Sup Sup Forumsros

Sup Sup Forumsros.

General beg thread.

I'm getting kicked out in 3 days unless I can come up with $500 to backpay my rent. Parents have disowned and I'm on the verge of being homeless.

Please help :(

13VM5ejWjzbcqck oLVTVdpFSL2b8BWUR6g

OP here.

u deserve it loser

That is just a short-term solution. Ne helping you to win at life

ha ha ha ha

Only 1 bitcoin would fix my life



I’m broke as fuck with two jobs trying to buy a wedding ring and this fuck gets free bitcoin get your fucking life together welfare queen

lmao i'm a rich old fag. i spent $2k last night on slot machines and dont' even give AF

suck it poor people - like literally, go put an add on craigslist. you suck a dude's cock or two and you'll have your money. better than being homeless

I want to participate in the begging for the btc!

Fuck this begging shit I have real world working problems and trying to meet society’s need of buying a dumb fucking ring paying bills and living as a cog in the machine

I can flip it and send back by end of the month with interest. Any amount. If you are happy, there can be potential future collaboration.

Dummy mail: [email protected]
real mail to senders of email on there.

1 like = 1 prayer, now close browser fucking hobo's.

OP here.

I wish we could all be like you. I moved cities in the hopes of bettering my life with a university offer. Been nothing but struggles since I got here, at least my grades aren't too shit :(.

Still able to pay for internet? having a computer? you should get you priorities straight

I made mistakes when I was younger and now I have debt piled up on top of a daughter that I'm trying to support. If I could just erase the debt i would never make the same mistakes again (credit is shot even if I wanted to).. anything would help


well damn don't make me feel like shit

but seriously, go suck a cock or two. just close your eyes and think about christmas. you'll get paid. better than being homeless and dead

I have no work until next year, and will likely need ~$250 to make rent this month. And any amount would be greatly appreciated!!

12T7uFoZSxwdFCp55 c441rXJAgjZUfBFUQ

It's Christmas time. Anything would be appreciated.

OP here! Thank you user! Whoever just sent me 2.17 BTC, you’ve seriously just made my life! I don’t know how I could ever repay you!!!!

I'll just ask for eth instead of btc.

im not on the edge of being homeless or anything, but the new xbox one x would be nice for christmas


Incoming sob story:

So like, last year I travelled around a few places in Europe, Asia and Africa, teaching English and other stuff (usually maths and a bit of science in some African countries), as a volunteer. Saved up a ton of cash working a mind numbing job so I could go help people because that's just how I roll.

Then earlier this year, I was sued by some bitch after I was in a car accident when visiting home. In short: She was in the wrong lane coming off a roundabout (I'm from the UK) but I had no proof of it and she ended up getting favour over me and now I'm broke and it sucks. Really wanted to go back and help people again but now I can barely afford to live, let alone help others live.

Anyway, enough of my retarded shit trying to guilt trip you, I'm at:

Literally anything would help, even if it's just enough so I don't have to dine on fucking ramen for every meal. Thanks, Sup Forumsrahs

NP bro. Been there before when I was younger. Hang in there buddy.



You’re a hero if you actually sent that guy btc send me some for a wedding ring and your first name and I’ll make a shrine and hopefully one day you’ll be like the Mormons

Can I get something small for my sister college fund?


Fake lol. No transaction was made to your wallet.

$500? Your weed is pretty expensive

It's getting to that point man, I'll just cop it on the chin and try and power through the studies on the streets. Uni library maybe? haha

its the good shit my man

I have medical bills I can't pay due to pneumonia I caught. Anything would help.


Had to break address into two lines.

Broke as fuck and need to make money somehow. Whoever tips the most gets to decide what I do/say to people. I can provide screenshots of messages or photos of things.

The more you tip the more outrageous your request can be.
Within reason pls.

I'm depressed af and so fucking poor anything will help

Im starting college and i gona have to pay it for my self .i may not make it so anyhelp will be apreciated so much you dont have idea.

17LDUknU4VAwJJdr BqwpqDnWm3SaXykwCr

Addresses are
Bitcoin 14Djuc7ZGVH 9nMTpsvebZL9 GQQAWE5taLF

Eth 0xacd2a929c 37671e131f0af 16100bc27686b1ac2f

LTC LSoFWVQCa1 D4m9izmzE29hd sLJtS14QpVt

Please help out

Everyone here suddenly is in a desperate situation and im the only one who asked for a new console

fuck you guys making me feel bad

piece of shit

It's cool dude, we all have varying levels of need in our lives.

I need money to get myself out of this hole, but meanwhile some kid is probably getting abused by their parents and they just want to get away from them. That kinda shit makes ME look like an asshole. It's all about what your current position is in life, no need to feel bad.

Regardless, I don't think anyone here is donating anything anyway. Either that, or my long-ass response scared everyone away (I'm
). Not surprised, really, this was kinda a last ditch attempt. Oh well.

If any generous soul is willing to help a poorfag out


Thanks Doc!


I just want to buy more cats. That's the only reason I have to need bitcoin.

16dYkAG2qYHJ8kn ouiT9ovrKtyM7KL2Uoe

Broke user here.
Just spent my entire check on bills and have to make my way down south to see my grandmother for the holidays before she passes away. Not asking for much, just for a bit of help. =/



If I roll trips I get all the bitcoins

sent ;)

If he's a hero and gave you bitcoins, why u still spamming a link?
