and lied to me. I wanted to trust no one anymore, and I knew I'd just live a boring life. The worst came, is when I became close friends with someone, I felt like they understood me like my foster father, that I could be myself and not hide. But I put that onto them, and when they pushed me away, I cracked, and began to cut my thigh up. They blame themselves but it's my fault that I put myself onto them. I lost my job soon after, and when I break down I can't cry inside the house without my mother yelling at me and saying "it's my own fault" so I've done it a few times under the bridge. Everytime I do cry, I genuinely feel like I wanna not live anymore or kill myself, it hurts so much going through this. I don't have anyone to go to to talk to so it builds and builds. So I'm stuck. Idk what I can do other than suffer through it. Have oc, it's me

Shoot up the school. That always helps

Quit blaming everyone else. You're the problem.


Tits or gtfo

Shoot me an email and we can be friends if you want
[email protected]

>You're the problem
>gives no context
Yes, thank you for giving me the most basic and childish responce
Im a boy tho
Er... mailinator?

Get out the house asap user, find people who understand you for yourself.

Then make a cleavage wid those boy tittles

I want to, I just have to get hired by someone so I can get working again. I don't have any money to pay for next month's bills

You;re the problem. You can either:
A)Work for years to get your masculinity back.
B)Kill yourself
C)Live shitty depressing life as something no-one wants.

Let me remind you that you brought this on yourself. YOU have to dig yourself out.

You are a self entitled self centered narcissistic bitch with a shitty personality on the internet begging for acceptance from a group of anonymous horny teenagers. Maybe the step-dad wasn't hard enough on you. You. Are. The. Problem.

It's a disposable email to make sure I don't get doxxed. Ez

Before you bitch more, I know you got a cock. Doesn't change anything.

also, what where you thinking? Everyone here either hates people like you, or is someone like you. Your not going to get any helpful advice here. go back to /lgbt/ or tumblr.

Should of thought of that before before you laid on your ass all day begging for internet attention. Maybe, I don't know, fucking get a job, or just work. I do both.

>although your still a shadow of a man that could have been. Unluck.

Post boi hole

I don't hate groups, I hate people and this person proved they're worthless to me personally.

Kinda worse if you think about it. Means this person is so shitty that even without the inherent bias of hating a group, I still am disgusted to my core by this person breathing our air, consuming our resources, and wasting our time.

I don't need that shit, not being inconsiderate and retarded is good enough.
When the fuck did I ask for acceptance? Do you come on here just to bitch and not try to even read the post? You can't change an introvert, is isnt fucking magic. And he was my foster father fucking twat. My real parents abandoned me

>post boi hole
see /lgbt/

>dont need masculinity
well then i guess your nothing. Sure as hell arn't a woman.

tl;dr what the fuck learn how to space shit an paragraph shit out, you have a fucking enter key for a reason you subhuman mongoloid.

Ayy, don't listen to any of the fucks in thus thread, m8. They're just a bunch of piss shits who got fucked by daddy a little too hard

I know what you're going through to at least a certain extent. I was good friends with someone who was introverted, almost antisocial. I saw what being alone and being bullied can do. I know it seems hard but you have to find a way to let go of your inhibitions and put yourself out there. Apply to some jobs, you need money anyway, and just try and bond with some coworkers. Get a social app or just talk to some strangers. I know it seems tough but you have the ability to do it!

None of this is your fault but you have the power to change it. I know it's hard but you can pull through and make your life into your own paradise

I've been trying to??? I can't just stop working and not pay bills
Cry more? What are you a perfect human? No, it seems that you're the type to bitch 24/7

At the moment you are six under. Your only option is to claw yourself out.

>traps, soiboi, trans

None of this is real. Wake up.

Masculinity is all you have. (even though it would appear that you've lost it all)

>Man are manly women are feminine
I guess I'm not 2D unlike you

You're not being introverted. You are useing that as a buzz word cause you think it makes you unique or special. This is why you keep having problems, why everyone hates you. You are a tool, you are the embodiment of everything wrong with a human being, you are the essence of what it means to be a sheep, a follower. People hate you cause no one actually knows you.

You wanted advice that's the best advice anyone will ever give you, quit being such a bitch, work more often and harder, and no one gives a shit about you.

I get on here before work sometimes to read this crazy mess. Vary rarely do I find something I'm so disgusted by that I feel the need to post. Last time was around 3 years ago or so. You are lucky. Maybe I was wrong, maybe you are so fucking vacant, it might.... Make you special.

Gross... Put that tiny thing away kid


No-none is "2d'. there is always some doubt. The ones who appear to be "2D" are just simply the strong ones. The ones who work with what they are given.

I could care less really about what I am ATM. I so have to get myself out of not working, but the depression I have has been built up for years. I want to get shit done. But when I'm getting beat up mentally and even by family it doesn't help

Im not trying to demoralize you. I am trying to give you the truth. There is no easy way out. Just simple work and determination. Clearly I have no idea who you are, or what you have overcome, but that is never an excuse. Find the courage. Work. Get your life on track.

this thread again -_-

Tin-foil ACTIVATED I guess I need to go into the woods and chop down some trees to come off as manly
Am 21 :^( had a couple drinks but I don't think it's for me

I know what you mean about depression and finding it hard to work. However, I find the best thing todo is to either sppend time outside, walking in park etc, or to find what I think is most important to me. Not just in the short term, but long term. Long term goals are what you need.

I have those, I've done some of them and want to do more, I just have stress and worry that I can make it to what I need to do or get done

Anything will work as a long term goal. Say you want to make purple birdhouses, but you dont have a saw that can cut the kind of wood you need. Even though its an autistic goal, it still serves the purpose.

Since you are a young pperson still, I would say this is perfectly normal. Even though it sucks, and it does let me tell you, its just how it goes. Eventually you will carve out a life you enjoy, so long as you are willing to work for it.

A suggestion though. Being gay will not make life easier. Much the opposite.

Yeah, sometime I'll get to the things I wanna do, it's just anxious having to wait sometimes
Some right some wrong, I just do whatever can make me happy

Meme your confidence back my friend. Fill that hallow void that exists in you. You bitch earlier about no context in regards to you being the problem, I gave you context and you are still not happy. I could continue to just rip you apart bit by bit, but now you're a self entitled narcissistic bitch that is also a hypocrite. I don't know if I have that kind of time. So good day.
21s the new 14 apparently.

Jolly good, old word recycler *slaps with glove*

Also most people will simply take advantage of you.

for example

wouldn't recommend these threads as they will not help unless some white knight faggot comes along. (I guess thats me this time but i've just had enough of this faggotry ruining impressionable young people)