Any bongs around? I cant for the life of me recall what the heck this gadget is called

Any bongs around? I cant for the life of me recall what the heck this gadget is called...

USB drive, Pen drive, Flash drive.

No that doesn't sound quite right

Picturecrush whizzlehamington

pretty sure u stick it up ur ass

Thats a juul nigga

Tiny media pez dispenser

The never goes in the first try gadget


Zip Diskette

that is a computer cracker

That's a youtube. It's a tube that directs You's to your account for processing.

I'll show you later

Fucking dongle m8

It's a buttplug

Data sauce

It's a pluggity-play dongleberry drive

nigger sticker

Memory Stick?

that picture is a bong you dumbass

A dongle


I don't know but Phat Panda is the foshizzle

think it's called a bangcruise


Stickersfield memorybobbington

that is a bus pen for the universal series cup

eets ah plug n play m8

Are you a fucking mong?


Look either you can drop the attitude RIGHT NOW or I will take matters into my own hands. DON'T TICK ME OFF

the only correct answer

Zip disquette

Pen drive / Thumb Drive / Memory stick etc etc

Internet backup

USB stick.

in my country we call them
disk on key

fucking kill yourself weirdo

And what country is that?

thats a zip disk

israel, the country that invented the flash drives

that is a carklebit dataweembly

It was first invented by a Malasian you trog.

Floppy disk
you're welcome.

kek, that's what I thought at first

oh yeah

it's for porn

cool dubs but check your facts buddy
"USB flash drives were invented at M-Systems, an Israeli company"
google it

It's a dingo

thats a data knife



That there is an Amazon Fire Stick

Emergency "unforgivable porn" drive


2nd version of the USA

Check my quintuple!

all those repeating digits

slippy slidey file guy

Flashy dongle pen

maybe later.