Approached any women IRL lately user?

Approached any women IRL lately user?
post embarrassing stories/ alternatively any wins.

Other urls found in this thread:

People around me are stupid.
No embarrassment or true wins.
Yeah, you can hook up with a 9/10 but, they're fucking stupid, jeez

>be me
>first day of class and meet 7/10 girl
>i sit next to her
>teacher has a ice breaker session so we can talk with classmates
>turns out we have a lot in common
>"hey user, are u free tomorrow"
>oshit thisismychance.jpeg
>we meet up
>she kisses me
>im so happy
>i wake up
>an hero

>Be me
>walk into *videogame shop*
>drop dead gorgeous, petite girl working the counter.
>name tag reads: Juliet.
>I feel as though we have a connection as she catches me staring.
>holding copy of second hand old school Mortal Kombat (2011).
>step up to counter.
>She initiates conversation about the latest Mortal Kombat and if I am excited to play it
>Summoning the might of 1000 goros I look her up on facebook and send a friend request
>fantasising about our life together while waiting for the unlikely event she adds me.
>She accepts
>’Hi!’ she says with a smiley emoji
>’Heyyy. You may not remember me. I stopped in at *video game shop*. What’s up. Just playing mortal kombat ;)’.
>no reply.
>check back at her account.
>I am immediately blocked.

This is why I now purchase my games online.

Tell me about it. No matter how attractive you think she is, some guy, somewhere is sick of her shit.

hahahaha fucking great story.

>Went with a friend to check out a office space for him
>Realtor looks like a slut, either bad mid 20's or good late 30's, aiming toward the first.
>Flirt with her while friend checks wirings and sockets
>Ask "say..if someone would like to contact you on a non professional matter what number should they call?"
>Slut gives me her number on a lavender post-it
>It was last month, haven't called her yet.

I'm sick of most people.
Only my dick can be happy.


Not edginess, just total lack of motivation or interest.

I mean, when you really can't have a discussion about real issues, when you understand that there's nothing to be gained from the first phrase, it's just.. boring.

I would say the sparks of the offer have definitely gone by now. Why the fuck didn't you call like a day or two after?
>there must be a legitimate reason.

This woman wants you to fuck her...Get in contact if you want, user. I'm sure it will create a new experience that gets her wet enough to initiate meeting up. Make it soon after though initiating contact. If she's the slut you claim she may be she will fuck you in the same day. Unless you fuck that up too. This is pussy on easy mode, user.

>ironically the most motivational thing I've heard today

A fact of life, man. "Style is more important that substance, initially".

Right (?)
Things got hard lately - on finding quality personalities.

the trick is to let it find you, user.


That's weird man. Don't friend girls you don't actually have a conversation with.

i tried to kiss her and she laughed at me, if dubs killing myself


reroll, if dubs killing myself

We got a winrar!

not technically quads but there they are. You lose user


There are women IRL?!


No. only in anime