Of course you were


Fuck yoi nigger

I dunno if there were any "dimes" in England during any time period. I can easily understand why she didn't recieve any.

willing to believe but there is no evidence

Post more of these, I find them hilarious

Shakespeare was actually an actor and the works were written by John Dee to try and promote european society to become more literate.


Deyz whities keepen da dark man down an shit. Dey whities leave and we be kangz an shit again.

This isn't even true.


The problem is that niggers actually believe this.

World would be doomed without blacks

lol, no they don't

A fuckload of them really do believe they were kangz. That Jesus was black, Egyptian pharaohs were black, the first astronomers were from Africa, etc.



it should be painfully apparent, especially to those with an interest in history, that they were not, in fact, kangz

Oh, FFS, this and only this picture pissed me off in this thread. Assembling a PC is no harder than working with lego blocks. "Invented". Fuck me.


Yeah but that doesn't stop them from believing in bullshit.


I'd argue it's easier... Most things only fit in certain spots. It's like one step above color coding...


Any update on the janitor Sup Forums doxxed from yesterday?

we wuz shakeaspears N sheit

>>was illiterate
>>could barely write his own name
Well, which is it?

This doesn't really have anything to do with the fact that he's black and more than people who write articles like that are retarded.

He wasn't asking to raid someone, he was requesting more stupid shit like OP's pic. Are you brain damaged in some way?

Romea'quan, Romea'quan, where the fuck you be at?
