How do I cut?

How do I cut?
How do I cut without getting found out?
Where should I cut?
I hate myself.

remember kids down the road not across the street

if you dont, then dont start. thats the only advice i can give you.

Yeah yeah, but my kitchen knives won't go deep enough for "down the road"

>help me get into a self-destructive habit, guys!
Are you fucking retarded?
Seek help, talk to your parents, grow the fuck up.
Choose one.

just try harder, you could even use a spoon for that

cut your upper thigh it does make you feel better I use an Xacto and keep it clean it wont get infected. I also don't cut patterns only straight lines so when it heals it looks normal.

I didn't come to Sup Forums for life advice, I came to figure out how to hurt moar and suffer less

Sideways for attention, long ways for results

Op doesn't want to kill they want to feel better and will if they listen to

Unoriginal. Here's your (you)

show pic after you cut yourself

no webcam unfortunately
will try to get one before inevitable an hero


inner thighs can be cut easily. back of the leg. upper arms then just wear long sleeved shirts.

Hey user, previous cutter here.

Find another thing to separate you from reality, letting you feel the things that you can't normally.

Video games, running, exercising, writing, etc

Anything is better

Keep a clean timer on your phone or something, that way you can see your progress

How old are you?

why are you asking Sup Forums instead of googling this shit retard

there's no way to hide cuts because everyone's gonna notice your wearing extra clothing and assume you cut yourself even if you don't.

it's pointless and it won't solve anything and if you really hate yourself that much that you believe cutting is the only solution (which is also retarded) then consider suicide (something that is also, again, retarded)
keep in mind that you're probably not of age to make rational decisions anyway until you're like 25, so you probably shouldnt do anything rash

OP you wont have to if you do it right. cut when you rage cut when you get too happy cut when things are going bad. If you cut like I do you will feel better and it will be your secret it will make you stronger and it will give you something to look forward to. like it does me.

a few red lines on my thigh won't fuck up my life

OP is a cunt looking for attention. Go to the ER and seek help if you're really having trouble, but if you're just going to take advice from user on how to hurt yourself, I'd recommend a lot of green sharpies.

Things with a razor blade. Also if you don't want to actually die only do a superficial cut, going deep on your things is a great way to sever your femoral artery and bleed out.

cut dick no one will see it

what do green sharpies have to do with cutting

Found the newfag

2 years on this site

NO not the inside of OP's thigh I'm saying I do the outside near my hip no one will see and you can easily keep it clean. I use an Xacto and clean after and cover. you will feel better OP

>> Where should I cut
I suggest the neck, this will give you pain, but your hair will hide it. Remember to cut deep to really feel the pain.

I agree with you but do you really think that calling someone retarded and telling them to seek help is going to make them not get into said self destructive habbit?

Let get the information they want because they almost certainly know consequences

Fucking oath. I cant help you but gl bud

Is the bermuda triange above my dick a good place to cut?

>this is an +18 site

>what do green sharpies have to do with cutting.
5 in the pooper will do the same as cutting is what user means

You're just wrong about this.

Don't feed false information and lies to someone who is troubled.

Cutting is a psychological war between yourself and yourself and it's a place nobody should be alone in.

Coming from experience you should just not start, the brief moments of relief are followed by confusion, anger, and so many more emotions that just make why you cut in the first place harder to deal with.

I am being very serious I have been cutting most of my life and I am very productive. I feel it helps me so I was just honest with OP.

You've never had any moments of questioning yourself about your real intentions about doing it? Wondering what you would tell someone who happened to see them etc?

Bodily harm is not a productive thing.

You could maybe be a masochist..that could explain the positive feelings you get from it.

For me personally, it was a huge problem and ultimately led to the point where I had a gun in my mouth ready to pull the trigger. I'm glad I didn't do it

What do I cut with thats easily accessible in a regular home. No razors

cut your your thighs and shoulders

How old are you OP?

Get the fuck out of your house and find a goddamn hobby. Or get a cat.

I have a cat

You shouldn't cut yourself, Go read a book or go play a sport or just do soemthing better

Jesus Fucking Christ: go down the road instead of across the street or else you’ll never get there.

Wow, best advice. Also, learn to read, you dumb nigger.

I done all that. It didn't work That's why I'm cutting

We've had this post three times

listen to me you stupid little special snowflake
if you hate yourself, then change what you hate instead of hurting yourself. that's by far the most dumbass thing you can do. instead of being a useless piece of shit that lies around cutting and crying like a little bitch, go be productive and your life will not be so fucking useless.
jesus christ you kids make me angry, grow the fuck up instead of staying in your pathetic "depressive" states. You're too stupid to figure out that you're the one who creates your own problems

This is pretty solid bait. I can tell you were really feeling it for a second, there. 8/10.

>I dOnE aLl ThAt. iT dIdN't WoRk ThAt'S wHy I'm CuTtInG
Grow up mate.


Sideways for attention,
Longways for results.


Op here, jumping thread.

he's right though

cut on the legs and wear pants

Why cut when stabbing is the more effective way

>wear pants
now THAT is some quality advice

I don't care. That same edgy comment has been posted like five times already. So fucking original.

i do it all the time and it works

stop being a pussy and learn a trade. Fucking tired of these useless pussy teenagers waste of space faggots. If you feel so bad about yourself then go be useful somewhere. fuck.

do the thighs its a satisfying cut and you wont get caught if you wear pants

make a straight line not horizontal that ain't gonna kill you little cunt, make it vertical so you can bleed to dead

because it's correct, lmao

picture shows you going across the street. you need to go up the road to get the best as well as you will never get found out

Cut yourself on the legs like some others suggested, then realize in some years (if you're still alive by then kek) that the damage to your thigh skin is so big that your legs look like those of an 80 yo granny and then kill yourself because you ain't got a beautiful body to compensate for your empty personality.

Was actually genuinely feeling pissed, but kay

>how do i cut without getting found out
does that negate the whole reason you are cutting?
>i hate myself
its alot easier to hate everyone else and it makes more sense since everyone in the year 2019 is a cunt.