I have an idea

I have an idea.

I'm goin for it

put spoon in microwave

I'm gucking serious now.

it won't spark

Add Golden teddy bears and milk and you are set


I'm a fucking genius, i did something with my life.

spoon in ass please

Here we go.

get on my level

Almond milk? A bottle of red wine nearby? Off yourself soyboy.

>Here we go.

It's good.

Ill just drop this here

HEY! It never spoils! and it's pretty tasty.

When you pour chocolate milk in that bowl is when I get a boner.

>Red Wine
It's clearly a beer bottle you autistic taint shaver

... i don't have any and that was my only bag of mini oreos. The deed is done.

It was a noble experiment, thanks for sharing!

Much better than the dick/shit/trap/bawksie/rate/wwyd/troll threads


these are not the same things.

Similar but totally different texture.

I tried.


Kudos, good sir. Your thread has been a pearl cast amongst the swine.

If you're looking for the "rate my dick" thread, it's located elsewhere.


>Dollar store bag of mini oreos







I feel like the fact someone on here castrated themselves after this event.

Means I've made Sup Forums and the world a better place afterall.

Fuck off, junior.

oreos have too much raw coal in them. if you microwave them you'll release the poison gas.

I considered it but I have french bread pizzas cooling in there. also, hot oreo... i dunno

but thanks for the warning. I'll eat clean coal oreos in the future.

That you have.

milk causes zits


Only dairy I get these days is cheese

Trips for truth. We should celebrate by having mini Oreos for breakfast and lopping off the dicks of high schooler shit posters.


Damn your genius.



I did it!

how about making a bowl of ramen but instead of the flavor packet use a packet of grape gatorade drink mix

I kind of want to try that now. For science.