Time-traveler from 2057, ask me anything

Time-traveler from 2057, ask me anything.

Y u lying tho

Fuck off, time-nigger

can you give me some advice that will make me rich as fuck

So how does bitcoin work out?


Will I ever quit being such a fag?

>Time-traveler from 2057, ask me anything.
What time is it?

We're full-up time-nigger.
You can crash in the '80s if you want.

BTC wull hit above 10 million in 2022 if I remember correctly, China will no longer host the server parks after the crash and then it's gone like most other crypto currency. Besides BTC all others died before the BTC crash.

It's 22:42 here.

OP is a faggot.

What is the best Power Rangers season in the next 40 years?

Does women have 3 titties in 2057?

Why reply to a faggot, are u gay ?

Will North Korea be nuked?

No, but most of the high powered positions have completely shifted towards women.

North ans South Korea reunited in 2033 after the revolution. No.

Why the fuck did you come back here?

I can't leave, remember? ...

Are they still LOGposting ?

what's a bitcoin worth these days? should i keep my 0.01?

What's my post number gonna be faggot

Only serious questions will be answered.

See: >754035799

See >754036728

What is the world's population in 2057?

stupid science bitch couldnt even guess a number

Almost 10 billion.


When was time travel discovered?


Is Vento Aureo confirmed ?

Is Doctor Who still on the air after having developed real Time Travel?

>>Only serious questions will be answered.

Damn straight it's a serious question .. I sank all my etherium and bitcoin into Log futures .. I wanna know if imma gonna be rich beyond my wildest dreams.

how does the star wars movie end

What happened to Donald Trump?

JoJo part 5 confirmed?

And of course: Did they release Half Life 3 ?!

Haven't seen it, can't answer, sorry, post plot (just googled it).


Which one? Disney and then Wallcorp produced dozens..

I had to Google what half life is, the answer is no.

how did losing net neutrality affect neckbeards ?

Am i dead then

Why come to late 2017? Or is time traveling just a vacation thing for the super rich and entitled people?

Does Eminem make another album?

does haflife 3 ever come out?

I don't think so, major breakthroughs in 2042

Nope, I'm stuck here. I wanted to see my parents in their prime.

Where the hell did we go wrong??

i take it earth survived the asteroid coming 10 years from now on a collision course was it the new orbital weapons platform that stopped it or was it because of the practice asteroid we landed on the other year to figure out how to give it a nudge

There wasn't any astroid ????

How does time travel to the past work?

Follow up question from that user: Is it publicly known or do (((they))) keep it hush hush for as long as possible?

>Nope, I'm stuck here. I wanted to see my parents in their prime.
How did you get your hands on a time machine then?

When and how is global warming stopped

Can you name 3 nintendo switch games that come out in 2019

I want to go back to the 50's.

Oh shit boys we got a time-line hopper in this thread.
This is the timeline where we memed a president into being, somehow tracked down a flag in the middle of nowhere from chemtrails, and bombed an ISIS camp.

How is the death metal scene in 2057?

You get stuck... It's a choice only allowed for 'certain people'.

It's not, but technology evolved..

I can't remember such things after almost 50 years...

How do you become one of these “certain people”?

>This is the timeline where we memed a president into being, somehow tracked down a flag in the middle of nowhere from chemtrails, and bombed an ISIS camp.

Wat ?

who is president in your timeline?

Timetraveler here from around the same era as OP. Don't ask for proof, there are people out there who are trying to monitor me, and this board gives me an aura of believably.
The branch of time-travelers OP comes from never perfected the art (and that is what it is) of travelling through time, getting "stuck" in certain timelines even if they're being super careful. The private company that developed this technology got greedy and didn't try to make it the best version of itself before they went traveling. This is the reason you will see a lot of people making mistakes like OP did and not being able to come back.
The more level headed ones of us waited until we could "hitch a ride" back and forth throughout time.


Here's an easy one.
What North American city was nuked on April 4th. What year was it? How did the COR respond? Who founded COR?

Has Sup Forums got better or is it still a shit show of Andy Sixx logs and traps?

Why Andy Sixx?

What is the greatest weaponry advancement in the next 40 years?
What is the white population % in the US in 2057?
Was there an uprising against white people in the US?
Was there an economic collapse in the US?
What happens to the Alt-Right?
What happens to Antifa?
What happens to ISIS?

From 2030 get employment at ElbilluGlobal

Is now able to answer your questions.. (if he is real)

? if you're from the future you can use the internet + how did you spend 50 years going backwards?


Time traveler from 2063 here. Could I maybe ask you guys to be a little more careful in responding to the Very Loud Radio Signal in two years? Thanx bai.

>Only serious questions will be answered

>Answers question about women with three tits.

I see Sup Forums in the future is still pretty much the same.

I'd be keen to monitor the thread and answer questions.
Yeah that's kind of impossible the rate it spreads around the internet and all though. How do you propose we go around this?


You timeniggers can't calculate in the future? 2057 is exactly 40 years away, not 50, you stupid cunt.

Give us a meme from the future. Any of your memes will do but the most popular would be best.

Can people in the future not figure out how to reply to an earlier post?

>When was time travel discovered?

It doesn't matter.

The future sucks.

>BTC will hit above 10 million

I can tell you're full of shit already.

>What is the greatest weaponry advancement in the next 40 years?
Quantum computing. The digital warefront are where some rather large battles will take place in the coming years.

>Was there an uprising against white people in the US?
There already is.
Was there an economic collapse in the US?
Yep. Only advice I'm going to give you is invest in multiple crypto-currencies because the US dollar goes to pretty much WW2 German era inflation
>What happens to the Alt-Right?
More people gravitate to it.

What happens to ISIS?
>Nigga have you really not been looking at the news? ISIS is dead, but the ideology remains.

am i still a virgin?

Question to end all questions
Are traps gay

What is up in the future with Nigger propaganda and such made by (((them)))? Did it get better, or worse?
Is it still a crime to be white and straight?
>Pic sorta related, from one such propaganda thread.

this is the only important question

Yes, you die alone and a virgin, sadly.

will ajit pai get what's coming to him?

Fuckin gab3 noo9 reeeeeeeeeeeeee


You just wait for the up and coming months, user.
He gets what is coming to him.

Well nice LARP fail homeslice. I bet you also didnt vote trump unlike all of us respectable gentiles

so... nothing?

any new diseases to be worried about?


Traps aren't gay because a gay person is not traditionally attracted to women looking individuals.

>he says while deepthroating a """feminine penis"""

what products do u have in the future that a dullard can invent now
Change history =P

you need to be worried about low functioning autism

the shills and trumptards are everywhere. these truly are the dark days.