Make a meme alternative map of your continent with only 3 countries

Make a meme alternative map of your continent with only 3 countries

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>tfw North America is already like 3 countries anyway and making such a map will not be a 'meme'

>alternative map
change the borders


1. Roman Empire
2. Finnish Empire
3. the rest are barbarians
You know the borders

Extremely good post

north america should be
-Mexico + all the land they lost in the Mexican American war
-USA minus Mexican lands + Canada minus Quebec

Se te olvido centro america

to Mexico, although I generally think of North America as ending in Yucatan.

>-Mexico + all the land they lost in the Mexican American war

Nobody should be forced to live in Mexico. Nobody. Our ancestors fought and died to save us from that terrible fate.

>our faggot ancestor died in the alamo like bitches

Even 2 countries. Can also add Israel.
White - Europe
Green - Eurabia

Anime o muerte!

White will last for 4 years or so I bet.


Why not putting Chile in the 4º Reich?

you need to have 100% german ancestry to join the Reich

But Chile is white as fuck.



I forgot, which nation does Texas reside again?

Canada, Mexico, Brazil

Great one, amigo!

Also, no English. The languages spoken are French, Spanish and Portuguese.



I unironically like Mexico but that doesn't make any sense, ese. We're Canadian. Oregon too.

>entire Asia, only 3 countries

This would be painful.


From Portland to Vancouver aren't either the US or Canada tbqh. It's kinda independent from the East Coast, California, or Canada culturally

Agreed, but on Pedro's map we need to be one or the other and Canada makes infinitely more sense.

That I agree. Another thing about his map is Florida (at least South Florida) is Canada rather than Mexico

Yeah I didn't even notice that.
You paying attention here man? We need to trade the PNW with Canada for Florida. You can probably take Alabama and Mississippi too if you need to in order to make it fair. Canada won't mind.

"Delícia Empire"...
man, Jailson Mendes its already too old...
but its still eternal


I don't get it. Also how the fuck is Utah not Jesusland?

My country is already just one continent and will stay that way.

Fuck I thought that was Colorado

Also I got a fitting captcha
Weimerica is a combination of Wiemar Republic and America

El Norte.

I've seen a lot of people memeing on the Weimer Republic lately but I haven't gotten the joke. Care to explain?

Wiemar era Berlin had a reputation for being a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.
An author by the name of Kurt von Stutterheim wrote about life in Berlin immediately after the Great War.
He said pornographic magazine were sold openly by street vendors, and brothels, gay clubs, and strip clubs operated openly.
"The German theatre had become a home for the
display of overheated and perverse sexuality, for which the public
bought tickets with the expectation of witnessing something abnormal"
The joke is modern day America is as immoral as Wiemar Republic was

>living in a landlet continent
also the continent is Oceania not australia right? or is oceania only the part further north?

oceania is Australia, PNG, West Papua (RIP), New Zealand and the pacific islands

Oceania is a region not a continent
Australasia is a continent
Zealandia is a continent

The Great Caliphat
>Everything from Afghanistan westward

>India, Pakistan, Bangdladesh, Nepal, Burma, Bhutan, and Tibet

Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere
>Rest of Asia, including Asian Russia