Net neutrality ded

>net neutrality ded
>Companies continue to compete
>Becomes not so advantageous to NOT give everyone every single site

Do you even know how to run a company? By alienating entire groups of people you'll just make consumers go anywhere fucking else. Losing money

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you do know a majority of people in America only have access to 1 isp. literally a monopoly

Op doesn’t understand the difference of what’s on paper vs reality

This kind of delusion is why the American middle class has been decimated for the past 40 years.
There is no more competition. Least of all in ISPs.

>Everything was fine before net neutrality in 2015
>OMG we're going back to how it was in 2015!!! The internet is killed!!!

Comcast removed their NN promises the day FCC announced it would repeal NN.

They are slowly pushing it into your shitter and all you do is sitting here posting pro Trump memes.

You trust these people with the most important medium of our time?

There were many violations of "Net Neutrality" principles before around 2010, when actual language was introduced (Open Internet Order)

In 2014 another issue prompted the reclassification of the internet

Which is what led to Title II classification, in 2015. That is where this "Net Neutrality wasn't around before 2015" deal comes from. That is not true at all. Removing that action is a step backwards. There is zero doubt about it.

Hopefully this does NOT succeed and then some slightly more reasonable suggestion comes around that has small changes but keeps most of the old language intact. These changes will be drafted really, really fast or already have been this whole time.

Those hopefully aren't too terrible but you can bet there will be sneaky shit all around, always is

>make consumers go anywhere fucking else.

Most Americans only have 1 choice for an ISP.

Bullshit. There's at least 4 satellite ISPs that ANYONE can use along with phone DSL fast enough for streaming HD. Plus the usual cable internet providers and the occasional fiber services. Stop spreading fake news.

Wonder where this timeline of behavior stopped :^)

There were other regulations prior to 2015. In 2015, thanks to Verizon, the court struck down the existing regulations. The FCC was then stuck between either creating new regulations to protect net neutrality or accepting deregulation. FCC chose to act to protect net neutrality.

This has been a decade long war waged by Verizon and Comcast to gain the right to exploit and gouge the American internet customer. And thanks to corporate puppet Trump, they won.

>Rejects reality

.002 shekels have been deposited.

I'm sorry you deny the real world, but it is real..with or without your permission.

You're bad at trolling friend.

and with net neutrality, that will continue, retard.

>continue to compete

op confirmed for fag


>implying price fixing isn't a thing
>implying a NN repeal solves this problem
>implying capitalism is a moral justified

>streaming high def video over sat net

Guys, I know Net Neutrality is severely under attack, but holy shit this girl makes my dick hard.

Get your last faps in before the internet shuts down for good and you'll have to pay 4.99 for porn access.

It didn't stop. In fact, time Warner was sued by the League of Legends creators, Riot Games, because time Warner refused to upgrade their lines in order to get more money out of Riot. Time Warner won the case. This was in. 2017, AFTER the Net Neutrality bullshit.

Additionally, each one of the cases in that picture were won by the FCC and the companies got a mud hole stomped in their asses.

Who provides the backhaul connection for those satellite ISPs?

Who provides DSL lines and cable services?

The list of companies that can do this only gets smaller until someones physically lays more cable EVERYWHERE.

This is not any "fake news" bullshit, this is actually a serious issue.

He's trolling or shilling user, nobody is /that/ dumb.

Polygon? Seriously? That's the liberal's version of Infowars. Got any cool Buzzfeed stories, brah?

or how about, pay us extra website or we throttle you and reduce loading speeds by 40% so that your competator gets more traffic, the user base doesn't really notice besides thinking, hey this site loads like shit and is shitty I will go else where... ISP then gets it's extra extortion from said website and wins and everyone on the fucking internet loses and competition dies

Until someone is ALLOWED to lay more cable

>Tfw Google fiber hit a roadblock in my city due to regulations set in the 70s and 80s

You better believe it. That's a whole other core issue entirely. Forget ever raising awareness in the future for problems like that.

Inside the article are various sources for their material. Read it or remain an ignorant piece of shit. I don't care either way.

Oh I know it.

I'm actually against net neutrality in principle but see it as a necessary evil due to the shameful lack of competition.

It's sad that I consider myself lucky that I have 2 broadband ISPs to choose from.
>probably the same exact shareholders for both "unrelated" companies


The internet should be labeled as utlilty in this day and age.

It would stop the majority of all the policy and political horse shit surrounding it.

Are you against Net Neutrality or the idea of Title II regulations or just govt. regulations in general?

It literally would, Verizon is the only shit j can get in my area even though CenturyLink is like a mile away from me (I live in the woods) so now they'll have the ability to expand and reach my development.

>be gas utility company
>beginning infrastructure over 70+ years ago
>barriers of entry enormous for any competing company, no way to be profitable with investing so much into starting up.
>supply 70% of town/city heating supply
>want more money to satisfy investors
>raise gas prices 300% in winter because fuck you
>Don't like it? Then lol get another source of heating.
>b-but muh competition
There's a reason the government stepped in when it comes to critical utilities. Not saying they're doing a good job but to prevent customers from getting absolutely Jew'd.

Even companies like Jewgle can't afford the capital investment to install the fiber lines they want to in cities.

>muh wireless
>muh satellite
where do you think the backbone is?

You're talking about a company, OP, not a monopoly. Markets are free to those who own them. MAGA!

In the early 1990s, we called this "owning the last mile" between the cloud and the consumer.

>companies like Jewgle can't afford the capital
Music up: Blondie singing One way or another.

This is a very keen observation on your part and i assume youre very intelligent not to get swept up in the hype and rage.

I dont know how things go in america as far as isps go.. But i do know that in the food industry, there is an umbrella, and all food companies and distributors fall under basically i think 4 major corporations who use seperate brand names but use all of them..

I wouldnt be surprised if the same holds true for isps.

Also i live in canada (still have net neutrality here...), but we pay the highest prices in the world for cellphone plans, our internet is slow af compared to other countries, and it too is very expensive.

Reason being we have like 2 companies that own all the data networks, who own and hide behind the mask of 10s if not hundreds of providers, and bell owns basically all the wireless infrastructure.

Up here at least, net neutrality would mean that there are actually just two companies who are equally hell bent on emptying our pockets and will most certainly try these packages.

One will offer first, then the other will offer a cheaper plan with more, but not *all* website services.

After the smoke clears in that battle, internet packages like the one youre saying wont happen will be the basic norm.
I clearly dont know how your isps actually work and whether or not theyre all owned by a very small group of giant parent companies.

What i am doing is challenging your "everything will be fine" view, though it reflects great on your brain and critical thinking ability, and asking you look a little deeper.

Trump would never do that, don't let those lefties win, fuck the net neutrality!

Generally not fond of any federal regulations.
I still recognize their necessity in many areas and to be honest the fcc hasn't reached too far as far as I have researched.

>believing that net neutrality didn't exist before 2015
kys retard.

The last five places I lived only had one ISP available to choose from. How the hell am I a consumer supposed to go anywhere else when there is no fucking where else to go?

>Le kultural marxism
Every time I see someone unironically post this just it confirms to me that they're brainlets who don't know what they're talking about.

You could opt for no net
With mobile net it's doable but not ideal.

Too bad the mobile providers keep shrinking

>mobile providers

>Verizon or AT&T

>Pajeet former Verizon shill head of FCC

It's all going to be the same

That falls under existing restraint of free trade statutes.

It's more like "pay us extra and we'll set up an infrastructure and caching to give your customers on our network faster service to your website."

Mobile is ever so slightly closer to a free market, though. At least they were. Those regulations are probably going out the window too.

I use the internet for my work. So no I can't opt for no net, because that would ruin my business and my livelihood.

And mobile net is the same fucking monopolies.

>and there goes your work VPN

Btw how much you yankees pay for your internet per month? For me it's 10Mbit/s unlimited included in rent (technically 4 dollars per month according to condo agreements) and it's full rate all the time.

12 Mbit down
700 Kbit up
No cap
Full speed
~$80 a month

Currently 10Mbit/s unlimited would cost me $49.95 per month with my (only choice in my area) ISP.

poor murica fags
be me
>20 Mbps up
>200 Mbps down
>$50 per month
>could get 400 down 40 up for $60


> There's only like 5 companies that control the Internet
> Collude to make controlled "competition" spurts, like one company offering good prices and another seeming like the worse choice
> In the end, they control the communication medium of the next century, making them important companies that you can't simply ignore
> They can pretty much do whatever they want as long as they have someone helping them pass abusive bills and regulations in favor of them

You have no idea how powerful they are. They seemed feeble and retarded a few years ago, but how that everyone and their dogs use the Internet, they control the lives, entertainment, socialization and social organization of the citizens of this country.


It's funny to me how this is being put on top of how shitty American ISP internet is to begin with
Like America pays worse than 3rd world countries in terms of rates for internet. SHITTY medieval internet at that.
All these "only £50 for me to download 200Mbps" quotes are true, and Americans can't believe it

Now that i looked at it, it's about 15 dollars for 100mbit and 23 dollars for 350mbit connections. but don't really have need for that. 2 physical ISPs and pretty awesome LTE also by all service providers available (10dollars per month, unlimited). EUfag

Because America is the greatest country on earth
>Americans actually believe this

My fellow Americans are a special kind of special.

Tack this one on.
Prior to 2015 the only speed I could get was 1.5 Mbit in my area.
I live in a city of 3 million
That 1.5 Mbit cost me $40 a month after the 2 year $20 promo ended

Most Americans believe it and bitch about it constantly, however Americans live in a plutocracy where their opinions don't matter. Almost all Americans oppose the repeal of net neutrality, yet it's still happening regardless of their thoughts.

The problem is Americans are to spinless to revolt.

>Absolute retard uses pol memes to pretend, that he has something to say.

Atm in the UK I'm getting fucked with 7mbps down and 400kbps up :(

Go see the NFL thread for debate relating to how much companies care about alienating customers. And that's for shit people don't even need.

Im in the U.S. and only pay $40 per month for 100Mbps up and down.

Sucks to be a yuropoor, doesn't it? Oh, and for us it's unlimited.


fun fact I get 500/500 for 12,50 per month
and i dont even know what the word limited means

>be me
>Be Republican
>Vote against healthcare
>Vote against internet
>Give tax cuts to billionaires

Ha, take that liberals!
