Everybody say nice things about my bb rat. She’s a good girl

Everybody say nice things about my bb rat. She’s a good girl.

Cute rat OP, what is her name?

How expensive is a rat. Are they cuddly?

What a fucking slut.

What's it like having a pet rat?

She looks delicious


had 3 rats growing up, currently own 2 ferrets. they were amazing pets even as a kid, simplest way I could put it is imagine a very small, smart dog. they're all different but overall they get very cuddly when they get older (only live 2-3 yrs) and you can basically take them anywhere with you if they're trained well

My danger noodle thought the same thing.

Let's play a game called feed two snakes with one rat

>danger noodle
The fuck is wrong with you?

Cute snek.

I had pet rats as a kid. Kept 5 of them in a cage. My mom had a pet snake. We would feed my pets to hers.

Now here's the fucked up part. the snake suffered some trauma where it couldn't kill its food so we had to kill the rats before we fed the snake. Her method? Put it in a paper bag and hammer down.

Rats are rats. They just run around and shit.


Danger nooodle is an adorable name shush.

I'm science labs, when you dispatch a rat for future tests, they throw them against a wall.

Like having a smelly fuzz ball you almost never touch, and when you do it pisses and shits on you.

You guys were idiots. How you kill nice and rats for snakes is to put them in a container, and stick them in the freezer.
Then thaw under warm water to feed the snake.

Tf lab are you working at? Jason Vorhees Pharmaceutical? We just suffocate them...

the blunt end of a knife behind the neck and a quick press down breaks the neck and kills them instantly.
Piss off?
Thanks, her name is Nagini.

Nice name/10

And hypothermia is even less painful. And with something that size, only takes about 30 minutes, get cold, then feel warm, then go to sleep, not conscious as your paralyzed and unable to breath.
Hold a bag tight over your head, that panicky feeling? That plus paralyzed as they suffocate for several minutes is what you are doing.

>tie to rocket

our snake would only eat it if it was fresh. We also tried a drowning method and the snake would still reject it. That snake had a lot of fucking problems. I'm glad so was forced to get rid of it a few years later. It got too big and our state has a law on the limit of how large a snake you can own as a pet.

Prior to the knife, you tail swing them onto the floor or countertop to knock them unconscious.

I still ways fed my snakes dead, thawed mice and rats, to prevent injury to the snake

I made a gas chamber for juden snails.
Out of plastic and bleach and ammonia.

But then you can't feed it to a snek safely.

>gas chamber
Hitler has come back

Its so cute and tiny, pretty and small.

We don't need to know what your girlfriend said to you.

many don't notice the rats - just as their lion counterparts - are undoubtly considered the king of rodents.

long live queen bb!!

What a cute dick