Come to Bronnen

Come to Bronnen

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roy pizza horsecock minimum wage

Spam your shitty site elsewhere, faggot

nice ass roy

how do i upvote this

where xtian @

where roy @


ook ook me post on internet oook






wow fucking explain this thread to me please?

roy: sure i burned my mom's house by accident, a lot of people think i'm dumb because of that and yes i did get fired from an unpaid internship and i've been an unemployed alcoholic for more than a year and i've been fired from numerous minimum wage fast food job even part time ones were too much for me to handle and i didn't even graduate from high school and in fact i lived in mom's basement right up until i burned her house down by accident and since iwas banished from utah i live in a supervised assisted living group home for adult retards so why don't you listen to my opinions about important politics topics which i got from looking at Sup Forums mei meis yes thats right i am jewish so i'm smarter than you so just listen to me ok


Is that what bronnen is?

Bronnen, likely dutch, plural form of bron meaning "source" or "well". Sources? Sources of what?


source of horsecock

roy orbison

>he doesn't know what bronnen means

out with you fingerboxer, I want the weird one to talk more


i frequent that shitty site only to find out what bronnen means.

t. bronnen non-knower.