What is the best game out right now for PC?

What is the best game out right now for PC?

i want a new game

pubg man. everyday and everynight

You play Witcher 3? I don't know if I'd say best game, but it's pretty fuckin good.

not a fan of 3rd person shooters

guess i could try it though

ill check witcher

you can play in first person too. really fun, but hard at first

Divinity original sin for rpg
R6 siege for shooter

yeah if you like having a 200 hours long story book with gay ass dialogue and a shitty plot read to you.

It's hardly even a game, and the gameplay it does have is clunky, unbalanced fuckery. 100% that game completely and it is probably one of the shittest games I've played in my life.

No idea why everybody hypes that pile of shit up.

Red Orchestra/Rising Storm
They're not the best but they are very good if you are into realistic shooters

why 100% it then?

because I have an anal compulsive habit of finishing Trophies/Achievements in games (depending if I'm using my PC/PS4).

I can't stand seeing incomplete percentage bars, especially not on my Steam account.

It's a completionist thing.

Divinity 2

Yeah the game is dogshit. There's honestly an entire Act of the game where you perform in plays and listen to pub music and a bunch of other retardation. You do it all to find one guy - only to have him tell you what the fuck you already knew - the girl you're looking for ain't there.

The game is praised for its narrative, but honestly most conversations drag out for 20 minutes. Things that could be said in 10 seconds, get extended to 5 minutes just for the sake of seeming 'ye olde medieval.'

Faggot game.

He didn't played it. Just posing on /b

>great story
>good characters
>lots of things to do
>huge variety of quests
>DLCs are better than most AAA games that came out this year not kidding
>awesome grapichs (love taking screenshots)
the only problems i have with it are the dialogues, but for open world games there is no real alternative, and the movement

how can a singleplayer game be unbalanced?

Ring runner

it's on steam, awesome gameplay, okay story, great humor

Except multiplayer is dead, which sucks

You can just skip the conversations

Deus ex human revolution, this game is fun as fugg. Old but good. If you haven't yet, play it

Sup Forums and /vg/ here
if you're looking for old but gold, go for Max Payne. If you're looking for new, go for Prey 2017.

>just for the sake of seeming 'ye olde medieval.'
i hate this shit so much.
>everyone uses pluralis majestetis
>parents speak to their kids in it
>makes me mad

Fuck. And i actually enjoyed that part.

Player/Enemy balance is still a thing.

Story was not great. It's literally: "I'm looking for Ciri. Okay I've found Ciri." - except spread over 300 fucking hours.

Characters are bland and fucking dull. If you think that's good, then you probably enjoy the writing of Disney characters as well. Who the fuck wants to spend 5 hours finding some fag in a bag named "Dandelion"

Really there's only like 3 things to do, basic fetch quests, 29 hunts (or some shit low number) - and then some generic side activities like bombing monster dens. The game literally has no depth, it just tricks you into doing the same shit over and over by bogging you down with dialogue to the point nothing feels repetative because it takes 2 hours to get 1 thing done.

Yeah - huge variety of quests that are in essence all the same few things. Kill enemies, talk to somebody, play card, go somewhere.

DLCs were literal dogshit - how could anybody enjoy that faggy fairytale land they put in one - broke away from their own universe to literally have Shrek's homeland as a DLC.

Awesome graphics is probably the only part you're right on - and even then they're bogged down by shitty ENB and lighting that makes everything a red haze for 50% of the in-game day.

There are shorter games that are alot better. Tonnes of content doesn't mean jack shit if it's all boring piss.

Both half-life games are pretty rad.

Europa Universalis IV. You will understand shit for the first 20-30 hours, but after that, it's the most complex game I ever played.

And basically skip 99% of the game?

Not op, but i was thinking of getting this, but i already have h1z1 and they look basically the same

absolutely and also other games from paradox but eu4 is the best

Than make a suggestion instead of just bragging

I've been sinking hours into Dead by Daylight recently. Fun as fuck to have one buddy play as the killer and you as survivor then coordinate on Discord to fuck the other survivors without them knowing. Don't buy it unless you have people to play it with though

"Balloon Challenge" by Soleau Software
